
Email: muajieh@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: Biochemical engineering, environmental and energy engineering
  • Department of Chemical Engineering

  • Engr. Dr. Mike U. AJIEH is a dedicated academic, researcher, and lecturer at the Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Delta State University, Nigeria. His research focuses on the safe and sustainable circular economy; food, water, and energy nexus for enhanced environmental health, clean and safe drinkable water, and sustainable energy.
    My Publications
  1. Isagba, E. S., Ajieh, M. U., Oshoma, C. E., Amenaghawon, A., Ogofure, A., Obatusin, V., Obuekwe, I. S., Tongo, I., Ihoeghian, N., Edosa, V. I. O., Erhunmwunse, N., Lag-Brotons, A. J., Emokaro, C., Ezemonye, L. I. N., & Semple, K. T, (2023) Assessment of Anaerobic Digestate Amended with Wood Ash and Green Vegetable Matter and Impacts on Microbial Growth. , Waste and Biomass Valorization.
    https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12649-023-02055-1 Vol. Pages:

  2. Ajieh, M. U., Owamah, H. I., Edomwonyi-Otu, L. C., Ajieh, G. I., Aduba, P., Owebor, K., & Ikpeseni, S. C., (2023) Characteristics of fuelwood perturbation and effects on carbon monoxide and particulate pollutants emission from cookstoves in Nigeria. , Energy for Sustainable Development
    https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0973082622002393 Vol. Pages:

  3. Ekperi, R., Ajieh, M. U., Ikpeseni, S. C., Owamah, H. I., Edomwonyi-Otu, L. C., & Okafor, I. F., (2023) Application of solar photovoltaic electricity in unravelling the effects of coating defects on cathodic protection parameters of buried pipeline., IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
    https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/1178/1/012002/meta Vol. Pages:

  4. Ajieh, M. U., Amenaghawon, N. A., Owebor, K., Orugba, O. H., & Bassey, E. B., (2022) Effect of excess viscosifier and fluid loss control additive on the rheological characteristics of water-based drilling fluid. , Petroleum Science and Technology
    https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10916466.2022.2092636 Vol. Pages:

  5. Ihoeghian, N. A., Amenaghawon, A. N., Ajieh, M. U., Oshoma, C. E., Ogofure, A., Erhunmwunse, N. O., Edosa, V. I. O., Tongo, I., Obuekwe, I. S., Isagba, E. S., Emokaro, C., Ezemonye, L. I. N., Lag-Brotons, A. J., Semple, K. T., & Martin, A. D. , (2021) Anaerobic co-digestion of cattle rumen content and food waste for biogas production: Establishment of co-digestion ratios and kinetic studies. , Bioresource Technology Reports
    https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2589014X22000901 Vol. Pages:

  6. Ajieh, M. U., Owebor, K., Edomwonyi-Otu, L. C., & Okafor, I. F., (2021) Integration of perennial grass into energy mix as alternative to fuelwood in selected Niger Delta communities, Nigeria. , Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery
    https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13399-021-01570-2 Vol. Pages:

  7. Ajieh, M. U., Isagba, E. S., Ihoeghian, N., Edosa, V. I. O., Amenaghawon, A., Oshoma, C. E., Erhunmwunse, N., Obuekwe, I. S., Tongo, I., Emokaro, C., & Ezemonye, L. I. N., (2021) Assessment of sociocultural acceptability of biogas from faecal waste as an alternative energy source in selected areas of Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria., Environment, Development and Sustainability
    https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10668-020-01205-y Vol. Pages:

  8. Ajieh, M. U., Ogbomida, T. E., Onochie, U. P., Akingba, O., Kubeyinje, B. F., Orerome, O. R., & Ogbonmwan, S. M. (2020) Design and construction of fixed dome digester for biogas production using cow dung and water hyacinth., African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
    https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJEST/article-full-text-pdf/DE9738662550 Vol. Pages:

  9. Muhammad, I. J., Amenaghawon, N. A., & Ajieh, M. U. (2020) Modelling and Optimization of High-Pressure Water Scrubbing of Biogas for CO2 removal using Response Surface Methodology and Artificial Neural Networks, ATBU Journal of Science, Technology and Education
    http://www.atbuftejoste.com/index.php/joste/article/view/1129 Vol. Pages:

  10. Ajieh, M. U., and Ajieh, G. I. (2020) Design and integration of mini biomass briquette batch dryer for cook stove utilization in selected peri-urban households in Benin City, Nigeria, , Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=IXhVtekAAAAJ&hl=en Vol. Pages:

  11. Ezemonye, L. I. N, Ogbomida, E. T., and Ajieh, M. U. (2018) Contemporary Issues in Africa's Development: Whither the African Renaissance., Cambridge Scholars Publishing, ISBN: 978-1-5275-0363-2
    https://www.cambridgescholars.com/product/978-1-5275-0363-2 Vol. Pages:

  12. Ajieh, M. U., and Muhammed J. I., and Ogbeide S. E. (2018) Bio-Chemical Methane Potential of Selected Faecal Manure for Digestion and Co-Digestion in Biogas Production., Nigerian Research Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences
    http://rjees.com/download/?file=V03-N01-472-476.pdf Vol. Pages:

  13. Igboanugo, A.C. and Ajieh, M.U., (2017) Design and Construction of a Biomass Stove for Cooking in Rural Settlements in Nigeria., Nigerian Research Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences
    https://www.researchgate.net/publication/323119833_DESIGN_AND_CONSTRUCTION_OF_A_BIOMASS_STOVE_FOR_COOKING_IN_RURAL_SETTLEMENTS_IN_NIGERIA Vol. Pages:

  14. xiv. Ajieh M. U. and Onochie U. P (2017) Combustion Analysis of Panicum Maximum Jacq and Pennisetum Purpureum Shumach as Energy Feedstock., Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/jonamp/article/view/207000 Vol. Pages:

  15. xv. Ajieh M. U., Igboanugo A. C and Audu T.O.K. (2016) Design of Grass Briquette Machine, Nigerian Journal of Technology
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/njt/article/view/140647/130388 Vol. Pages:

  16. U. M. Ajieh, U. P. Onochie, B. F. Kubeyinje, R.T. Orerome., O. Akingba (2016) Biogas Production from a Blend of Water Hyacinth - Eichhorniacrassipes (Martius) Solmslaubach (Pontederiaceae) and Cattle Rumen Waste (Dung)., International Journal of Renewable Energy and Environment

  17. A. C. Igboanugo, M. U. Ajieh, and S. O. Azi (2015) Performance Evaluation of a Biomass Stove using Particulate Matter and Carbon Monoxide Emission from Briquette and Fuelwood, Nigerian Journal of Technology
    https://nijotech.com/index.php/nijotech/article/view/966?articlesBySameAuthorPage=2 Vol. Pages:

  18. Ajieh, M. U., Enuneku A. A., and Pitt M. J. (2013) Rheometric Investigation of Drilling Fluid and Potential Waste in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria. , European International Journal of Science and Technology
    https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Rheometric-Investigation-of-Drilling-Fluid-and-in-Ajieh-Enuneku/ca5f4dd499b7e781505c148d507fb7eed3962be1 Vol. Pages:

  19. Igboanugo A. C., Ajieh M. U., and Eloka-Eboka A. C. (2013) Potential for Biomass Perennial Grass as Alternative to Fuel Wood in Niger Delta Region of Nigeria. , International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research
    https://www.ijser.org/paper/Potential-for-Biomass-Perennial-Grass-as-Alternative-to-Fuel-wood-in-Niger-Delta-Region-of-Nigeria.html Vol. Pages:

  20. Ezomo F. O., Biose O., and Ajieh M. U. (2013). (2013) Evaluation of Groundwater in Uromi, Edo State, Nigeria, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research
    https://www.ijser.org/paper/EVALUATION-OF-GROUNDWATER-IN-UROMI-EDO-STATE-NIGERIA.html Vol. Pages: