
Email: egbuchuacn@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: Soil Pedology
  • Department of Agronomy
  • My Publications
  • EGBUCHUA, C. N. (2020) The efficacy of mahlich-3 extractant in extracting exchangeable bases in ferrallitic soils of Delta State, Nigeria., Adamawa State University Journal of Science Research.
    Vol.Vol (8): 2 Pages:

  • Egbuchua, C.N. and Enujeje, E. C. (2015) Growth indices of Aloe Vera as influenced by Nitrogen and Phosphorous fertilizers in Oxisols of Rain Forest zone, Nigeria. Global Journal of Bio-Science and Bio-technology., Official Publication of Society for Science and Nature. Indexed and Abstracted in: Agricbiotech Net, AGRICOLA, CABI SCIRUS etc.
    Vol.Vol 4(1): Pages: 45-49

  • Enujeke, C. E; Egbuchua, C.N. and Oroka, F. O. (2015) Growth and Leaf Yield of Amaranthus (Amaranthus sp.) as affcetd by different evels of Urea fertilizers in a ferralitic ultisols of Delta State, Nigeria., Journal of Agriculture and Food Environment (JAFE)
    Vol.Vol 2, Nos. 1 & 2 Pages: 88-94

  • Oruese, J.O. Egbuchua, C.N. and Enujeke, E. C. (2014) Contents and profile distributions of total and extractable zinc and copper micronutrients in Pleio-plistocene soils of Delta State, Nigeria., Official publications of the Faculty of Agriculture, Delta State University Abraka, Nigeria.
    Vol.Vol. Nos. 1 and 2 Pages: 163-170

  • EGBUCHUA, C. N (2014) Effects Of Saw-Dust Ash On Soil Nutrient Content And Yield Of Cucumber (Cucumis Sativas) In Some Ultisols Of The Delta State, Nigeria. , Official Publication of the School of Agriculture And Agricultural Technology, Federal Uiversity Of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria
    Vol.Vol. (17) 2: Pages: 1746-1750

  • Egbuchua, C.N. (2014) Characterization and Distribution of Phosphorus in Weathered Oxisols of Anwai-Asaba, Delta State., Nigeria Journal of Agriculture and Food Environment, Faculty of Agriculture, Delta State University, Abraka.
    Vol. Vol. (1) Nos. 1 & 2: Pages: 87-96

  • Egbuchua, C.N. (2014) Variability in Soil Properties as influenced by different land use types in an Ultisils of the tropical Region, Delta State, Nigeria. Tropical et SUBTROPICA. , Official Journal of faculty of tropical Agricultural Sciences. Czech University of Life science, Prague. Abstracted by: Achiotech, Agbio techn Net, Agroforestry abstracts, CABI, Soil Science Data base etc.
    Vol.Vol. (42) 2 Pages: 2014

  • Egbuchua, C.N. (2014) Morphology and Physical Characteristics of Soils developed on a Topsequence derived from coarse-grained pegmatites in a Tropical Region, Delta State, Nigeria. , Asian journal of Agriculture and Rural Development. Official Publication of Asian Economic and Social Society. Indexed and Abstracted in: ULRIFCHS, DOAD, RePEc, Microsoft Academic Search, IDEA, Worldcal, LogEC etc.
    Vol.Vol. 4, No. 5, 6, 7: Pages: 313 – 323

  • Egbuchua, C.N. and Enujeke, E. C. (2013) Growth and Yield responses iingiber of ficinale) to three sources of Organic Manures in a Typical Rain Forest zone, Nigeria. , Journal of Horticulture and Forestry. Indexed and Abstracted in: CAB abstracts, Crop Physiology abstract, Biofuel abstracts, Open-J-Gate, Google Scholar Metric, Crop Science data base etc.
    Vol.Vol 5(7): Pages: 109-114

  • Egbuchua, C.N. and Enujeke, E.C. (2013) Effects of different levels of Organ mineral fertilizers on the yield and yield components of Rice (Oryza sativa L) in the coastal flood plain soil. , JOSR Journal o Agriculture and Veterinary Science. Indexed and Abstracted in: Scientific commons, Google Scholars, Ultrichs WEB, Sensei etc.
    Vol. Vol. 4(2): Pages: 1-5

  • Egbuchua, C.N. (2013) Saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) in relation to some physical properties in some ferralitic soils with Hydromorphic segregation in Delta State, Nigeria. , Nigerian Journal of Technological Research. Official Publications of the Federal University of Technology Minna. (Funded by Education Trust Fund) Abuja
    Vol.Vol. (8) No. 27: Pages: 1-5

  • Egbuchua, C. N. (2013) Ameliorative Measures For The Soil Erosion Threat To 2010 Food Security Agenda. , Nigeria Journal Of Farm Management Association Of Nigeria (FAMAN).
    Vol.VOL 14 Pages: 70-81

