
Email: ohwoao@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: Forest Economics and Management
  • Department of Forestry and Wildlife

  • OHWO, Oghenekevwe Abigail is a Nigerian academic, and specialized in Forest Management and Economics. Ohwo was born at Asaba, the Delta State capital south-south Nigeria. Thereafter, she obtained a Bachelor of Science, with a First Class Honours in Forestry and Wildlife, in 2011 from Delta State University, Abraka. After the completion of the one year national youth service program in 2012, she proceeded to earn a master's degree in Forest Economics and Management (2015) where she emerged as the best graduating student of the Department of Forest Resources Management, and thereafter proceeded for a doctor of philosophy in Forest Economics at University of Ibadan. Upon Ohwo’s outstanding performance at the University of Ibadan, she was nominated amongst other students for an exchange program at the University of Jaen, Spain under the sponsorship of Erasmus+ (2019). She obtained her Doctor of Philosophy degree (Ph.D.) in Forest Economics from the Department of Social and Environmental Forestry in November, 2022. Dr. Ohwo began her academic career in June 2012 as a Graduate assistant at Delta State University, Abraka and rose to Lecturer 1 in 2022. She has served as a course adviser (2014-2019), Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) supervisor, undergraduate project supervisor, Secretary to the Faculty of Agriculture curriculum review committee (2015), and contributed to the development and training of Agriculture and Forestry students. She is currently the examination officer of the Department of Forestry and Wildlife. She is a member to the following professional association; African Forest Forum (AFF); Forestry Association of Nigeria (FAN); and Forest and Forest Product Society (FPPS).
    My Publications
  1. • Ohwo O.A., Dolor, E.D., Gbigbi, T.M. and Ikpoza E.A. (2023) Adaptive strategy of countryside residents in Okomu National Park (ONP) support zone community of Edo State, Nigeria , International Journal of Biosciences/International Network for Natural Sciences
    https://innspub.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/IJB-V22-No2-p239-247.pdf Vol.22(2) Pages: 239-247

  2. Dolor, D.E., Ohwo, O.A., Ogeh, K.T. and Okonji, L.O. (2023) The impact of socio-economic activities of rural dwellers on forest resources in Aniocha North Local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria, International Journal of Biosciences/International Network for Natural Sciences
    https://www.innspub.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/IJB-V22-No5-p137-148.pdf Vol.22(5) Pages: 137-148

  3. Onakpoma, I, Ogunsanwo, O.Y. Ohwo, O.A, Raut, S. Aguma , Q., Schimleck, L.R. and Leavengood, S. (2023) Rubberwood—Potential for Pulp and Composite Board Utilization, Forests/MDPI
    https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4907/14/9/1722/pdf Vol.14(9) Pages: 1-14

  4. 11. Dolor, E.D., Ogeh, K.T., Ohwo, O.A., Ekokogbe, O.O. and Ehimen, C.I. (2022) Participatory model for conservation of Uzere mangrove forest in Isoko South Local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria, Journal of Agriculture and Food Environment/ Faculty of Agriculture, Delta State University Abraka
    https://www.jafedelsu.com/2023/12/07/participatory-model-for-conservation-of-uzere-mangrove-forest-in-isoko-south-local-government-area-of-delta-state-nigeria/ Vol.9(2) Pages: 28-33

    https://www.revista.ccba.uady.mx/ojs/index.php/TSA/article/view/4102 Vol.25 (2) Pages: 53-60

  6. Dickens E. Dolor, Abigail O. Ohwo, Chiamaka C. Chukwumaeze and Anselm E. Egwunatum (2022) The impact of socioeconomic variables of fringe forest dwellers on forest resources conservation on Egbema Forest Reserve in Imo State, Nigeria, Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES)/International Network for Natural Sciences
    https://www.innspub.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/JBES-V21-No6-p1-10.pdf Vol.21(6) Pages: 1-10

  7. Ohwo, O.A. and Nzekwe-Ebonwu, N. F. (2021) Impacts of rural community on the forest estate in Ugbolu, Oshimili North Local Government Area, Delta State, Nogeria, Journal of Forest/ Conscienta Beam Online ISSN: 2409-3807 Print ISSN: 2413-8398
    http://www.conscientiabeam.com/pdf-files/agr/101/JOF20218(1)45-60.pdf Vol.8(1) Pages: 45-60

  8. Ohwo, O.A., Gbigbi, T.M. and Daje O.G. (2021) Marketing of selected non wood forest products in Asaba, Delta State, Kastamonu Uni., Orman Fakültesi Dergisi/ Kastamonu Univ., Journal of Forestry Faculty
    https://dergipark.org.tr/en/download/article-file/1680783 Vol.21(1) Pages: 74-89

