- Area of Specialization: Immuno-Haematology and Antimicrobial Evaluation & Biotechnology,
- Department of Pharmaceutical Microbiology & Biotechnology
- Prof. Enwa Felix Oghenemaro is a Professor of Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Biotechnology the Delta State University Abraka, Nigeria. Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science degree (B.MLS) as well as a Master’s degree in Food Quality and Safety (Bias Food Microbiology) from the prestigious University of Plymouth, United Kingdom and Doctorate degree in Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Biotechnology from the great Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nigeria. His research interest are on Antimicrobial Evaluation, Development and optimization of novel respiratory and ocular drug delivery systems and screening methods. This involves basic, applied and translational research that spans across tissue culture development, drug transporter screening, drug delivery for potential treatment of respiratory and ocular diseases, Screening of indigenous Nigerian plants/herbs/spices for antimicrobial activity. Evaluation of zoonotic and food borne pathogens: Prevalence and antibiogram, Immunology/Vaccinology, Evaluation of nosocomial and community-acquired resistance patterns among bacteria. He is a recipient of the Hipact Scholarship to the UK for Postgraduate study. He also bagged the Prestigious Vice-Chancellors award of Excellence for imparting the society positively through Research and Teaching. He is associate member, Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), Member American Association of Cereal Chemist (AACC).
My Publications- CLEMENT OLISELOKE ANIE1 , EMMANUEL OISE IKPEFAN*2 , FELIX OGHENEMARO ENWA1 , LUCY UMUNADE1 , EJIROGHENE ENOMATE (2022) Anti-methicillin resistant and growth inhibitory studies of extract and fractions of leaves of Bryophyllum pinnatum (Lam.) Kurz (Crassulaceae) (ahead of print), Herba Polonica / Institute of Natural Fibres and Medicinal Plant Vol.68 (1) Pages: 1-10
- Sinodukoo E. Okafo, Felix O. Enwa , Olayemi Amusile (2021) Formulation and Evaluation of Antimicrobial Properties of Psidium guajava Ethanol Leaf Extract Creams, Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research Vol.5 (12) Pages: 2144-2148
- Emosairue O.C, Enwa F.O. Anie C.O and Oghenejobo M (2019) EVALUATION OF THE ANTIFUNGAL ACTIVITY, OF Datura metel LINN ETHANOLIC LEAF EXTRACT ON Candida albicans. , FUW Trends in Science & Technology Journal Vol.4 Pages: 721-725
- Johnson D. Jemikalajah, Felix O. Enwa, Clement O. Anie, Okogun, G. Ray (2019) Antibacterial Potential of Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Extract against Bacterial Isolates of Pulmonary Infections. , Nigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Science Research Vol.8 Pages: 62-66
- Enwa Felix Oghenemaro, Anie Clement Oliseloke, Jemikalajah Johnson D, Ikuni Precious Ifechukwukuni (2019) Aqueous flower extract of Tridax procumbens on the haematology/serum lipid profile of Wistar Rats, Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences Vol.15 Pages: 106-112
- Enwa Felix Oghenemaro, Anie Clement Oliseloke, Iyamu Mercy Itohan, Eredajaye Omoriode Mary (2019) Antibacterial Evaluation of Aqueous and Methanol Extracts of Tridax procumbens Flower on Selected Gram Negative and Gram-Positive Bacteria, International Journal of Biosciences Vol.15 Pages: 48-54
- Felix O Enwa, Johnson D Jemikalajah, Mercy I Iyamu, Ogheneyole Ebene-Philip (2019) Antimicrobial Evaluation of Ginger, Turmeric and Garlic against Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Clinically Diagnosed Pneumonia Patients, Arctic Journal¤tissue=7# Vol.72 Pages: 11-26
- Enwa Felix Oghenemaro, Jemikalajah Johnson, Iyamu Mercy Itohan, Orode Obakpororo Glory. (2018) Evaluating the effects of fermented cabbage juice on the gastrointestinal Microbiome of Wistar rats, International Journal of Biosciences Vol.6 Pages: 202-210
