
Email: abamwaoe@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: Ceramics and Art Education
  • Department of Fine and Applied Arts

  • Dr. Oghenekevwe Abamwa is a graduate of the defunt Bendel State University, now Ambrose Ali University, Ekpoma. She had her MFA (Ceramics) and Ph.D Art Education) at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Kevwe Lectures at the Delta State University, Abraka. She has series of paper publications and exhibitions to her credit. she is currently a Senior Lecturer.
    My Publications
  1. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2018) The Concept of Beauty in Urhobo Pottery, Mansfield Ceramics Pty Ltd at Gulgong NSW 2852, Australia.
    https://www.mansfieldceramics.com/cap-articles/the-concept-of-beauty-in-urhobo-pottery/ Vol.#109 Pages: 96 – 99

  2. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2020) Pottery: A Tool for Cultural Preservation in Some Niger Delta Traditions., Mansfield Ceramics Pty Ltd at Gulgong NSW 2852, Australia.
    https://search.informit.com.au/documentSummary;dn=919915495368259;res=IELHSS;type=pdf Vol.#114 Pages: 143 - 153

  3. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2018) Pottery and Decoration: Example of Warri Metropolis., Tropical Built Environment Journal Faculty of Environmental Science Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State.
    http://tbejournal.com/index.php/tbej/article/download/52/61 Vol.Vol 6 Pages: 81 – 86

  4. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2016) The Pots of Raliat Saka : Forms, Style and Function., Ashakwu Journal of Ceramics: Zaria-Nigeria
    Vol.Vol. 13. Pages: Pp 92 – 101.

  5. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2015) The Relation between Pottery and Sculpture Among the Benin of Nigeria, Ashakwu Journal of Ceramics: Zaria-Nigeria
    Vol.Vol.12 Pages: 57

  6. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2014) The Uses of Urhobo Traditional Symbols in Pottery Art:, Ashakwu Journal of Ceramics: Zaria-Nigeria
    Vol.Vol. 9 Pages: 123

  7. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2014) Clay Properties and Challenges to Ceramic Cottage Industries in Nigeria in Abaka, Humanities Review, A Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Delta State University, Abraka-Nigeria
    Vol.Vol. 6. Pages: 146-157

  8. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2012) “Types, Forms, and Functions of Orugbo and Otor-Edo Pottery”, Journal of SNA (Society of Nigerian Artists): River / Bayelsa States Chapter: Nigeria
    Vol.Vol. 5. No.1. Pages: Pp.34-41.

  9. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2012) “Security and Copyright in the Visual Arts” in Gender and Creativity, Journal of Female Artists Association of Nigeria
    Vol.Vol. No.1. Pages: Pp.63-72.

  10. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2012) Pottery Decoration: An Identity for the Amai Potters of Delta State, Ashakwu Journal of Ceramics: Zaria-Nigeria
    Vol.vol.9. Pages: Pp. 123-130

  11. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2011) Analysis of Clay in Bomadi and Patani Local Government Areas of Delta State, Visual Arts Journal (VAJO), Nigeria
    Vol.Vol.1, No.1. Pages: Pp. 10-15.

  12. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2009) “Clay Body Formation for Ceramics and Sculpture Production”, Journal of SNA (Society of Nigerian Artists): River / Bayelsa States Chapter: Nigeria
    Vol.Vol. 2. No.1. Pages: Pp.158-174.

  13. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2002) “Production and Firing Techniques of Ughevwughe and Otor-Edo Potters”., National Gallery of Arts, Abuja
    Vol. Pages: Pp 109-115.

  14. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2003) “Urhobo Symbols on Wood” Studies in Culture, Arts and Religion among the Urhobo and Isoko of Nigeria., Pam Unique publishers
    Vol. Pages: Pp 53-60.

  15. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2003) “Pottery: A Case Study of Otor-Edo Community, Nigeria”, Creative Traditions in Nigeria: Nigeria.
    Vol. Pages: Pp 163-171.

  16. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2002) “Pottery as Instrument for Economic Empowerment in Ishiagwu”, Kraft Books Limited
    Vol. Pages: Pp 342-350.

  17. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (1992) Child’s Abuse, NYSC, State Office
    Vol. Pages: (1992)

  18. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (1992) NYSC Emblem, NYSC, State Office
    Vol. Pages: (1992)

  19. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (1992) Career Talk on Ceramics, using produced ceramics pieces by the artist (Abamwa, O. E.), Commissioner of Education
    Vol. Pages: (1992)

  20. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (1992) Quality Ceramics Sign Post, Quality Ceramics Limited
    Vol. Pages: (1992)

  21. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (1997) Harvest in the Desert, Department Fine and Applied Arts
    Vol. Pages: Pp. 20

  22. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (1999) First Rhythms, Society of Nigeria Artists (Delta Chapter)
    Vol. Pages: Pp. 17

  23. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (20002) Inner Vision Exhibition, Department of Fine and Applied Arts, College of Education
    Vol. Pages: Pp. 29

  24. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2000) Art and Environment, Ovuomaroro Gallery
    Vol. Pages: Pp. 108.

  25. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2001) Nigerian Women in Art, The National Gallery of Art, Lagos.
    Vol. Pages: Pp. 16.

