
Email: diakparomre@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: Sculpture and Art History
  • Department of Fine and Applied Arts

  • Professor Abel Mac Diakparomre started his research endeavor as a material culture research officer (Ethnographer) with the National Commission for Museums and Monuments (NCMM) in 1977 after obtaining a B.A. (Hons.) (Fine Arts) degree of the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. While with the Museum, he obtained his Master of Fine Art degree (M.F.A) in Sculpture of the University of Benin, Benin City. He, thereafter, joined mainstream academics as lecturer II in the Bendel State University where he continued with his research interest in traditional sculpture and its practice. This interest also inspired his doctoral studies at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, which yielded a thesis, in 2007, with the title “Urhobo Performance Sculptures: Icon and Act”. These research efforts, in the studio and in the field, have found vent in numerous academic journals, books and art exhibitions. The efforts eventually earned him a Professorship in 2011. In addition to academic pursuits, Professor Diakparomre has held a number of administrative and representative positions in the University including acting head of Department, acting Director of Academic Planning, and acting Dean, Student Affairs. He also served in the Governing Council of the University as Congregation representative (1997 – 2001) and Senate representative (2001 – 2005). In addition to these, his service to community saw him serving as a member of the Delta State Advisory and Peace Building Council for 2015 to 2019.
    My Publications
  1. Diakparomre, Abel Mac (2011) Art Criticism and Art History: A Symbiotic Relationship, Start: Journal of Arts and Culture
    //startjournal.org/2011/02/ Vol.006 Pages:

  2. Diakparomre, Abel Mac (2011) Beyond Mimesis, Solo Exhibition of Non-Representational Sculpture/ River Motel, Abraka
    Vol. Pages:

  3. Diakparomre, Abel Mac (2011) Resurgence, Art Exhibition to celebrate Delta State @ 20 held at Orchid Hotel, Asaba, Delta State
    Vol. Pages:

  4. Diakparomre, Abel Mac (2011) Visual Symphony: Abraka Group of Artists, Exhibition at Quintessence Gallery, Falomo Shopping Centre, Ikoyi SW, Lagos
    Vol. Pages:

  5. Diakparomre, Abel Mac (2010) Treasures of Benin II: Unfolding, Exhibition at Mydrim Gallery, Lagos
    Vol. Pages:

  6. Diakparomre, Abel Mac (2010) African Traditional Sculptures: An Appraisal of Classification Paradigms, African Research Review
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/afrrev/article/view/58202 Vol.4(1) Pages: 29-39

  7. Diakparomre, Abel Mac (2010) Comments on Regulation Issues in Modern Art Practice in Nigeria , African Research Review
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/afrrev/article/view/58366 Vol.4(2) Pages: 514-522

  8. Diakparomre, Abel Mac (2009) Artifacts as Social Conflict Resolution Mechanism in Traditional Urhobo Society of Nigeria’s Niger Delta, Ufahamu: Journal of African Studies
    https://escholarship.org/uc/item/80v732qx Vol.35(2) Pages:

  9. Diakparomre, Abel Mac (2009) Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation (Sculpture), Readings in General Studies: Nigerian Peoples, Culture and Entrepreneurial Skills/Delta State University, Abraka
    Vol.3 Pages: 248 - 251

  10. Diakparomre, Abel Mac (2009) Nigerian Art: Forms, Evolution and Significance (Sculpture), Readings in General Studies: Nigerian Peoples, Culture and Entrepreneurial Skills/Delta State University, Abraka
    Vol.3 Pages: 123 - 137

  11. Diakparomre, Abel Mac (2008 ) Terracotta and Historiography of the Niger Delta in Nigeria, Ashiakwu: Journal of Ceramics
    Vol.5 Pages: 127-136

  12. Diakparomre, Abel Mac (2008) Pottery in Nigeria’s Niger Delta: Problems of Chronology of Traditions and Forms, Nigerian Journal of Policy and Group Relations
    Vol.1(1) Pages: 1-31

  13. Diakparomre, Abel Mac (2008) Obscurantist Tendencies in Modern Nigerian Art, Journal of Creative Arts
    https://www.researchgate.net/publication/341489646_Obscurantist_Tendencies_in_Modern_Nigerian_Art/addSupplementaryResources Vol.4(1) Pages: 20-26

  14. Diakparomre, Abel Mac (2004) Art in the West African sub-Region, Overcoming Maps 3: Report of the PACA Study Tour of Africa/Pan-African Circle of Artists (PACA)
    https://books.google.com.ng/books?id=WREnAQAAIAAJ&q=Overcoming+Maps&dq=Overcoming+Maps&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjuicT9l-XoAhVxpHEKHR_QAgAQ6AEIJjAA Vol. Pages: 129 - 131

  15. Diakparomre, Abel Mac (2004) The meaning of art in the African Cosmos, Exhibition at Ecole du Patrimoine Africain, Porto Novo, Benin under the auspices of Overcoming Maps 3: PACA Study Tour of Africa/Citadel Publishing
    https://books.google.com.ng/books?id=WREnAQAAIAAJ&q=Overcoming+Maps+3&dq=Overcoming+Maps+3&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjcoImR_vLoAhWqQRUIHfSuCYwQ6AEIJjAA Vol. Pages:

  16. Diakparomre, Abel Mac (2004) Can Art Fill the Vacuum?, Exhibition at Alliance Francaise, Lome, Togo under the auspices of Overcoming Maps 3: PACA Study Tour of Africa/Citadel Publishing
    https://books.google.com.ng/books?id=WREnAQAAIAAJ&q=Overcoming+Maps&dq=Overcoming+Maps&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjuicT9l-XoAhVxpHEKHR_QAgAQ6AEIJjAA Vol. Pages: 55

