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  • Area of Specialization: Petroleum Engineering & Environmental Engineering
  • Department of Petroleum and Gas Engineering

  • Engr Dr William E. Odiete joined Delta State University, Abraka on May 27, 2020 as Lecturer 1 in the Department of Petroleum Engineering after working for over 20 years in the Oil & Gas industry as Laboratory Engineer, General Support Engineer and Community & Government Affairs Manager of Schlumberger Nigeria Limited. He is a professional member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), Nigerian Society of Chemical Engineers (NSChE) and a Registered Engineer (COREN). He holds a patent tiled Novel Conventional Oil-Water Separators. Apart from Lecturing, Engr Dr William E. Odiete is or was: Chairman, Faculty of Engineering, Ad-hoc Committee on Consultancy Services, Oleh Campus Member, DELSU Exam Malpractice Disciplinary Committee, Oleh Campus Quality Control Coordinator, Faculty of Engineering, Oleh Campus Health, Safety & Environment Officer, Faculty of Engineering, Oleh Campus Coordinator, Intensive Programme, Department of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering, Oleh Campus Coordinator, Intensive Programme, Department of Petroleum Engineering, Oleh Campus Coordinator, Postgraduate Programme, Department of Petroleum Engineering, Oleh Campus Member, Faculty of Engineering BCS, Oleh Campus
    My Publications
  1. William Ejuvweyerome Odiete (2024) The Conventional Oil-Water Separator as a Polluter Due to Lack of Maintenance - A Case Study, Engineering and Technology Journal Vol.9(4) Pages: 3783-3790

  2. William Ejuvweyerome Odiete (2024) Investigating the Critical Velocity of Cement Slurry with Contamination and Applying the Results to Improve Cementing Job Design, International Journal of Recent Engineering Science Vol.11(2) Pages: 60-65

  3. William Ejuvweyerome Odiete (2023) Facilitating Mud Design, Cementing Job Design and the Entire Drilling Operations by Modelling the Rheological Properties of Water-based Mud and Oil-based Mud with Temperature, International Journal of Engineering Science Technologies Vol.7 Pages: 19 - 25

  4. William Ejuvweyerome Odiete (2023) Modelling the Effect of Contamination on the Rheological Properties of Cement Slurry Using Oil-based mud as Contaminant to Improve Cementing Job Design and Execution in the Oil & Gas Industry, Engineering and Technology Journal
    DOI: 10.47191/etj/v8i8.16 Vol.8 Pages: 2601 - 2608

  5. William Ejuvweyerome Odiete (2023) Evaluating a Local Cement Retarder for Additional Use as a Dispersant for Cement Slurry in the Oil & Gas Industry, International Journal of Recent Engineering Science Vol.10 Pages: 57 - 61

  6. William Ejuvweyerome Odiete (2022) New wellbore temperature control design for preventing failure and poor performance of logging tools in high pressure – high temperature wells, Heliyon/Elsevier Vol.8 Pages: 1-10

  7. William Ejuvweyerome Odiete (2020) Novel metric for managing the protection of humanity and the environment against pollution and its adverse effects, Heliyon/Elsevier Vol.6 Pages:

  8. William Ejuvweyerome Odiete (2020) PATENT: NOVEL CONVENTIONAL OIL-WATER SEPARATORS Patent number: NG/P/2020/183 -, Patent and Designs Registry, Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade & Investment, Abuja
    Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade & Investment, Abuja Vol.183 Pages: 6 - 28

  9. William Ejuvweyerome Odiete (2019) Novel design methods for conventional oil-water separators, Heliyon/Elsevier Vol.5 Pages:

  10. Odiete W.E. & Agunwamba, J.C. (2016) Residence time versus aspect ratio of conventional oil/water separators, International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology Vol.32 Pages: 16-18

  11. Odiete W.E. & Agunwamba, J.C. (2016) Effect of aspect ratio on the oil separation efficiency of conventional oil-water separators, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Vol.7 Pages: 840 - 847

  12. Odiete W.E. and Ademiluyi J.O. (2016) Effect of Aspect Ration on the Suspended Solids Separation Efficiency of Conventional Oil-Water Separators, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research Vol.7 Pages: 128-135

  13. Odiete W.E. & Iyagba, E.T. (2015) Modelling the flow behavior of cement slurry with temperature, International Journal of Current Science Vol.14 Pages: 70-73

  14. William Ejuvweyerome Odiete (2008) Technical Report on Practical Engineering Experience Submitted to The Council for The Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN), COREN
      Vol.1 Pages: 1-100