- Area of Specialization: GENERAL SURGERY
- Department of Surgery
My Publications- A. Akhator, CP Oside, E Ijomone (2016) Clinicopathologic study of Goiters in Warri, Nigeria, Indian Journal of Clinical Practice.
Vol.26 Pages: 1128 – 1130
- A. Akhator (2015) Non-puerperal Breast Abscess in South Nigeria., Indian Journal of Clinical Practice.
Vol.26 Pages: 181-183
- A. Akhator (2015) Uterine myoma as a content of a strangulated inguinal hernia. , Journal of Case Reports. Vol.5 Pages: 304-306.
- A. Akhator (2014) Review of Breast Cancer in Niger Delta Region of Nigeria., Nigerian Research Journal of Clinical Sciences
Vol.4 Pages: 109-111
- A. Akhator (2012) Appendicitis in the elderly – Experiences from Nigeria, Biosciences, biotechnology research Asia Vol.9 Pages: 717 – 719
- A. Akhator (2011) Surgical matricectomy in the management of ingrown toe-nail – Experience from Nigeria, Biosciences, Biotechnology Research Asia Vol.8 Pages: 603-605
- A. Akhator, CP Oside (2011) Giant inguinoscrotal hernia in Warri, Nigeria, The African Journal of Tropical Medicine and Biomedical Research
Vol.2 Pages: 91-95
- E. B. Anyanwu, T. O. Mabiaku, A. Akhator, and Okperi B (2010) Flying crash helmets and cases of multiple vehicular accidents in Delta State, Nigeria., Continental Journal of Applied Sciences
Vol.5 Pages: 15-17
- A. Akhator (2010) Pattern of gunshot injuries - Experience for Baptist Medical Center, Eku, Nigeria, Ebonyi Medical Journal Vol.9 Pages: 8-12
- A. Akhator, DF Essiet (2010) Fear of prostate biopsy: A limitation in the management of prostate cancer, Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice;year=2010;volume=13;issue=1;spage=64;epage=66;aulast=Akhator;type=0 Vol.13 Pages: 64-66
- E.A. Sule, E.E. Akpo, A. Akhator, D. Obaseki (2010) Axillary breast cancer in a Nigerian woman., The New Zealand Medical Journal. Vol.123 Pages: 84-87
- A. Akhator, C.P. Oside. (2010) Neonatal breast abscess – case report and review of literature., Continental Journal of Tropical Medicine Vol.4 Pages: 6-8
- A. Akhator, E.A. Sule, E.E. Akpo (2010) Postoperative synergistic gangrene on the anterior abdominal wall – report of a case, Continental Journal of Tropical Medicine. Vol.4 Pages: 23-26
- E Akpo, M Akpo, A Akhator (2009) Giant hydrocoeles in women: a social embarrassment, Internet Journal of Surgery Vol.24 Pages:
- A. Akhator, C. Osime (2009) Colocolonic intussusceptions in an adult been prepared for bowel resection a rare presentation, Biosciences, Biotechnology Research Asia
Vol.6 Pages: 551-553
- A. Akhator, E.E. Akpo, E.A. Sule, F.O. Ijekeye (2009) Knowledge and Practice of Breast-Self Examination among Educated Nigerian Women, The Nigerian Journal of General Practice
Vol.8 Pages: 27-30
- A. Akhator (2009) Pattern of Paediatric hernias in Eku, Ebonyi Medical Journal
Vol.1 Pages: 42-44
- A. Akhator, C.P. Oside (2009) Changing Reproductive risk factors for breast cancer, Nigerian Journal of Surgical Sciences.
Vol.19 Pages: 90-94
- A. Akhator (2008) Clinicopathological study of breast cancer in Eku, Delta State – A Five Year Review, The Nigerian Journal of General Practice
Vol.8 Pages: 23-28
- A. Akhator (2007) Pattern of lower limb amputations in Eku, Ebonyi Medical Journal
Vol.6 Pages: 18-20
- A. Akhator (2007) Benign Breast Masses in Nigeria., Nigerian Journal of Surgical Sciences
Vol.17 Pages: 105-108
- G.O. Igberase, A. Akhator, P.N Egbeigbe (2007) Severe tongue laceration with massive haemorrhage in a 35-year-old eclamptic grand multipara., Clinics in Mother and Child Health
Vol.4 Pages: 683-686
- A. Akhator (2006) Early Wound Exposure-A Place in Surgical Management of Patients., The Nigerian Journal of General Practice
Vol.7 Pages: 50-52
- O.C. OSIME, U OSIME, A. Akhator (2003) Retained large abdominal swab., Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Research
Vol.2 Pages: 80-82
- A. Akhator ((2016)) Retained artery forceps that migrated into the large intestine. , Journal of Case reports Vol.6 Pages: 191-194
- A. Akhator ( 2012) Appendicitis in the elderly – Experiences from Nigeria., Biosciences, biotechnology research Asia Vol.9 Pages: 717 – 719
- A. Akhator, C.P. Oside,A. Inikori, F.N. Nwanchokor. ( 2010) Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour: a rare tumour of the breast., Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences Vol.9 Pages: 9-10
- E. B. Anyanwu, T. O. Mabiaku, A. Akhator, and Okperi B ( 2010) Understanding and prevention of children’s accidents., Continental Journal of Biomedical Sciences.
Vol.4 Pages: 4-6
- E.E. Akpo, M.O. Akpo, A. Akhator (2010) ( 2010) Breast cancer knowledge and screening practices among Nigerian Medical students. , The Internet Journal of Health
Vol.11 Pages:
- E. B. Anyanwu, A. Akhator ( 2010) Bilateral webbed fingers in a set of fraternal twins – case report., Continental Journal of Medical Research
Vol.4 Pages: 4-8
- A. Akhator, C.P. Oside ( 2010) Presentation of Breast diseases in Warri, Nigeria., The African Journal of Tropical Medicine and Biomedical Research
Vol.1 Pages: 22-26
- A. Akhator, E.E. Akpo, E.E. Sule ( 2009) Spectrum of adult external hernias in Eku., Annals of Rural and Sub-urban Medicine
Vol.2 Pages: 1-3
- A. Akhator, D. Umukoro ( 2007) Sigmoid volvulus in Midwestern Nigeria., Nigerian Journal of Surgical Sciences
Vol.17 Pages: 59-62
- A. Akhator ( 2005) Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infection of the Upper Limb in Diabetics – Review of Six Cases: , The Nigerian Journal of General Practice,
Vol. Pages: 28-32