  17. Diakparomre, Abel Mac (2004) Can Art Fill The Vacuum? The Potentials of Art in Social Development, Exhibition at Alliance Francaise, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso under the auspices of Overcoming Maps 3: PACA Study Tour of Africa/Citadel Publishing
    https://books.google.com.ng/books?id=WREnAQAAIAAJ&q=Overcoming+Maps&dq=Overcoming+Maps&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjuicT9l-XoAhVxpHEKHR_QAgAQ6AEIJjAA Vol. Pages: 67

  18. Diakparomre, Abel Mac (2004) Where is Art? What is Art? Re-interrogating Art in Africa , Exhibition at Centre Soliel d'Afrique, Bamako, Mali under the auspices of Overcoming Maps 3: PACA Study Tour of Africa/Citadel Publishing
    https://books.google.com.ng/books?id=WREnAQAAIAAJ&q=Overcoming+Maps&dq=Overcoming+Maps&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjuicT9l-XoAhVxpHEKHR_QAgAQ6AEIJjAA Vol. Pages: 79

  19. Diakparomre, Abel Mac (2004) Overcoming Maps: Art, Integration and the African Experience, Exhibition at W. E. B. Dubois Memorial Centre, Accra, Ghana under the auspices of Overcoming Maps 3: PACA Study Tour of Africa/Citadel Publishing
    https://books.google.com.ng/books?id=WREnAQAAIAAJ&q=Overcoming+Maps&dq=Overcoming+Maps&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjuicT9l-XoAhVxpHEKHR_QAgAQ6AEIJjAA Vol. Pages: 90

  20. Diakparomre, Abel Mac (2003) Specificity of Surface Decoration to Context in Urhobo Sculpture, Studies in art, religion & culture among the Urhobo & Isoko people/Pam Unique Publishers
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=0FF_2qYAAAAJ&hl=en#d=gs_md_cita-d&u=%2Fcitations%3Fview_op%3Dview_citation%26hl%3Den%26user%3D0FF_2qYAAAAJ%26citation_for_view%3D0FF_2qYAAAAJ%3Au5HHmVD_uO8C%26tzom%3D-60 Vol.35(2) Pages: 31-40

  21. Diakparomre, Abel Mac (2002 ) Elements of Three-Dimensional Form in Technical Designing , Design History in Nigeria: Essays in Honour of Demas Nwoko
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=0FF_ Vol.  Pages: 466 - 47

  22. Diakparomre, Abel Mac (2002) Crossing Boundaries and Frontiers, An exhibition held at Centre Soleil d'Afrique, Bamako (Mali) within the framework of Afrika Heritage 2002, the 4th biennale/The Pan-African Circle of Artists (PACA)
    Vol. Pages:

  23. Diakparomre, Abel Mac and Adewunmi, Ayo (2002) The Spirit of Design: Bridging the Gap Between the Past and the Present, Changing Attitudes – The 4th Biennale of the Pan-African Circle of Artists/Pan-African Circle of Artists (PACA)
    https://www.si.edu/object/siris_sil_771451 Vol. Pages: 92-93

  24. Diakparomre, Abel Mac (2001) Comment on 'Art School' Fad in Contemporary Nigerian Art Scene, A Discursive Bazaar: Writings on African Art, Culture/ Pan African Circle of Artists (PACA)
    Vol. Pages: 113- 118

  25. Diakparomre, Abel Mac (2001) Specificity of Surface Decoration to Context in Urhobo Sculpture, Studies in Culture, Art, and Religion Among the Urhobo and Isoko of Nigeria
    Vol. Pages: 31 - 38

  26. Diakparomre, Abel Mac (2000) Developmental Imperatives in Art Education and Socialization Processes in Nigeria, ETHIOPE RSEARCH: Abraka Journal of the Arts, Law, and Social Science
    Vol.1(1) Pages: 125-134

  27. Diakparomre, Abel Mac (2000) Images of Women in Benin Sculpture Tradition, Art Today For Tomorrow: A Book of Readings/Uyo: Society of Nigerian Artists
    Vol.1 Pages: 40 - 46

  28. Diakparomre, Abel Mac (1999) Development of a Prototype Soft Metal Furnace, Journal of Industrial Design and Technology
    Vol.1(1) Pages: 71 -76

  29. Diakparomre, Abel Mac and Ojie, Grace Ngozi (1999) Teacher-Education for Vocation-Oriented Programmes in the 21st Century: The Case for Child Art, TEACHER EDUCATION: A Journal of the Association of Teacher Educators of Nigeria
    Vol.1(2) Pages: 26 - 30

  30. Diakparomre, Abel Mac (1996) Communication in Three Dimensional Forms, Communication: A Book of Readings/Tonard Klass
    Vol. Pages: 48-52

  31. Diakparomre, Abel Mac (1994) Significance of Aesthetic Awareness in Training for Vocational Careers, EDSU Journal of Vocational Education
    Vol.2(1) Pages: 38-45

  32. Diakparomre, Abel Mac (1993) Kinetic Sculptures of the Urhobo: Masquerades as Sculpture, Art of the Urhobo and Their Neighbours
    Vol. Pages: 10-19

  33. Diakparomre, Abel Mac (1993 ) Benin Heads: Formal and Structural Symbolism, EDSU Journal of Vocational Education
    Vol.1(1) Pages: 26 - 30

  34. Diakparomre, Abel Mac (1993) Polychrome Sculpture and Psycho-Cultural Relevance, The Eye (A Journal of Contemporary Art)/The Eye Society
    Vol.2 (1) Pages: 17-19

  35. Diakparomre, Abel Mac ( 2010) Symbolism in Urhobo Masks and Mask Performances, Journal of Asian and African Studies/SAGE Publications
    https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0021909610373220 Vol.45 (5) Pages: 467-484