
Email: nwanzulc@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: Workplace attitude and behaviour, organisation sustainability and change management.
  • Department of Psychology

  • Chiyem Lucky Nwanzu is a PhD holder in Industrial/Organizational Psychology and an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria. His research interests are workplace attitude and behaviour, organization sustainability and change management.
    My Publications
  1. Edosomwan, H.S. &; Nwanzu, L. C. (2023) Ethical sensitivity and its association with caring behaviour among healthcare workers in Delta State, Nigeria: A cross-sectional study., International Journal of Occupational Safety and Health,
      Vol.11(3) Pages: 282-292

  2. Nwanzu, L. C. & Babalola, S.S. (2023) The Effect of Work-Life Balance and Social Competence on the Psychological Well-Being of Public Service Employees., International Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship, Social Science and Humanities
    Vol.6(2) Pages: 57-70

  3. Nwanzu, L. C. Babalola, S. S. & Osazevbaru, H. O. (2023) Effect of public service motivation and psychological empowerment on individual work performance of public sector employees., Africa Journal of Business and Economic Research,
    Vol.18(2) Pages: 109- 128

  4. Omreore, E. O. Nwanzu, L. C. & Edosomwam, H. S. (2023) Can they still “sòròsókè”? : Examining police legitimacy and activism for police-related reforms post Endsars., African Renaissance
      Vol.20(2) Pages: 31-56

  5. Nwanzu, L. C. & Babalola, S. S. (2023) Socio-psychological factors in sustainable mobile phone facilities usage behaviour., International Journal of Mobile Communications
    Vol.21(3) Pages: 410-431

  6. Choeni, P., Babalola, S. S. & Nwanzu, L. C. (2023) The effect of leader's emotional intelligence and role-breadth self-efficacy on proactive behaviour at work., International. Journal of Business Science and Applied Management,
    Vol.18(1) Pages: 64-75

  7. Nwanzu, L. C. & Babalola,S.S. (2023) The role of workplace friendship in cultural intelligence and quality of work-life: A cross-sectional study., Annals of Spiru Haret University. Economic Series
    Vol.23(1) Pages: 186-208.

  8. Nwanzu, L. C. & Babalola, S. S. (2022) Emotional labor strategies and counterproductive work behavior: A social exchange theory approach., Romanian Journal of Applied Psychology
      Vol.24(1-2) Pages: 11-19

  9. Omreore, E. O, & Nwanzu, L. C. (2022) Africa and the sustainable development goals: A thematic review of current trends. , African Journal for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
    Vol.25(2) Pages: 8-20

  10. Omreore, E. O, & Nwanzu, L. C (2022) Examining the Relationship among Work-Leisure Conflict, Coping Self-Efficacy, Psychological Flexibility and Psychological Wellbeing., Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences
    Vol.16 (2) Pages: 236-256

  11. Nwanzu, L. C. & Babalola, S. S. (2022) The influence of psychological ownership and creative self-efficacy on employee creative performance., Pakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences,
    Vol.16(1) Pages: 34-49

  12. Babalola, S. S. & Nwanzu, L. C. (2022) The moderating role of gender in the effect of self-monitoring personality trait on emotional labor strategies,, Cogent Business & Management,
    DOI: 10.1080/23311975.2022.2046679 Vol.9: Pages: 1, 2046679

  13. Babalola, S.S. & Nwanzu, C.L. (2021) The current phase of social sciences research: A thematic overview of the literature,, Cogent Social Sciences,
    DOI: 10.1080/23311886.2021.1892263. Vol.7: Pages: 1, 1892263,

  14. Nwanzu, L. C. & Babalola, S. S. (2021) Effect of workplace spirituality on perceived organizational support and job performance among university administrative employees., Contemporary Management Research,
    doi:10.7903/cmr.20349. Vol. 17(2), Pages: 127-155.

  15. Edosomwan, H. S, & Nwanzu, L.C. (2021) Psychological contract fulfillment and attitude towards organizational change: A mediation and moderation analysis of affective commitment and empowering leadership., SEISENSE Journal of Management
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.33215/sjom.v4i4.683. Vol.4(4) Pages: 62-76

  16. Edosomwan, H. S, Nwanzu, L.C. & Oguegbe, T. M (2020) Exploring the predictive role of perceived employability on attitude towards organizational change and affective organizational commitment: A social exchange perspective., Academic Journal of Current Research
      Vol.7(8) Pages: 56-72.

