About Department
Brief History of the Department of Fine and Applied Arts
The department started in 1976 as a certificate awarding institution which metamorphosised twenty-nine years ago into the department of Fine and Applied Arts after the creation of Delta State in Nigeria. Located in Site two and distributed into three distinctive areas on campus, it houses the following units: Ceramics, Graphics, Painting, Sculpture and Textile sections. Art History and Art Education are conveniently domiciled within the Department. In addition over 70% of staff have doctorate degrees. Besides, staff development are the availability of infra structural facilities such as the Departmental Library, Bruce Onobrakpeya Art Gallery, Studios and Classrooms for Students. Other working equipments of international standards are contained within the studios. Offices are also available for staff. In terms of human resources, the department is known for scholars of national and international reputation. In deed, the taste of the pudding is in it's eating. Therefore, on behalf of all members of the departmental board of studies prospective students are welcome to our outstanding deparment. Thank you.
Ese Odokuma-Aboderin( PhD).