
Email: jeahomafor@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry
  • Department of Pharmacy
  • My Publications
  • Edwin O Omeje, Joy E Ahomafor, Theophilus U Onyekaba, Philip O Monioro, Ibekwe Nneka, Sunday Onyeloni, Charles Chime, Jonathan C Eboka (2017) Endophytic fungi as alternative and reliable sources for potent anticancer agents, Natural Products and Cancer Drug Discovery/BoD–Books on Demand
    http://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=4HCPDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PA141&dq=info:0i677MnlaVwJ:scholar.google.com&ots=J-UBdymBQ9&sig=RdYW79q-YpwRS19DURyBDAaqdY8 Vol. Pages: 141

  • A Falodun, O Erharuyi, V Imieje, J Ahomafor, C Akunyuli, M Jacobs, S Khan, MT Hamann, P Langer (2014) In vitro evaluation of aliphatic fatty alcohol metabolites of Perseaamericana seed as potential antimalarial and antimicrobial agents, Nigerian journal of biotechnology
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/njb/article/view/106076 Vol.27 Pages: 1-7

  • A Falodun, O Erharuyi, V Imieje, JE Falodun, J Ahomafor, T Onyekaba, D Cox, M Abaldry, MT Hamann (2014) In Vitro inhibition of Leishmaniadonavoni by extracts and column fractions of five selected endemic medicinal plants in Nigeria, Nigerian Quarterly Journal of Hospital Medicine/Lagos University Medical Society
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/nqjhm/article/view/116110 Vol.24(2) Pages: 180-183

  • Abiodun Falodun, Vincent Imieje, Osayewenre Erharuyi, Ahomafor Joy, Peter Langer, Melissa Jacob, Shabanna Khan, Mohammed Abaldry, Mark Hamann (2014) Isolation of antileishmanial, antimalarial and antimicrobial metabolites from Jatropha multifida, Asian pacific journal of tropical biomedicine
    https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2221169115303294 Vol.4(5) Pages: 374-378

  • Osayemwenre Erharuyi, Nadja Engel-Lutz, Joy Ahomafor, Vincent Imieje, Abiodun Falodun, Babara Nebe, Peter Langer (2014) Anticancer activity of five forest crops used in African folklore: antiproliferative and pro-apoptotic effects, Natural product research/Taylor & Francis
    https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14786419.2013.879475 Vol.28(10) Pages: 740-745

  • Abiodun Falodun, Vincent Imieje, Osayewenre Erharuyi, Joy Ahomafor, Melissa R Jacob, Shabana I Khan, Mark T Hamann (2014) Evaluation of three medicinal plant extracts against Plasmodium falciparum and selected microganisms, African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines/African Ethnomedicines Network (Nigeria)
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/ajtcam/article/view/106385 Vol.11(4) Pages: 142-146