
Email: beeboibi@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: Hydrothermal liquefaction, Microalgae, Organic waste to energy , Renewable energy and bioenergy
  • Department of Chemical Engineering

  • Dr Blessing Eboibi is a chemical engineering expert with 8 years of research experience in hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) to produce biocrude from algae and other biomass sources. He obtained his PhD. degree from the University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia, where he was awarded the Deans Commendation for Research Excellence for his pioneering work on biocrude production from marine algae using hydrothermal liquefaction technology. He holds a Master of Science and Bachelor of Engineering degrees in Chemical Engineering from the prestigious University of Lagos and University of Science and Technology, Nigeria, respectively. Dr Blessing Eboibi’s research interests include algae biofuels, biocrude production using hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL), renewable energy,and waste management. He is currently working on developing and improving methodologies for solid waste management, downstream processing of biocrude and its upgrading to fuel, and recycling/handling of HTL wastewater (aqueous phase) and residues. He was also involved in culturing and harvesting of microalgae for biofuel applications at Aban’s algal biofuel facility from 2012-2013 in India . As a Ph.D scholar, he has carried out batch HTL of biomass at the Biotechnology Division of the Aban Infrastructure Pvt Ltd., Chennai, and the Central Leather Research Institute, India using 1L and 20L HTL batch reactors. He also carried out collaborative research work at National Centre for Catalyst Research (NCCR) at Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM), India for design and production of HTL catalysts. He was also working for Muradel Pty Ltd, Whyalla, South Australia and involved in the operation and maintenance of Muradel’s continuous-scale sub-critical water reactor (SCWR) or HTL reactor. He has vast experience in handling both batch and continuous-scale HTL reactors for biomass conversion to biocrude and downstream processing of biocrude to produce distillate fuel fractions. He has authored or co-authored 28 publications out of which 13 publications are on hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) research. He has also co-authored a book chapter on HTL. Blessing Eboibi’s vision include assisting an organisation or company as a team player in achieving its mission and vision statement through commitment to the efficient provision of qualitative engineering research in developing low carbon technologies.
    My Publications
  1. Okeoghene Eboibi, Blessing Elo-oghene Eboibi, Louis Angelo M Danao (2024) Solidity effects and azimuth angles on flow field aerodynamics and performance of vertical axis wind turbines at low Reynolds number, Scientific African/Elsevier
    https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2468227624001613 Vol.24 Pages: e02215

  2. Ikhazuangbe P.M., Eboibi B.E, Amabogha B., Orugba O.H., Ikalumhe W. O & Agarry S. E. (2023) Design of a Batch Reactor for the Conversion of 500g Microalgae Biomass to Biocrude by Hydrothermal , International Journal of Engineering and Modern Technology/International Institute of Academic Research and Development
    https://www.iiardjournals.org/get/IJEMT/VOL.%209%20NO.%203%202023/Design%20of%20a%20Batch%201-14.pdf Vol.9(3) Pages: 1-14

  3. Ikhazuangbe P.M., Eboibi B.E, Amabogha B., Orugba O.H., & Agarry, S. E. (2023) A mini review of the potentials of Chlorella species microalgae for the production of biocrude by hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) operation, Journal of Engineering Research Innovation and Scientific Development.
    file:///C:/Users/HP/Downloads/AMiniReviewofthePotentialsofChlorellaSpeciesMicroalgefortheProductionofBiocrudeby-1.pdf Vol.1(2) Pages: 21-35

  4. Blessing E. Eboibi, Esther C. Udochukwu, Michael C. Ogbue, Judith O. Umukoro, Laura O. Okan & Samuel E. Agarry (2023) Bio-sequestration of crude oil from seawater by bio-adsorption onto oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) fruit mesocarp fiber: Taguchi process optimization, batch isotherm and kinetic modeling studies, Journal of Dispersion Science and TechnologyTailor & Francis
    https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01932691.2023.2228883 Vol. Pages:

  5. Blessing E Eboibi, Michael C Ogbue, Esther C Udochukwu, Judith E Umukoro, Laura O Okan, Samuel E Agarry, Oluwafunmilayo A Aworanti, Oyetola Ogunkunle, Opeyeolu T Laseinde (2023) Bio-sorptive remediation of crude oil polluted sea water using plantain (Musa parasidiaca) leaves as bio-based sorbent: Parametric optimization by Taguchi technique, equilibrium isotherm and kinetic modelling studies, Heliyon/Elsevier
    https://www.cell.com/heliyon/pdf/S2405-8440(23)08621-8.pdf Vol. 9 Pages: 1-24

  6. Blessing E Eboibi, Michael C Ogbue, Esther C Udochukwu, Judith E Umukoro, Laura O Okan, Samuel E Agarry (2023) Maize cob (Zea mays) as natural biomass sorbent for crude oil biosorptive removal from contaminated seawater: Taguchi process optimization and biosorptive removal mechanism, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment/Springer
    https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10661-023-11667-y Vol. 195 Pages: 1145

