
Email: okparao@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: Animal Nutrition, Production and Management
  • Department of Animal Science

  • Dr Okpara Oghenesuvwe, a Registered Animal Scientist (RAS) is an intellectual of great repute in Animal Science, livestock nutrition, production and management. He is held in high esteem by his colleagues as a practical , versatile, active teacher and researcher, a good organizer and a manager of men and materials. My focus as a researcher is utilization of unconventional multipurpose browse plants, trees and shrubs fodders using different processing methods to reduce their anti nutritional factors and to enhance full utilization in animal nutrition because of their great potential as a source of high quality feed for ruminants and mono gastric animals.
    My Publications
  1. Okpara, O., Atoma, C.N., Doroh, A.U., Ovharhe, O.J. (2022) FUNCTIONALITY OF EXTENSION ACTIVITIES AMONG RICE FARMERS’ COOPERATIVES IN DELTA STATE, NIGERIA, Asian Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development
    https://archive.aessweb.com/index.php/5005/article/view/4472 Vol.12 (2) Pages: 113-122

  2. A. A. Jack1 · O. Oghenesuvwe · M. K. Adewumi · A. B. Omojola · M. J. Adegbeye, T. O. Faniyi, A. Z. M. Salem, M. M. M. Y. Elghandour, C. E. Cuevas-Barragán, A. Barbabosa-Pliego, D. E. Ekanem (2022) Conversion of Neem fruit biomass for rumen manipulation, meat fatty acid profile improvement of rams, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery
    https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13399-022-02629-4 Vol. Pages: 1-10

  3. Okpara Oghenesuvwe (2021) Performance of West African Dwarf Goat Fed Differently Processed Newbouldialaevis Leaves, Journal of Agriculture and Food Environment
    https://www.jafedelsu.com/2021/10/19/performance-of-west-african-dwarf-goats-fed-differently-processed-newbouldia-laevis-leaves/ Vol.8(1) Pages: 34-41

  4. Oghenero OVHARHE, Edith UHUNMWANGHO, Elizabeth YARHERE, Oghenesuvwe OKPARA (2021) Poultry Farmers’ Training Needs Analysis in Edo State, Nigeria, Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Science
    https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/1048072 Vol.31 (1) Pages: 216-227

  5. OVHARHE, O. J., EMAZIYE, P. O., OKPARA, O., AGODA, S. and BENSON, C. O. (2021) Strategies adopted by maize farmers to minimize post-harvest losses in Delta State, Nigeria, International Journal of Agricultural Technology
    http://www.ijat-aatsea.com/pdf/v17_n1_2021_January/18_IJAT_17(1)_2021_Ovharhe,%20O.%20J..pdf Vol.17 (1) Pages: 237-256

  6. Oghenero Joseph Ovharhe*, Oghenesuvwe Okpara, Caritas Asedegbega (2020) Assessment of stakeholders’ contributions to livestock development in Delta State, Nigeria: Rural infrastructure intervention, Open Agriculture
    https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/opag-2020-0067/html?lang=en Vol.5 (1) Pages: 656-668

  7. Okpara Oghenesuvwe, Greg Okagbare, Akaninyene Asuquo Jack (2020) Effect of Processing on Nutrients and Rumen Microbial Characteristics of WAD Sheep Fed Gmelina arborea Leaf Based Diets, International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology,
    https://ijeab.com/upload_document/issue_files/25IJEAB-105202021-Effectof.pdf Vol.5 (3) Pages: 721-729

  8. Oghenesuvwe Okpara (2020) Feed intake, growth and nutrient utilization of West African dwarf Sheeo fed differently processed Gmelina arborea Roxb. Leaves based diets: performance of WAD sheep on differently processed Gmelina arborea leaves, ABAH Bioflux
    http://www.abah.bioflux.com.ro/docs/2020.1-8.pdf Vol.12(1) Pages: 1-8

  9. Okpara, O., Akporhuarho, P. O. and Okagbare, G. O. (2019) Determination of Browse intake nutrient digestibility of grazing West Africa Dwarf (WAD) Goat fed varying level of Gmelinaarborae leaves supplements in Delta State, Nigeria, Fulafia Journal of science and Technology
    https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/6c0b/c1fe3362aaa56887c3f351995da2c157991b.pdf?_ga=2.120553096.1612125981.1587270993-370180265.1587270993 Vol.5(1) Pages: 6-12