  17. Nwanzu, L. C. (2020) The implication of workplace spirituality and workplace attitudes on job performance: A literature review,, Fulafia journal of social sciences,
    Vol.3(2) Pages: 14-26

  18. Nwanzu, C. L., & Babalola, S. S. (2020) Examining the moderating role of workload in the relationship between emotional intelligence and caring behavior in healthcare organizations., International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management
    Vol.15, (1) Pages: 18-29

  19. Nwanzu, L.C. & Adams, B. (2020) Examining the moderating role of age, gender, and marital status in the relationship between perceived organizational support and employee performance,, Nigerian Journal of Management science
    Vol.7(2) Pages: 55-63

  20. Babalola, S. S & Nwanzu, C. L (2020) Role of organizational strategy and entrepreneurial orientation on organizational effectiveness. , International Journal of Entrepreneurship,
    [PDF] from researchgate.net Vol.24(1) Pages: 1-15.

  21. Nwanzu, L.C. (2019) A review on relationship between organizational justice and productive workplace behavior: Implication for organizational performance. , Benue Journal of Social Sciences,
    Vol.6 (2), Pages: 212-225

  22. Nwanzu, CL., & Babalola, S. S. (2019) Psychological capital, task autonomy and innovative work behaviour among public organisation employees., International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion.
    https://www.inderscienceonline.com/doi/abs/10.1504/IJWOE.2019.106892 Vol.10 (4) Pages: 323-338

  23. Nwanzu, C. L., & Babalola, S. S. (2019) Impact of organisation ownership and strategy on organisational sustainable practices., Academy of Strategic Management Journal,
    Vol.18(5), Pages: 1939-6104-18-5-418

  24. Nwanzu, C. L., & Babalola, S. S. (2019) Predictive relationship of organisational sustainable practices and organisational effectiveness: Mediating role of organisational identification and organisation-based self-esteem., Sustainability
    https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/11/12/3440/pdf Vol.11 Pages: 3440.

  25. Nwanzu, C. L., & Babalola, S. S. (2019) Examining psychological capital of optimism, self-efficacy and self-monitoring as predictors of attitudes toward organisational change. , International Journal of Engineering Business Management,
    [PDF] from sagepub.com Vol. 11(2) Pages: 1-12.

  26. Nwanzu, L.C. &, Uhiara, A. (2018) Models-based organizational effectiveness scale: Development and validation. , International Journal of Science and Research,
    Vol.7(1), Pages: 2319-7064

  27. Ezeh, L. N., Etodike, C. E. & Nwanzu, C. L. (2018) Organizational justice dimensions and pay satisfaction as predictors of sabotage behavior among Nigerian bank employees. , Social Science Research,
    Vol.4 (1), Pages: 14-30.

  28. Aigbodion, I. A. Nwanzu, L.C, Aikpoghomhe, M. K. (2018) Influence of gender and perceived inequality on workplace deviant behavior in growing economy,, Igbenedion University Journal of Arts and Social Sciences,
    Vol.3 (1), Pages: 42-54

  29. Nwanzu, L.C. (2017) Impact of workplace spirituality on counterproductive behavior. In J.O Ezeokanna, I.V. Dudu and C.E. Nwafor (eds), New media capacity building in developing economies 104116. Awka: fab Educational Books
    Vol. Pages:

  30. Nwanzu, L.C. (2017) Attitude towards corrupt practices among public sector employees: Influence of perceived leader integrity, perceived organizational justice and perceived organizational support. , State and Society.
    Vol.3 (3), Pages: 157-170

  31. Nwanzu, L.C. (2017) Academic programme satisfaction and doctorate aspiration among Master’s degree students: The role of mentoring experience. , Ife PsychologiA,
    Vol.25 (1) Pages: 422-443.

  32. Uzonwanne, C.F. &Nwanzu, L.C. (2017) Pay satisfaction and career satisfaction as predictors of organizational commitment among employee leaders of banks in North and Southwest Nigeria. , Journal of management Research
    http://www.indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=ijor:jmr&volume=17&issue=1&article=002 Vol.17 (1) Pages: 3-17.

  33. Nwanzu, L.C. (2017) A comparative study of organizational citizenship behaviour in service and manufacturing organizations., Ife psychologiA,
    Vol.25 (1) Pages: 59-76.