- Enwa Felix Oghenemaro, Jemikalajah Johnson, Iyamu mercy Itohan, Sada-Okpaka Richard and Oghenejobo Michael. (2018) Antimicrobial Activity of Aloe Vera Gel and Honey against Bacteria Isolates from Wound Aspirates, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research Vol.9 Pages: 1000-1004
- Anie Clement Oliseloke, Enwa Felix Oghenemaro, Jemikalajah daniel Johnson, Okubuzor Benjamin (2018) Antimicrobial susceptibility testing of ciprofloxacin, amoxicillin and erythromycin against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli isolated from healthy students of Delta State University Abraka South South, Nigeria, International Journal of Biosciences/INNSPUB Vol.14 Pages: 158-165
- Anie, CO., Jemikalajah, JD, Enwa FO, Tochukwu TE (2018) EFFECT OF THREE BRANDS OF TOOTHPASTE ON THE ORAL BACTERIA, African Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development/Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Nigeria Nssuka Vol.10 Pages: 115-126
- Enwa Felix Oghenemaro (2017) Effect of Aqueous and Ethanol Extracts of Pleurotus Tuber Regium on the Haematological Indices of Albino Wistar Rats. , Journal of Pharmaceutical and Allied Sciences Vol.14 Pages: 2670-2674
- Felix O. Enwa, Oghenejobo Michael, Clement O. Anie, Rita A. Ayeh. (2016) Antibacterial Screening of the Ethanol and Aqueous Extract of the Fruit Peel of Persea americana Mill against Selected Enteric Bacteria., Academia Journal of Microbiology Research/academia Vol.4 (3) Pages: 040-046
- Enwa Felix O, Anie Clement O, Oghenejobo Michael, Ossai Joy C, Esimone C.O (2015) Antibacterial activity of commonly used antiseptic soaps on some clinical isolates from wound infection. , Journal of International Research in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences/International Knowledge Press. India/Europe Vol. 5 (3) Pages: 112-121
- A. E. Ojieh, E. C. Adegor, O. L. Ewhre, F. O. Enwa, K. K. Anachuna, A. Okunima, A. E. Enemose And O. R. Miller (2015) Antidiabetic, Antilipidermic And Hepatoprotective Effect Of Methanolic Extract of Cissampelos Owariensis Leaves In Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rats. , Journal of International Research in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences/International Knowledge Press. India/Europe
Vol. 4(1) Pages: 17-28
- Felix O Enwa, Ojieh A Emeka, Johnny Isreal, Omojate C. Godstime and Enobakhare Joseph. (2015) Comparative in Vitro Antibacterial Susceptibility Screening and Phytochemical Properties of the Methanolic Solvent Extractions of Annona muricata Leaves and Roots on Some Clinical Isolates. , Journal of International Research in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Vol.2(2) Pages: 61-72
- Enwa Felix O, Anie Clement O. Oghenejobo Michael & Ilaye Sonia A. (2015) Evaluation of the Comparative Activity of Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizers and Toilet Soaps against some Bacterial Isolates. , Global Journal of Science Frontier Research: C Biological Science/Global Journals Inc. USA
Vol.15 (3) Pages: 1-9
- Felix O. Enwa, Mercy I Iyamu, Christabel I Eboigbe and C O Esimone. (2015) Prevalence of Resistant Strains of Streptococcus Pneumoniae to Oxacillin, Ofloxacin and Rifampicin in Abraka South-South Nigeria. , Global Journal of Medical Research/Global Journals Inc. USA
Vol.15 (4) Pages: 15-20
- Ehiaghe F. A, Enwa O.F, Akinshipe B.O, Ikusemoro A.I. (2014) Reticulocyte Assessment as A Biomarker for Bone Marrow Erythropoietic Function in Pregnant Woman Attending Antenatal Clinic in Benin City, Nigeria. , Journal of Advances in Biology/CIRWORLD. USA/India Vol.15 (4) Pages: 318-321
- Felix O Enwa, Omojate C Godstime, Clement O Anie, Jewo O Augustina. (2014) The Efficacy of Probiotic Lactobacilli Against Female Urogenitial Opportunistic Infections. , Journal Biology Agriculture and Healthcare/The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE) USA/UK Vol.4(7) Pages: 318-32189-92