  7. BE Eboibi, O Eboibi, B Amabogha, OL Okan, SE Agarry (2023) Influence of Seawater and Reaction Temperature on Biocrude Yield and Composition During Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Spirulina sp. Microalgal Biomass, Waste and Biomass Valorization/Springer
    https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12649-023-02377-0 Vol. Pages: 1-22

  8. B. O. Adelawon, G. K. Latinwo, B. E. Eboibi, O. O. Agbede, and S. E. Agarry (2022) Comparison of the slow, fast, and flash pyrolysis of recycled maize-cob biomass waste, box-benhken process optimization and characterization studies for the thermal fast pyrolysis production of bio-energy, Taylor & Francis
    https://doi.org/10.1080/00986445.2021.1957851 Vol.209 Pages: 1246-1276

  9. Umakanta Jena, BE Eboibi, KC Das (2022) Co-Solvent Assisted Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Algal Biomass and Biocrude Upgrading, Fuels MDPI
    https://doi.org/10.3390/fuels3020020 Vol.3 (2) Pages: 326-341

  10. BE Eboibi (2021) Analysis of Processing Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Microalgae Reaction Product with and without Dichloromethane Solvent for Biocrude Recovery, FUOYE Journal of Engineering and Technology , Faculty of Engineering, Federal University Oye-Ekiti
    http://engineering.fuoye.edu.ng/journal/index.php/engineer/article/view/570 Vol.6, no 1 Pages: 96-102

  11. Jeganathan Nallasivam, B. E. Eboibi, Andreas Isdepsky, Melcureraj Lavanya, Sailendra Bhaskar & Senthil Chinnasamy (2020) Hydrothermal liquefaction of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes): influence of reaction temperature on product yield, carbon and energy recovery, and hydrocarbon species distribution in biocrude, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery/Springer Berlin Heidelberg
    https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13399-020-01032-1 Vol. Pages: 1-15

  12. BE Eboibi (2020) Elucidation of Sodium Hydroxide Catalyst and Solids Loading for Thermochemical Liquefaction of Tetraselmis sp. Microalga, Nigerian Journal of Technological Development/Faculty of Engineering, University of Ilorin
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/njtd/article/view/197846 Vol.17 Pages: 134-141

  13. BE Eboibi (2020) Anaerobic digestion of cow manure: Influence of hydraulic retention time on biogas yield and properties digestate, LAUTECH Journal of Engineering and Technology/Faculty of Engineering, LAUTECH
    https://laujet.com/index.php/laujet/article/view/366 Vol.14 Pages: 87-97

  14. Eboibi B. E., Adiotomre K. O., Onobrudu F. and Osioh E. (2020) Anaerobic Digestion of Cassava (Manihot Esculenta) Waste: Effects of Inoculum on Biogas Production Rate, Nigerian Journal of Environmental Sciences and Technology
    https://nijest.com/411-420_0226_vol-4-no-2_nijest-2/ Vol.4 (2) Pages: 411 – 420

  15. Eboibi BE, Atikpo E , Ihueghian P , Ogiribo P (2020) Characteristics of products from anaerobic digestion of cassava waste for biogas production, Journal of Experimental Research/Enugu State University of Science and Technology
    http://www.er-journal.com/papers/Eboibi_June_2020_7_2_36-45.pdf Vol.8 (2) Pages: 36-45

  16. Eguakhide Atikpo, B. E. Eboibi (2020) Kinetics of Arsenic Contaminated Soils Remediation with Arthrobacter nicotiniae and Klebsiella pneumoniae, FUOYE Journal of Engineering and Technology
    http://engineering.fuoye.edu.ng/journal/index.php/engineer/article/view/546 Vol.5 (2) Pages: 200-203

  17. BE Eboibi (2019) Impact of time on yield and properties of biocrude during downstream processing of product mixture derived from hydrothermal liquefaction of microalga, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery/Springer Berlin Heidelberg
    https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13399-019-00371-y Vol.9 Pages: 379-387

  18. TM Peretomode, BE Eboibi, JJ Fakrogha (2019) Preparation and characterization of wood dust natural fiber re-enforced polymer composite, Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management/University of Port Harcourt
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/jasem/article/view/188273 Vol.23 Pages: 1103-1107

  19. Blessing E, Jena U, Chinnasamy S (2019) Laboratory Conversion of Cultivated Oleaginous Organisms into Biocrude for Biofuel Applications, Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.),
    https://europepmc.org/article/med/31148130 Vol. Pages: 183-193

  20. BE Eboibi (2019) Co-liquefaction of Hypersaline sp. Microalga and Cow Manure for Biocrude Production and as Means for Solid Waste Treatment, Journal of Experimental Research/Enugu State University of Science and Technology
    https://www.er-journal.com/papers/Eboibi_Dec_2019_7_4_30-42.pdf Vol.7 Pages: 30-42

