- Area of Specialization: Ophthalmology
- Department of Surgery
My Publications- Akpe A.B, Dawodu O.E, Abadom E.G (June 2014) Prevalence and Pattern of Strabismus in Primary School pupils in Benin City, Nigeria, Nigerian Journal of Ophthalmology
Vol.22(1) Pages: 15-20
- Momoh R.O, Abadom E.G (April 2014) Prevalence of Ocular Trauma and associated factors among Farmers in a Suburban Agricultural Industry in Edo State, Nigerian Research Journal of Clinical Sciences
Vol.4(1) Pages: 10-18
- Abadom GE, Ominde BS,Ikubor JE, Achapu LC, Igbigbi PS. (2024) Lens diameter, anterior chamber depth and vitreous depth in adult patients: A Nigerian study, Nigeran journal of Basic and Clinical Sciences
Vol.21 Pages: 27-32
- Ominde BS, Abadom GE, Ikubor JE, Achapu LC, Igbigbi PS. (2024) Normal Diameters of Extraocular Muscles: A Nigerian Retrospective Study , Nigerian Postgraduate Medical Journal
Vol.31 Pages: 147-155
- Ominde BS, Abadom GE, Ikubor JE, Achapu LC, Enakgoya PO,Igbigbi PS. (2024) Normal diameter of Optic nerve using Magnetive resonance imaging: A retrospective Nigerian study, Saudi Journal of Ophthalmology
Vol.38 Pages: 53-58
- Ominde BS, Abadom EG, Imene GM, Ikubor EJ, Omoro FO (2024) Optic canal dimensions in a Nigerian Cohort: implications for Neurosurgery and radiology , Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University, India
Vol.13(1) Pages: 123-132
- Ohwin P.G, Abadom E.G, Nwogueze B.C (2023) Retrospective Study Of The Pattern Of Eye Disorders In Delta State University Teaching Hospital, Oghara, Calabar Journal of Health sciences
Vol.7 Pages: 29-34
- Abadom E.G, Otene C.I (2022;1) Factors affecting routine medical screening among health workers in a tertiary hospital in Delta State, Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice
Vol.25(6) Pages: 951
- Ohwin P.E, Abadom E.G (2019) Anthropometric Indicators of Executive Drivers as physiological correlates of Visual capabilities, The Journal of Medical Research
Vol.5(3) Pages: 115-119
- Abadom E.G, Ntaji M (2017) Awareness and knowledge of glaucoma amongst staff of Delta State University teaching Hospital, Nigerian Research Journal of Clinical Sciences
Vol.2 Pages: 23-35
- Momoh R.O, Abadom E.G (2017) Pattern and prevalence of eye diseases among Farmers in an Agricultural industry in Southern Nigeria, Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research
Vol.3 Pages: 27-32
- Abadom E.G, Akpe A.B, (2017) Melasma during pregnancy in tertiary Health Centre in Southern Nigeria, Nigerian Research Journal of Clinical Sciences
Vol.2(2) Pages: 34-45
- Otene C.I, Abadom E.G, Odonmeta A.B (2016) Surgical and Medical ward rounds in Delta State University Teaching Hospital: Medical Students’ Perception, Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences
Vol.3(1) Pages: 452-466
- Abadom E.G, Momoh R.O (2015) Uniocular blindness in Delta State university Teaching Hospital, Port Harcourt Medical Journal
Vol.9 Pages: 55-61
- Akpe A.B, Abadom (2015) Prevalence of Amblyopia in Primary School pupils in Benin City, Edo State, African Journal of Med and Health Sciences
Vol.3 Pages: 32-45
- Abadom EG, Otene CI, Enivwenae AO (2014) Knowledge and willingness to donate eye among medical doctors in Delta State, IOSR journal of Dental and Medical Sciences
Vol.13(3) Pages: 57-63
- Abadom E.G, Akpe A. B (2014) Ocular Morbidities in school Children in Egor Local Government Area Benin Citty/ edo state, Nigerian Research Journal of Clinical Sciences
Vol.24 Pages: 76-82
- Abadom E.G (2012) Causes of Severe Visual Impairment and Blindness in a Tertiary Hospital in Delta State, Nigerian Research Journal of Clinical Sciences
Vol.2(2) Pages: 169-175
- Omoti A.E, Ozolua R.I, Abadom E.G (2010) Opinions in the drug management of primary open angle glaucoma, Journal of Life and Environment Sciences
Vol.11(2) Pages: 657-667
- Ikubor J.E, Abadom E.G ( 2022) Ultrasonographic Evaluation of Ophthalmic Diseases at Delta State University Teaching Hospital, Oghara, Delta State, Nigeria., Nigerian Journal of Medicine
Vol.31(3) Pages: 333-338