  9. Ohwo Oghenekevwe Abigail (2021) PRICE VARIATION AND MOVEMENT OF Halea ciliata SPECIES OF LUMBER IN DELTA STATE, NIGERIA, Journal of Agripreneurship and Sustainable Development (JASD)/ Faculty of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University
    https://jasd.daee.atbu.edu.ng/manuscriptview/fulltext/JASD181912761924 Vol.4 (2) Pages: 117-124

  10. Ureigho, Ufuoma Nelly, Ohwo, Abigail Kevwe, Odjegba Elohor Obukowho and Okunomo, Kehinde (2021) The effect of shifting cultivation practice on Sakponba Forest Reserve, Edo State, Nigeria, International Journal of Bioscience
    https://innspub.net/ijb/the-effect-of-shifting-cultivation-practice-on-sakponba-forest-reserve-edo-state-nigeria/ Vol.19 (3) Pages: 148-156

  11. Ohwo, O.A., Ikpoza, E.A and Emmanuel, U.O (2020) Economic analysis of sawmill waste and its implication on sustainable forest management in Delta State, International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development/School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology, FUTO
    https://www.ijard.com/journalarticles/Vol%2023(2)%202020/1.%20ECONOMIC%20ANALYSIS%20OF%20SAWMILL%20WASTE%20AND%20ITS%20IMPLICATION%20ON%20SUSTAINABLE%20FOREST%20MANAGEMENT%20IN%20DELTA%20STATE.pdf Vol.23(2) Pages: 5113-5120

  12. Ohwo, O.A., Onakpoma, I. and Okoromaraye, E. (2020) Evaluation of graded density fibreboard produced from wood residues (sawdust and corrugated paper), Baltic Forestry/ Institute of Forestry, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry (LRCAF)
    https://www.balticforestry.mi.lt/ojs/index.php/BF/article/view/494 Vol.26(2) Pages: 1-6

  13. Ikpoza, E. A., Ohwo, O. A., Nwajei, C. A. and Tabuanu, C. O. (2020) EFFECTIVENESS OF CREDIT UTILIZATION AMONG FARMERS IN UGHELLI NORTH LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF DELTA STATE, NIGERIA, Journal of Agripreneurship and Sustainable Development (JASD)/ Faculty of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, PMB 0248, Bauchi, Nigeria
    Vol.3(4) Pages: 109-118

  14. Ureigho, U. N., Ezekiel, Z., Ohwo, O. A. and Okunomo, K. (2020) EVALUATION OF SHIFTING CULTIVATION PRACTICES BY FARMERS IN NDOKWA WEST LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF DELTA STATE, NIGERIA, Nigerian Journal of Agriculture, Food and Environment / Faculty of Agriculture, University of Uyo, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria ISSN:0331-0787
    http://eruditescholarsmedia.s3.amazonaws.com/approved_pdf/modified_Ureigho%2C+U.+N+et+al.pdf Vol.16(1) Pages: 132-143

  15. Ohwo, O.A, Adeyemi, A.A. and Ighofose, E. (2018) Evaluation of technical efficiency of sawmills in Udu Local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria, African Journal of Agriculture Technology and Environment/ Faculty of Agriculture, University of Port Harcourt, ISSN: 2346-7290
    http://ajate.agricuniport.com/images/Journals/Vol71/10-Ohwo-AJATE-Vol%207%20no%201.pdf Vol.7 (1) Pages: 99-108

  16. Ohwo, O.A., Oluwadare, A.O. and Popoola, L. (2018) A review of life cycle assessment (LCA) and its applicability as a policy tool for sustainable development of the wood-based product industry., Forestry Association of Nigeria ISBN: 978-978-31085-4-2
    Vol. Pages: 240-248

  17. Ohwo, O.A. and Ogoha, E (2017) Contributions of sawn-wood trade to livelihood sustenance in Sapele Local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria, Journal of Agriculture and Food Environment / Faculty of Agriculture, Delta State University, Asaba Campus ISSN: 2449-1187
    https://www.jafedelsu.com/archive/fulltext/new/37_46%20Ohwo%20and%20Ogoha.pdf Vol.4 (1) Pages: 37-46

  18. Ohwo, O.A. (2016) Price differences and causal factors in marketing of selected sawn-wood species in Delta State, Nigeria. , Journal of Agriculture and Food Environment / Faculty of Agriculture, Delta State University, Asaba Campus; ISSN: 2449-1187
    https://www.jafedelsu.com/archive/fulltext/2016no1/JAFE%20Vol%203%20No%201,%2083-92.pdf Vol.3 (1) Pages: 83-92