  34. Nwanzu, L.C. &Mbanefo, A.C. (2017) Literature review in degree-driven research work: A call for the desired level of attention. , Ife PsychologiA.
    Vol.25 (1) Pages: 59-76

  35. Nwanzu, L.C. (2017) Effect of gender and marital status on perceived organizational justice and perceived organizational support among workers in Delta State, , Gender &behaviour,
    Vol.15 (1) Pages: 8353-8366.

  36. Nwanzu, L.C & Uche-Okolo, O.C. (2017) Influence of training and development on employee performance among non-academic staff of Delta State polytechnic, Ogwashi-uku, Nigeria, , Africa Journal for the Study of Psychological issues,
    [PDF] from ajpssi.org Vol.20 (2) Pages: 177-187

  37. Nwanzu, L.C. (2017) Entrepreneurship orientation and entrepreneurial intention among undergraduates: The role of employment status of parents and perceived employment opportunity on graduation. , Journal of Social and management sciences,
    [PDF] from semanticscholar.org Vol.12 (1) Pages: 80-90.

  38. Nwanzu, L.C. (2017) Influence of gender on optimism , self efficacy and self monitoring among workers in Delta Stat., Journal of Contemporary Development,
    Vol.1(1) Pages: 69-84.

  39. Nwanzu, L.C. (2017) Organizational culture: Types of organization as antecedents and influence on organizational effectiveness., International Journal of Social Sciences,
    http://scholar.google.com/scholar?cluster=10040214502814603298&hl=en&oi=scholarr Vol.11 (2) Pages: 82-93.

  40. Nwanzu, L.C. & Bojeghre, A.H.N. (2016) Gender, work-family conflict and family-work conflict; A test of domain flexibility and domain salient perspectives, , Journal of Social and management Sciences,
    [PDF] from semanticscholar.org Vol.11 (1), Pages: 27-36.

  41. Nwanzu, L.C. (2016) Parenting styles and enterprises potential among adolescents. , Social Science Research
    https://journals.aphriapub.com/index.php/SSR/article/view/668 Vol.3 Pages: 1-29.

  42. Nwanzu, L.C. &Aigbodion, I.A (2016) Gender and work-family conflict among health workers: The moderating role of work schedule. , Journal of Strategic and Development studies,
    Vol. 1, (1), Pages: 478-488.

  43. Nwanzu, C.L. & Mbanefo, A.C. (2016) Mentoring role in editorship of academic Journals: A review on mechanics and typography. , Nigerian Journal of Psychological Research,
    Vol.4, (1), Pages: 494-507.

  44. Nwanzu, C.L. & Mbanefo, A.C. (2016) An empirical assessment of perceived sustainable development values among workers in Delta State, Nigeria. , Africa Journal for the Study of Psychological Issues,
    http://ajpssi.org/index.php/ajpssi/article/viewFile/216/362 Vol.20 (1), Pages: 150-164.

  45. Nwanzu, L.C & Bojeghre, A.H.N. (2016) Infection Mode, Deliberate Infection, Stigma and Risky sexual Behaviour of people living with Hiv/Aids. , Journal of Gender, Information and development in Africa (JGIDA)
    https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/sabinet/aajgida/2016/00000005/00000001/art00003 Vol.1 and 2, Pages: 33-51.

  46. Nwanzu, L.C. (2015) Psychometric properties of self-report measures: An evaluation, Journal of Social and management sciences,
    Vol.10 (3), Pages: 100-105.

  47. Nwanzu, L.C. &Adeogun, I.O. (2015) Perceived leadership styles and employee performance: The mediating effect of job satisfaction. , Journal of Social and management Sciences,
    Vol.10 (2), Pages: 49-59.

  48. Nwanzu, L.C. & Aigbodion, I.A (2015) The relationship between six organizational citizenship behaviour scales. , Ekpoma Journal of Social science,
    Vol.5 (2), Pages: 42-49.

  49. Nwanzu, L.C. & Aigbodion, I.A (2015) Performance of organizational citizenship behaviour: Moderating role of organizational ownership., Ekpoma Journal of Behavioural Sciences,
    Vol.5 (1), Pages: 69-79.

  50. Nwanzu, L.C. & Mbanefo, A.C. (2014) Impact of organizational citizenship behaviour on organizational effectiveness: Organization ownership as a moderator. , Nigerian Journal of Psychological Research
    http://scholar.google.com/scholar?cluster=11896741551026605630&hl=en&oi=scholarr Vol.10 Pages: 47-55