- Area of Specialization: Molecular Biology and Toxicology
- Department of Medical Biochemistry
My Publications- T Ezedom, S Asagba, NJ Tonukari (2020) Toxicological effects of the concurrent administration of cadmium and arsenic through the food chain on the liver and kidney of rats, The Journal of Basic and Applied Zoology /Springer Vol.81(1) Pages: 1-12
- SO Asagba, HE Kadiri, T Ezedom (2019) Biochemical changes in diabetic rats treated with ethanolic extract of Chysophyllum albidum fruit-skin, The Journal of Basic and Applied Zoology /Springer Vol.80(1) Pages: 42
- Opajobi O. A., Ezedom T., Chris-Ozoko L.E., Onyesom I. (2018) Blood Schizonticidal Activity of Phyllanthusamarus Enhances Testovarian Antioxidant Defense Capacity in Plasmodium berghei Infected Mice, Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research/Natural Product Research Group University of Benin Vol.2(3) Pages: 150-157
- Ezedom T. (2018) Coconut (Cocos nucifera) and Moringa (Moringaoleifera) Oils Protect Against Cadmium-induced Toxicity in Albino Rats, Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research/Natural Product Research Group University of Benin Vol.2(4) Pages: 158-161
- Ezedom T. (2018) Cadmium and arsenic induced toxicity through a controlled food chain on plasma lipid profile and endogenous metabolites of rats, Annals of Biomedical Sciences/MDCAN-UBTH/UNIBEN Vol.17(1) Pages: 134-143
- Asagba S. O., EzedomT. and Kadiri H. (2017) Influence of farmyard manure on somemorphological and biochemical parametersof cowpea (Vignaunguiculata) seedlinggrown in cadmium-treated soil., Environmental Science and Pollution Research/Springer Vol.24 Pages: 23735–23743
- Ezedom T. and Asagba S.O (2016) Effect of a controlled food-chain mediated exposure to cadmium and arsenic on oxidative enzymes in the tissues of rats., Toxicology Reports/Elsevier Scientific Publishers Ireland Vol.3 Pages: 708–715
- Tonukari NJ, Ezedom T, Enuma CC, Sakpa SO,Avwioroko OJ, Eraga L, Enovwo O. (2015) White Gold: Cassava as an Industrial Base, American Journal of Plant Sciences /Scientific Researcher Vol.6(7) Pages: 972-979
- NJ Tonukari, OJ Avwioroko, T Ezedom, AA Anigboro (2015) Effect of Preservation on Two Different Varieties of Vernonia amygdalina Del. (Bitter) Leaves, Food and Nutrition Sciences/Scientific Research Publishing Vol.6(6) Pages: 623-632
- Tonukari N. J., Avwioroko O.J., Ezedom T., Edema U. Eraga L. and Anigboro A.A. (2014). (2014) Growth of Raphiafarinifera and Elaeisguineensis wine yeast on cassava (Manihotesculenta) and poultry manure media., NISEB Journal/Nigerian Society for Experimental Biology Vol.14(3) Pages: 118-123
- Orororo O.C., Tonukari N.J., Avwioroko O.J. and Ezedom T. (2014) Effect of supplementation of animal feed with dried cassava (Manihotesculenta) peels, and stems of Vernoniaamydalina and Pennisetumpurpereum on some biochemical parameters in pigs., NISEB Journal/Nigerian Society for Experimental Biology Vol.14(4) Pages: 177-183
- Tonukari N. J., Avwioroko O.J., Ezedom T., Edema U. Eraga L. and Anigboro A.A. (2014) Growth of Raphiafarinifera and Elaeisguineensis wine yeast on cassava (Manihotesculenta) and poultry manure media., NISEB Journal/Nigerian Society for Experimental Biology Vol.14(3) Pages: 118-123
- Tonukari NJ, Avwioroko OJ, Seitonkumoh G, Enuma C, Sakpa SO, Eraga L, Ezedom T, Edema U, Odiyoma E, Anigboro AA (2013) Nutritional compositions and antioxidant properties of typical Urhobo Nigerian soups, Nigerian Journal of Technological Research/Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria Vol.8 Pages: 1-9
- Adedara I.A., Ebokaiwe, A. P., Ehwerhemuepha, T., Teberen R. and Farombi, E. O. (2012) Nigerian Bonny light crude oil induces irreversible reproductive toxicity in adult male rats., African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences/College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Ibadan Vol.41 Pages: 65-74
- IA Adedara, R Teberen, AP Ebokaiwe, T Ehwerhemuepha, EO Farombi (2012) Induction of oxidative stress in liver and kidney of rats exposed to Nigerian bonny light crude oil, Environmental Toxicology/Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Vol.27 Pages: 372– 379
- Farombi E.O., Adedara I.A., Ebokakaiwe A.P., Teberen R. and EhwerhemuephaT. (2010) Nigerian Bonny light Crude Oil disrupts Antioxidant Systems in the Testes and Sperm in Rats., Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology/Springer Vol.59(1) Pages: 166–174
- Adedara, I.A., Ehwerhemuepha, T.,Teberen, R., Ebokaiwe, A.P. and Farombi, E.O. (2010) Reproductive toxicity of Nigerian Bonny Light crude oil upon withdrawal of treatment in male rats., Toxicology Letters/Official Journal of EUROTOX Vol.196S Pages: S37–S351
- NJ Tonukari, OJ Avwioroko, T Ehwerhemuepha (2010) Diverse applications of biotechnology, Scientific Research and Essays/Academic Journals Vol.5 Pages: 826-831