  19. Dauda T.H. and Ohwo O.A. (2016) Enhancing sustainable forest management in Nigeria using trees outside the forest, Proceedings of the 5th biennial national conference of the forest and forest product society ISBN: 978-37981-8-9
    Vol. Pages: 141-145

  20. Ohwo O.A. and Agbogidi O.M. (2015) Identification and prioritization of the most traded species of sawnwood in Delta State, Nigeria, Proceedings of the 5th Annual Biodiversity Conference of the Nigeria Tropical Biological Association
    https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Matthew_Ogwu/publication/288331562_A_contemporary_approach_to_the_history_of_plant_taxonomy/links/569b8eb508aea14769542fce/A-contemporary-approach-to-the-history-of-plant-taxonomy.pdf#page=37 Vol. Pages: 26-31

  21. Adeyemi, A.A., Ohwo, O.A. and Lekeada, I.S. (2015) Status and distribution patterns of selected medicinal and food tree species in Owerri West Local Government Area of Imo State, Nigeria, Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and the Social Sciences/African Journals online (AJOL)
    https://www.researchgate.net/publication/312889941_Status_and_distribution_patterns_of_selected_medicinal_and_food_tree_species_in_Owerri_West_Local_Government_Area_of_Imo_State_Nigeria Vol.13 (1) Pages: 44-62

  22. Ohwo, O.A. and Adeyemi, A. A. (2015) Price transmission and market integration of sawnwood of Poga oleosa (Pierre) in Delta State, Nigeria, Nigerian Journal of Agriculture, Food and Environment / Faculty of Agriculture, University of Uyo, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria ISSN:0331-0787
    https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/5cef/5e64bce921bd4d155fea76614bde46204444.pdf Vol.11 (3) Pages: 114-122

  23. Ohwo, O.A., Ajewole, O.I. and Popoola, L. (2014) Spatial price transmission and market integration of Cistanthera papaverifera (A. Chev.) in urban and rural sawn-wood markets, Delta state, Nigeria, Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and the Social Sciences/African Journals online (AJOL)
    http://ir.library.ui.edu.ng/bitstream/123456789/3422/1/%2835%29ui_art_ohwo_spatial_2014.pdf Vol.12(2) Pages: 1-11

  24. Agbogidi, O.M. and Ohwo, A.O. (2013) Trace metal profile of Moringa oleifera(Linn.) seedlings sown in spent lubricating oil contaminated soils, Journal of current research in science
    https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ohwo_Abigail/publication/322665875_Agbogidi_OM_and_Ohwo_O_A_2013Trace_metal_profile_of_Moringa_oleifera_sown_in_spent_lubricating_oil/links/5a67a330a6fdcce9c106e7fa/Agbogidi-OM-and-Ohwo-O-A-2013Trace-metal-profile-of-Moringa-oleifera-sown-in-spent-lubricating-oil.pdf Vol.1(4) Pages: 242-246

  25. Agbogidi, O.M., Ilondu, E.M. and Ohwo, O.A. (2013) Effects of crude oil as soil contaminant on seedling growth of Jatropha curcas L. , Journal of Biological and Chemical Research/Society for Advancement of Sciences. ISSN 0970-4973 (Print); ISSN 2319-3077 (Online/Electronic)
    http://www.jbcr.co.in/volume-30-1-january-to-june-2013-part-b.html Vol.30 Pages: 188-196

  26. Agbogidi, O.M., Mariere A.E. and Ohwo, O.A. (2013) Metal concentration In plants tissues of Jatropha curcas L. grown In crude oil contaminated soil, Journal of Sustainable Forestry, ISSN: 1054-9811 print/1540-756X online/Taylor & Francis Group
    https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=Metal+Concentration+in+Plant+Tissues+of+Jatropha+curcas+L+...www.tandfonline.com+%E2%80%BA+doi+%E2%80%BA+full Vol.32 Pages: 404-411

  27. Agbogidi, O.M., Eruotor, P.G. and Ohwo, O.A. (2011) Germination Response of Jatropha curcas L. seeds as influenced by crude oil in soil, Journal of Agriculture and Biological Sciences/ Global Research Journals
    www.researchgate.net/publication/322666243_Germination_response_of_Jatropha_curcas_L_seedlings_as_influenced_by_crude_oil_in_soil/link/5a67bebbaca2720266b5dd26/download Vol.2(5) Pages: 114-117