  10. Oghenesuvwe, Okpara, Gregory Obawharevwo Okagbare, Job Orienru Akpodiete (2018) Effect of different processing methods on the nutrient composition and anti-nutritional factors of Gmelina arborea leaves in Anwai Community, Delta State, Nigeria, ABAH Bioflux
    http://www.abah.bioflux.com.ro/docs/2018.1-8.pdf Vol.10(1) Pages: 1-8

  11. Okpara, O. and Akporhuarho, P. O (2018) Comparative Assessment of the Nutritive Potentials of Fresh and Dried Terminalia mantaly leaves, Journal of Agriculture and Food Environment/Faculty of Agriculture, Delta State University, Asaba Campus
    https://www.jafedelsu.com/archive/fulltext/2018vol5/45_53%20Okpara%20and%20Akporhuarhoo.pdf?doi=ajas.2017.202.213&linkid=pdf Vol.5(1) Pages: 45-53

  12. Akporhuarho, P. O. Okpara, O., and Oridje, S. O (2017) PERFORMANCE, HAEMATOLOGY AND SERUM BIOCHEMICAL OF FINISHER BROILERS GIVEN GRADED LEVEL OF CRUDE OIL CONTAMINATED WATER, Nigeria Journal of Agriculture food and Environment /Faculty Of Agriculture University Of Uyo
    http://njafe.com/Njafe2017Vol13No4/22_Akporhuarho_et_al.pdf Vol.13(4) Pages: 124-129

  13. Okpara O., Akporhuarho, P. O. (2017) Growth Performance of West African Dwarf goats fed boiled dried Gmelinaarborea and sun dried Moringaoleifera leaves, Nigerian Journal of Animal Production/The Nigerian Society For Animal Production (Special Edition)
    Vol.44(5) Pages: 244-249

  14. Achoja, F. O. And Okpara, O. (2016) Mortality risk severity, associated factors and appropriate management options in poultry Agri-business in Delta State, Nigeria., International Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Studies./European Centre for Research Training and Development UK
    http://www.eajournals.org/wp-content/uploads/Mortality-Risk-Severity-Associated-Factors-and-Appropriate-Management-Options-in-Poultry-Agribusiness-in-Delta-State-Nigeria.pdf Vol.3(2) Pages: 1-14

  15. Achoja F.O. and Okpara O. (2016) Resilience of Poultry Agribusiness to Climate Stress in the Nigeria, International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology
    https://ijeab.com/detail/resilience-of-poultry-agribusiness-to-climate-stress-in-the-nigeria/ Vol.1(2) Pages: 155-163

  16. Okpara, O., Akpodiete, O. J. and Okagbare, G. O. (2016) Nutritional appraisal of processed Gmelinaarborea leaves as feed of livestock., Journal of Agriculture and Food Environment/Faculty of Agriculture, Delta State University, Asaba Campus
    https://www.jafedelsu.com/archive/fulltext/2016no1/JAFE%20Vol%203%20No%201,%2061-65.pdf Vol.3(1) Pages: 61-65

  17. Obakanurhe Oghenebrorhie and Okpara Ogehensuvwe (2016) Performance and Haematological Characteristics of Broiler Finisher fed Moringa oleifera leaf meal diets, Journal of Northeast Agricultural University (English Edition)
    https://www.researchgate.net/publication/300078861_Performance_and_Haematological_Characteristics_of_Broiler_Finisher_Fed_Moringa_oleifera_Leaf_Meal_Diets/link/5a965f8845851535bcdccd2d/download Vol.23(1) Pages: 28-34

  18. Albert Ukaro Ofuoku, Oghenesuvwe Okpara and Oghenebroorhie Obakanurhe (2016) Impact of rural urban migration on poultry production in the Niger Delta Region, Nigeria, International Journal of Agricultural Science, Research and Technology in Extension and Education Systems
    http://ijasrt.iau-shoushtar.ac.ir/article_526958_07bbc88de04b6c7c3daa66062d0ab6f6.pdf Vol.6(1) Pages: 13-20

  19. Akporhuarho, P. O. Okpara, O., and Suame L (2015) Relationship between age and body weight on some linear body measurement of white bornu goats reared under semi-intensive system in a southern Nigeria environment, Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences/Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/jafs/article/view/118439 Vol.13(1) Pages: 66-72

    Vol. Pages: 951-952

  21. Okpara O., Akporhuarho, P. O. and Sorhue, G. U. (2012) Performance evaluation of West Africa Dwarf Goat fed varying of Gmelina arborea as supplement in the humid environment of Southern Nigeria, African Journal of General of Agriculture/Klobex publishers
    Vol.8(3) Pages: 119-124