The training provides library users with the knowledge and skills they need to be autonomous and sophisticated users of libraries and their resources. It encompasses all actions involved in educating customers how to make the greatest use of library resources, services, and facilities, including formal and informal instruction conducted one-on-one or in groups by a librarian or other staff member.


The E-library service, provides users access to a seat at a terminal that is connected to a databases within the library building and maintains the e-collection of the library.


Here, the focus is placed on providing each user with personalized assistance in order to find documents. It is individualized support provided by the Refence librarian to the reader in their search for information. It includes providing direct, one-on-one assistance within a library to anyone looking for information for whatever reason, as well as a variety of library activities designed specifically to make knowledge as accessible as possible.


The purpose of this service is to assist scholars with scholarly publishing, which mostly entails advice on publication sites, open access, and the marketing of print and digital publications


The library system has a binding area where worn-out library contents are repaired and bound. The section also offers support for materials that cannot be conveniently shelved without causing damage.


The serial Division indexes trending and topical issues in national and state dailies for easy information retrieval for users.