  26. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2002) Rhythms of the force, Ovumaroro Gallery
    Vol. Pages: Pp. 68

  27. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2002) “Otuewena” (Man and Society), National Gallery of Art
    Vol. Pages: Pp. 15

  28. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2003) Designing for Environment , University of Uyo
    Vol. Pages: Pp. 12, 13

  29. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2003) In the Mind’s Eye, Society of Nigerian Artist
    Vol. Pages: Pp. 25

  30. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2003) Poetics of Media and Content, Delta State University, Abraka
    Vol. Pages: Pp.6

  31. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2003) Interaction, Inspiration and Expression, Ovuomaroro gallery
    Vol. Pages: Pp. 102

  32. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2004) African Art Today, Delta State University, Abraka
    Vol. Pages: Pp. 5

  33. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2005) Oguan-Art and Architecture , Ovuomaroro Gallery
    Vol. Pages: Pp. 133

  34. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2007) Rhythm and Forms: Creative Dialogue , Delta State University, Abraka
    Vol. Pages: Pp. 5

  35. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2010) Nigeria @ 50, Rings of Hope, Nigerian Female Artists Association
    Vol. Pages: Pp. 5

  36. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2011) A decade of Realistic Textures, Nigerian Female Artists Association
    Vol. Pages: Pp. 56

  37. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2011) Resurgence, Delta State Government, Nigeria
    Vol. Pages: Pp. 21

  38. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2011) Visual Symphony, Society of Nigerian Artist, (SNA) Delsu- Abraka Group of Artists.
    Vol. Pages: Pp. 14

  39. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2012) Creative Exploits in the Homeland, Delta State University, Abraka
    Vol. Pages: Pp. 7

  40. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2020) Images for a Secure Environment , Delta State University, Abraka
    Vol. Pages: Pp. 6

  41. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2012) Issues of the Moment, Female Artist Association of Nigeria
    Vol. Pages: Pp. 1

  42. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2012) Transformation , University of Uyo, Akwa-Ibom State
    Vol. Pages: Pp. 17

  43. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2013) Plight of Women II, Female Artist Association of Nigeria
    Vol. Pages: Pp. 17

  44. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2013) Milestones , Society of Nigerian Artists, Delta State Chapter
    Vol. Pages: Pp. 5

  45. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2014) Visuality and Content , Delta State University, Abraka
    Vol. Pages: Pp. 9

  46. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2016) Good Governance and Education , Fulbright Workshop and Education USA College
    Vol. Pages: Pp. 13

  47. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2016) Dynamic Horizon, Delta State University, Abraka
    Vol. Pages: Pp. 7

  48. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2016) Delta State University, Abraka @ 25 sights and strides of DELSU an exhibition of monumental investment opportunities and academic products., Delta State University, Abraka
    Vol. Pages: Pp. 32

  49. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2017) ARTLAS the Masters an art exhibition to mark the Eleventh Convocation Ceremony of the Delta State University, Abraka., Delta State University, Abraka
    Vol. Pages: Pp. 7

  50. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2018) Varieties (Forms, Media, Content and More), Delta State University, Abraka
    Vol. Pages: Pp. 6

  51. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2019) WHICH WAY NIGERIA an exhibition to mark the Exit of the Vice Chancellor, Prof Victor Peretomode from office. , Faculty of Arts and Department Fine and Applied Arts, Delsu.
    Vol. Pages:

  52. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2012) Milk of Womanhood, Nigerian Female Artists Exhibition (United Arab Emirates , Dubai)
      Vol.  Pages: pp. 15

  53. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2015) Pottery: An Instrument of Cultural Sustenance, pdfs.semanticscholar.org
    https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Pottery%3A-An-Instrument-of-Cultural-Sustenance-Abamwa/b936d97fd7ca0c8c4ce28da65640ae95825e2aec Vol.Vol 31 Pages:

  54. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2007) Orugbo and Otor-Edo Pottery: A Comparison of Typology, Journal of Creative Arts
    http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=1cMSt7UAAAAJ&hl=en Vol.Vol 3 Pages: Pp. 64

  55. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2001) Urhobo Women's Art, Published for Department of Creative Arts, University of Port Harcourt
    http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=1cMSt7UAAAAJ&hl=en Vol.Vol 2 Pages: Pp. 79

  56. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2015) Wall finishing: A Case Study of Warri Metropolitan Area., Arts and Design Studies
    https://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/ADS/article/view/23708/24279 Vol.Vol 33 Pages:

  57. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2019) The State of Pottery Production Amont Ughievwen Traditional Potters , Humanities Review, A Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Delta State University, Abraka - Nigeria
    Vol. 9 No. 1 Pp Pages: 239 - 251

  58. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2019) Media Experimentation: an Unending Quest for the Visual Artists. "Media Exploration in the Studio" , Delta State University, Abraka
    Vol. Pages: 2 & 6

  59. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2018) Monograph: Forward for Varieties: Forms, Media, Content and More, Delta State University, Abraka
    Vol. Pages: 2

  60. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2019) Monograph: Forward for: Media Experimentation: an Unending Quest for the Visual Artist "Media Exploration in the Studio", Delta State University, Abraka
    Vol. Pages: 2

  61. Abamwa Oghenekevwe Elizabeth (2019) Monograph: Introduction: Enhancing Slab Ware Production through Design and Fabrication of Slab Strips Extruder in Nigeria , Delta State University, Abraka
    Vol. Pages: 3