
Email: egmoke@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: Pharmacology and Toxicology, Endocrine Pharmacology, Cardiovascular Pharmacology
  • Department of Pharmacology

  • An academic with the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Delta State University Abraka, Nigeria. His researches focus on the effects of drugs (including biopharma) on the endocrine and cardiovascular systems, and toxic effect of drugs. Currently a Ph.D. candidate in Pharmacology and Toxicology. Researches on the pharmacotherapy of diabetic hypertensive comorbidity.
    My Publications
  1. Edje KE, Moke EG, Eduviere AT, Umukoro EK, Edje BO (2022) Prevalence, Risk Factors and Treatment Modalities of Peptic Ulcer among Basic Medical Undergraduate Students in Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria, International Journal of Human and Health Sciences
    https://ijhhsfimaweb.info/index.php/IJHHS/article/view/378 Vol.6(1) Pages: 61-66

  2. Omo-Aghoja L, Moke EG, Anachuna KK, Omogbiya AI, Umukoro EK, Toloyai PY, Daubry TME, Eduviere AT (2021) COVID-19 pandemic: the implications of the natural history, challenges of diagnosis and management for care in sub-Saharan Africa, Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences
    https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33754124/ Vol.10(1) Pages: 1-16

  3. Moke EG, Umukoro EK, Asiwe JN, Omogbiya AI, Erhirhie EO, Ben-Azu B, Anieh FU (2021) Herbal Medicine: Education and Occupation Influences Its Practice among Residents of Port Harcourt, South-South Nigeria, International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Phytopharmacological Research
    https://eijppr.com/article/herbal-medicine-education-and-occupation-influences-its-practice-among-residents-of-port-harcourt-unmj1lmwpb9xovc Vol.11(2) Pages: 38-44

  4. Moke EG, Umukoro EK, Ojugbeli ET, Ezedom T, Daubry TME, Omorodion IL (2021) Effect of Ethanol Extracts of Musa paradisiaca Fruit Pulp and Peels on Haematological Indices and Liver Enzymes of Experimental Rats, Biology, Medicine, & Natural Product Chemistry
    https://sciencebiology.org/index.php/BIOMEDICH/article/view/144 Vol.10(1) Pages: 67-71

  5. Alawode DI, Asiwe JN, Moke EG, Okonofua DE, Sanusi KO, Adagbada EO, Yusuf MO, Fasanmade AA (2021) The Effect of Ethanol Leaf Extract of Cnidosculus Aconitifolius on Cardiorenal Functions in Hypertensive and Normotensive Male Wistar Rats, International Journal of Nutrition Sciences
    https://ijns.sums.ac.ir/article_47807.html Vol.6(3) Pages: 155-160

  6. Eduviere AT, Moke EG, Omogbiya AI, Otomewo LO, Olayinka JN, Aboyewa FE, Ijeje AP (2021) Quercetin Modulates Behavioural and Biochemical Alterations in Stressed Mice, Bioscience Biotechnology Research Asia
    http://www.biotech-asia.org/vol18no4/quercetin-modulates-behavioural-and-biochemical-alterations-in-stressed-mice/ Vol.18(4) Pages: 681-689

  7. Moke EG, Umukoro EK, Orubu CO, Okechukwu CU, Omorodion IL (2021) Malaria and Antimalarial Therapy: Knowledge, Attitude and Practice in a Rural-urban Community in South-South Nigeria, Tropical Journal of Health Sciences
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/tjhc/article/view/219484 Vol.28(4) Pages: 40-45

  8. Moke EG, Eduviere AT, Anachuna KK, Nwogueze BC, Erhenhi AH, Asiwe JN, Omorodion LI (2021) Citrus Tangerina pre-treatment mitigates carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity on Wistar rats, Drug Discovery
    http://www.discoveryjournals.org/drugdiscovery/current_issue/2021/v15/n36/A8.htm Vol.15(36) Pages: 215-220

  9. Umukoro E.K., Edje K.E., Agbonifo-Chijiokwu E., Moke E.G., Egbenede E., Emma-Ugulu I.L. (2020) Use and Effect of Contraceptives among Female Secondary School Students in Abraka Community, Delta State, Nigeria., Journal of Applied Science and Environmental Management
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/jasem/article/view/193365 Vol.24(1) Pages: 153-156