  • Ojobor, S.A., Okonmah, L.U and Egbuchua, C.N. (2013) Soil Fertility status of Oil Palm Plantation in Delta North, Agro-ecologial zone. Delta State. Nigeria Journal of Science and Environment. , Official Publication of the Faculties of Science and Agriculture, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria.
    Vol. Vol. (12), 1 Pages: 14-19

  • Enujeke, E. C. and Egbuchua, C.N. (2013) Effects of Cattle based (Cow-dung) and phosphate fertilizer on the yield of Okro (Abelmoschus esculentus (L). Moench) in a degraded ultisols o humid region, Nigeria. International journal of Science and nature., Official Publication of society for Science and Nature. Indexed and Abstracted in: Agric biotechn Net, AGRICOLA, CABI SCIRUS etc.
    Vol.Vol. 4 No.3: Pages: 463-467

  • Ofuoku, A. U. Egbuchua, C.N. and Okonmah, L.U. (2011) A Tobit Analysis of propensity to adopt soil conservation practices among arable crop farmers in Delta State, Nigeria, Agricultural Practices and Science Journal., Official Journal Publication of the University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Romania East Europe. Indexed and Abstracted in: Copernicus, EBSCO, CABI, Russian Scientific and Technical Information Institute.
    Vol.Vol. 77, Nos. 1 & : Pages: 70–78

  • EGBUCHUA, N COLLINS (2011) Properties, Classificationand Agricultural Uses Of Some Fadama Soils Of Delta State, Nigeria. , Official Publictions Of The Farm Management Association Of Nigeria (Faman).
    Vol.Vol(12) 2: Pages: 16-22

  • EGBUCHUA, C. N. (2011) Land And Uses Potentials Of Some Wetland Soils In Delta State, Nigeria. , Official Publictions of the Farm Management Association Of Nigeria (Faman).
    Vol.Vol(12) 2: Pages: 68-74

  • EGBUCHUA, C. N. AND BOSAH, B. O. (2011) Evaluation Of Some Heavy Metals Concentration In Some Municipal Waste Dumpsites In The Niger-Delta Region, Nigeria. Nigeria Journal Of Technology Research., Official Journal Of the Federal University Of Technology, Minna. (Funded By Education Trust Fund), Abuja.
    Vol.Vol. (6) 2: Pages: 30-35

  • EGBUCHUA, C. N. (2011) A Pedological Characterization Of Sois Of The River Niger Alluvial Complex Of Nigeria. Abctracted by AJOL and CABL, Nigeria Journal of Soil and Environmental Research.
    Vol.Vol. 9 Pages: 65-70

  • Egbuchua, C.N. and Ojobor, S. A. (2011) Characterization of some hydric soils in the Niger-Delta region, for land evaluation purposes. , International Journal of Advanced Biological Research. Indexed and Abstracted in: Agribiotech Net, AGRICOLA, CABI, SCIRUS.
    Vol.Vol. (1) No. 1: Pages: 77 -82

  • Egbuchua, C.N. (2011) Effects of Different levels of sewage sludge on the growth and yield of sweet Pepper (Capsium annum) In a Typical Oxisols of Nigeria. International Journal of Science and Nature. , Official Publication of the Society for Science and nature India. Indexed and Abstracted in: Agricbiotech Net, AGRICOLA, CABI., SCIRUS.
    Vol.Vol. 294: Pages: 898-901

  • EGBUCHUA N COLLINS (2010) Physico-Chemical Properties And Nutrient Potentials Of Histosols Of The Mangrove Ecosystem in Delta State, Nigeria., Natural And Applied Science Journal. Official publications of the faculty of Natural And Applied Science. Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Nigeria.
    Vol.Vol. (11) 1: Pages: 112-119

  • EGUCHUA, C. N (2010) Effects Of Graded Levels Of Hydrated Calcium Carbonate And Npk 15:15:15 Fertilizers On The Growth And Yield Of Tomatoes (Lycopersicon Esculentus) In An Ultisols Of South-South Nigeria., Natural And Applied Science Journal. Official Publications Of The Faculty Of Natural And Applied Science. Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Nigeria.
    Vol.Vol. (11) No.2: Pages: 233-237

  • Egbuchua, C.N. and Bosah, B.O. (2010) Characterization of some forest soils under Teak (Tectona gradis) plantation in a Humid Forest region of Nigeria. International Journal of Science and Nature., Official Publication of Society for Science and Nature. Indexed and Abstracted in: Agribiotech Net, AGRICOLA, CABI, SCIRUS. Etc.
    Vol.Vol. (2) No. 4 Pages: 898-901

  • Egbuchua, C. N. ( 2014) Influence of Drainage on the Distribution of Sesquioxides In Soils Derived From Coasted Plain Sands of Delta State., Internal Journal of Agriculture And Rural Development. Official Publication of the School of Agriculture And Agricultural Technology, Federal Uiversity Of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria
    Vol.VOL 14 Pages: 1751-1761