  21. Eboibi O, Uguru H, Eboibi BE (2018) Physico-Functional Properties of Some Bean ( L.) Varieties, as Influenced by Maturation Phaseolus vulgaris, Journal of Experimental Research/Enugu State University of Science and Technology
      Vol.6 Pages: 19-28

  22. BE Eboibi (2018) Effects of separation methods on yield and quality of biocrude after thermochemical liquefaction of marine microalgae, Nigerian Journal of Technology/Faculty of Engineering, University of Nigeria Nsukka
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/njt/article/view/175033 Vol.37 Pages: 679-691

  23. BE Eboibi (2018) Effect of reaction temperature and time on fractionation of carbon and nitrogen from hydrothermal liquefaction of microalga Spirulina sp., Umudike Journal of Engineering and Technology/College of Engineeing and Engineering Technology, Micheal Okpara University of Agriculture
    Vol.4 Pages: 115-123

  24. BE Eboibi, AE Edje (2018) Predictive model for biocrude yield from hydrothermal liquefaction of microalgae, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences/Faculty of Engineering, Nnamdi Azikiwe University
    http://www.facultyofengineeringnau.org/archive/3103892660229260079.pdf Vol.14 Pages: 26-39

  25. BE Eboibi (2018) Assessing yield and properties of distillate from biocrude and blend after hydrothermal liquefaction of microalgae, Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management/University of Port harcourt
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/jasem/article/view/174456 Vol.22 Pages: 949-958

  26. BE Eboibi, O Eboibi, J Okputu, KA Okpohwo (2018) Production and analysis of biodiesel from Jatropha curcas seed, Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/jasem/article/view/166296 Vol.22(1) Pages: 26-33

  27. BE Eboibi, O Eboibi, E Okubio, C Iyasele (2017) Evaluation of wind energy potential in the south-south geopolitical zone of Nigeria, Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management/University of Port harcourt
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/jasem/article/view/166867 Vol.21 Pages: 1301-1306

  28. O Eboibi, BE Eboibi (2017) Numerical investigation of tipspeed ratio effects on aerodynamics of vertical axis wind turbines, Journal of The Nigerian Society of Engineer/The Nigerian Society of Engineers
      Vol.51 Pages: 49-64

  29. BE Eboibi (2015) Comparative Analysis of Yield and Quality of Biocrude Produced From Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Wet and Dry Microalgae, ICSHER
    http://icsher.org.ng/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Vol-1-No-1-Main5.pdf Vol.1 Pages: 47-55

  30. BE Eboibi (2015) Direct conversion of microalgae biomass to biocrude with hydrothermal liquefaction, PhD Thesis/The University of Adelaide, South Australia, Australia, University of Adelaide
    http://hdl.handle.net/2440/97386 Vol.  Pages:  

  31. BE Eboibi, DM Lewis, PJ Ashman, S Chinnasamy (2015) Influence of process conditions on pretreatment of microalgae for protein extraction and production of biocrude during hydrothermal liquefaction of pretreated Tetraselmis sp., RSC Advances/Royal Society of Chemistry
    https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2015/ra/c4ra11662c/unauth#!divAbstract Vol.5 Pages: 20193-20207

  32. BE Eboibi, DM Lewis, PJ Ashman, S Chinnasamy (2015) Integrating anaerobic digestion and hydrothermal liquefaction for renewable energy production: an experimental investigation, Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy/Wiley
    https://aiche.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/ep.12172 Vol.34 Pages: 1662-1673

  33. BE Eboibi, DM Lewis, PJ Ashman, S Chinnasamy (2014) Effect of operating conditions on yield and quality of biocrude during hydrothermal liquefaction of halophytic microalga Tetraselmis sp., Bioresource Technology/Elsevier
    https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0960852414010724 Vol.170 Pages: 20-29

  34. BEO Eboibi, DM Lewis, PJ Ashman, S Chinnasamy (2014) Hydrothermal liquefaction of microalgae for biocrude production: Improving the biocrude properties with vacuum distillation, Bioresource Technology/Elsevier
    https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0960852414014412 Vol.174 Pages: 212-221

  35. O Eboibi, BE Eboibi (2014) Palm oil mill plant maintenace effectiveness evaluation: A case of Ubulu-Ukwu palm oil mill, National Association of Science, Humanities and Education Research Journal
    Vol.12 Pages: 11-23

  36. BE Eboibi (2010) Design and fabircation of a medium scale anaerobic digester, International Journal of Engineering Science
    Vol.2 Pages: 19-24

  37. BE Eboibi, O Eboibi (2009) Kinetic analysis of biogas from cassava peel, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology
    Vol.4 Pages: 45-49

  38. BE Eboibi, O Eboibi (2009) Activated carbon production from groundnut shells. , Journal of the Nigeria Society of Chemical Engineers/The Nigerian Society of Chemical Engineers
    Vol.24 Pages: 95-102