  10. Moke E.G., Mordi J.C., Umukoro E.K. (2020) Effects of Methanol Leaf Extract of Cuphea Hyssopifolia Kunth on Liver Enzymes Activity and Antioxidant Indices of Paracetamol-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Wistar Rats, African Journal of Biomedical Research
    https://ajbrui.org/ojs/index.php/ajbr/article/view/140 Vol.23(1) Pages: 123- 126

  11. Anachuna KK, Moke EG, Iyare C, Katchy N, Ben-Azu B, Adeniyi B, Nwogueze BC, Iyare E (2020) Prenatal and early postnatal food restrictions cause changes in brain oxidative status and orexigenic/anorexigenic hormones in the offspring of rats: prevention by quercetin and kaempferol, Current Research in Pharmacology and Drug Discovery
    https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34909641/ Vol.1 Pages: 39–52

  12. Moke EG, Umukoro EK, Warri AO, Chukwuma FE, Ekuerhare B, Erhirhie EO (2020) HIV voluntary counselling and testing (VCT): Knowledge, perception and acceptance among tertiary undergraduate students of a Nigerian university, International Journal of Forensic Medical Investigation
    https://ijfmi.org/index.php/JSD/article/view/126 Vol.6(1) Pages: 29-43

  13. Moke E.G., Anachuna K.K., Onyilo P.O., Emosivbe M. (2019) Vitamin C in-vivo Effect on Liver Enzymes and Some Endogenous Antioxidants in Paracetamol-Induced Model of Liver Toxicity on Wistar Rats, Journal of Applied Science and Environmental Management
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/jasem/article/view/188785 Vol.23(7) Pages: 1323-1327

  14. Moke E.G., Umukoro E.K., Edje K.E., Udele D (2019) Practice of Self-Medication with Antibiotics Among Basic Medical Science Students of a Nigerian Tertiary Institution., International Journal of Advance Research
    http://www.journalijar.com/article/30340/practice-of-self---medication-with-antibiotics-among-basic-medical-science-students-of-a-nigerian-tertiary-institution/ Vol.7(11) Pages: 915-919

  15. Moke E.G. (2019) Adherence to Safety Practices and the Effect of Petroleum Products on Petrol Station Attendants in Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria., Journal of Applied Science and Environmental Management
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/jasem/article/view/192493 Vol.23(11) Pages: 2009-2012

  16. Moke E.G., Ojieh A., Edje K.E., Ahante E., Emosivbe M (2019) Effect of pre-treatment with methanol leaf extract of Commelina diffusa on paracetamol-induced liver damage., The Tropical Journal of Health Sciences
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/tjhc/article/view/192543 Vol. 26(4) Pages: 23-27

  17. Okafo S.E., Moke E.G., Obi C.S. (2019) Formulation and evaluation of anti-diabetic tablets containing aqueous extract of Moringa oleifera seeds., Journal of Pharmaceutical and Allied Sciences
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/jophas/article/view/194160 Vol.16(5) Pages: 3167-3176

  18. Ojezele M.O., Moke E.G., Adeosun A.M. (2018) Assessment of Liver and Kidney Functions in Plasmodium Infected Mice Co-Administered with Conventional Antimalarials, Phyllanthus amarus and Vitamins, The Tropical Journal of Health Sciences
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/tjhc/article/view/172150 Vol.625(2) Pages: 21-26

  19. Anachuna K.K., Moke E.G., Nwogueze B.C., Asiwe J.N., Ufearo C.S. (2018) Hypoglycemic Effects of Moringa Oleifer and Cissampelos Owariensis leaves extracts on Alloxan-induced Diabetic Rats, Nigeria Journal of Science and Environment
    http://universityjournals.org/journal/NJSE/about_njse Vol.16(1) Pages: 193-201

  20. Ojezele M.O., Moke E.G., Onyesom I. (2017) Impact of generic antimalarial or Phyllanthus amarus and vitamin co-administration on antioxidant status of experimental mice infested with Plasmodium berghei., Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences
    https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2314853516301986 Vol.6 Pages: 260-265

  21. Emudainohwo J.O.T., Erhirhie E.O, Moke E.G. (2015) Anti-diarrhoeal activity of the aqueous leaf extract of Ageratum conyzoides in Wistar rats, Journal of Applied Science and Environmental Management
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/jasem/article/view/119869 Vol.19(2) Pages: 169-175