
Email: sajinifaith@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: Population Studies
  • Department of Geography and Regional Planning

  • Dr. (Mrs) Faith Iwejingi SAJINI is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography and Regional Planning. She has been teaching Population related courses in the Department for the past sixteen years. Her research Interest revolves around the Socioeconomic and Environmental Implications of Population change. She has research works that are also based on HIV/AIDS and gender related issues among others. She has supervised and is still currently supervising research projects both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Currently, she is the acting head of the Department of Geography and Regional Planning, Faculty of the Social Sciences, Delta State University, Abraka.
    My Publications
  1. SAJINI, F.I. (2022) Demographic Change and Economic Growth Geographical and Health perspectives, International Journal of Health Sciences
    Vol.6(2) Pages: 965-971

  2. SAJINI, Faith Iwejingi (2022) Demography and Unemployment in Nigeria: A Geographical Perspective, Journal of Positive School Psychology
    Vol. Pages: 6723-6729

  3. SAJINI, F.I and Ijeh P.N (2021) Socio demographic Effects of Child Labour and its Communication in Southern Nigeria. A case study of Port-Harcourt City, River State. Nigeria, Review of International Geographical Education(RIGEO)
    Vol.11(10) Pages: 1964-1972

  4. SAJINI, F.I. (2021) Human Population Growth and the Socioeconomic Effects in Warri Metropolitan City, Delta State. Nigeria, Linguistic and Culture Review
    Vol.5(S1) Pages: 878-889

  5. SAJINI, F.I. and Frukama E. A. (2021) Population Growth and Socio-Economic Activities in Nigeria’s Niger Delta Region; A case study of Patani Town, Journal of Management and Social Sciences
    Vol.16(1) Pages: 101-112

  6. SAJINI, F.I. (2020) Non-Registration of Birth In Nigeria : A demographic Data Challenge , African Journal of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities
    Vol.9(2) Pages: 1-10

  7. Sajini, Faith Iwejingi (2018) The Impact of Demographic change on Contemporary Road Transport system in Nigeria., African Journal of Management, Social sciences and Humanities Vol. 7, number 2.
    Vol.7, number 2 Pages: 200-207

  8. Sajini, Faith Iwejingi (2018) Socio-Cultural Factors as Determinants of the Gendered Pattern of HIV/AIDS in Delta State., Journal of Social and Management sciences Vol 13, No 2.
    Vol.13, number 2 Pages: 11-15

  9. Sajini, Faith Iwejingi (2018) Contemporary Problem of Oil Extraction processes in Nigeria’s Niger Delta., Sahel Analyst journal of Management Sciences Vol. 16 No 3
    Vol.16, number 3 Pages: 149-155

  10. Sajini, Faith Iwejingi (2018) Demographic and Socio-Economic Inequalities in Mortality due to Morbidity in Delta State., African journal of Management, Social sciences and humanities Vol. 7, Number 1
    Vol.7, Number 1 Pages: 105-119

  11. Sajini, F.I and Ogunbiyi S.S (2018) The Socio-economic Implications of Nigeria’s Population Growth Rate Pattern ., Nigeria Journal of Science and Environment. Volume 16 (1)
      Vol.16 (1) Pages: 1-14

  12. SAJINI, F.I. and Ogunbiyi S.S. (2017) Socio-Demographic Correlates of Family planning Uptake among Women in Nigeria., African Journal of social and Behavioural Sciences.
    Vol.7 Number 2 Pages: 122-132

  13. Sajini, Faith Iwejingi (2017) Gender and Awareness Pattern of HIV/AIDS in Delta state, A geographical Perspective., Journal of social and Management sciences.
    http://www.universityjournals.org/journal/JSMS/article-full-text-pdf/5C12909B7 Vol.12, No. 1 Pages: 71-79

  14. Sajini, Faith Iwejingi (2017) The Effects of Population Pressure on Forest Resources in Auchi and Environs. State and Society., State and Soceity
    Vol.3, No 3 Pages: 283-292

  15. Sajini, Faith Iwejingi (2017) The Consequences of Rural Urban Migration on Socioeconomic Activities in Auchi and Environs., Journal of Contemporary Development.
    Vol.1, No 1 Pages: 169-178

  16. OSIRIKE, A .B AND SAJINI, F.I (2016) Feminization of HIV/AIDS in Delta State , Nigeria., The Nigerian Geographical Journal. New Series Volume 11, No. 1
    Vol.11, No. 1 Pages: 1-13

  17. Sajini, Faith Iwejingi (2015) The perceived Impact of Population Growth on Housing in Asaba in 2014., International Journal of Research in Arts and Social Sciences
    Vol.8, No 2 Pages: 37-42

  18. OSIRIKE, A .B AND SAJINI, F.I (2015) HIV/AIDS in Emerging Urban Centers of Delta State, Nigeria., Crawford Journal of Business and Social Sciences
    http://m.covenantuniversity.edu.ng/content/download/53874/365009/file/The+Political-Economy+of+Nigeria%27s+National+Insecurity%3B+An+Examination+of+the+Fourth+Republic.pdf Vol.V, No 2 Pages: 1-11

  19. Sajini, Faith Iwejingi (2013) Mapping Gender Disparity in HIV/AIDS Prevalence in the Urbanizing Communities of Delta State, A Case Study of Ethiope –East Local Government Area., The Nigerian Journal of Cartography and GIS
    Vol.8, No 1 Pages: 83-96

  20. Sajini Faith Iwejingi (2013) Socio-Economic problems of Oil Exploration and Exploitation in Nigeria's Niger Delta, International Institute for Science, Technology and policy
    https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Socio-Economic-Problems-of-Oil-Exploration-and-in-Faith/8410a7a9dfdb20e393eb9e46e12bea1a129fedce Vol.3 No.1 Pages: 76-80

  21. Sajini, Faith Iwejingi (2013) Demographic Change and Climate Change: The Nigerian Experience, Journal of Environment and Earth Science
    https://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/JEES/article/view/4009 Vol.. Vol 3, No 1 Pages: 80-85

  22. Sajini, Faith Iwejingi (2012) Population Growth, Environmental Degradation And Human Health In Nigeria, Research on Humanities and Social sciences
    https://iiste.org/Journals/index.php/RHSS/article/view/3384 Vol.. Vol 2, No 10 Pages: 98-102

  23. Sajini, Faith Iwejingi (2010) The Role of Women In Peace-Building And Conflict Resolution: An Emerging Social Preoccupation., A publication of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Delta State University Abraka.
    Vol. Pages: 107- 112

  24. Sajini, Faith Iwejingi (2009) Cultural Norms That Limit the use of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Services in Africa., A publication of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Delta State University Abraka.
    Vol.1 Pages: 143-149

  25. Sajini, Faith Iwejingi (2007) THE DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS OF DELTA STATE, Delta State in Maps
    http://www.worldcat.org/title/delta-state-in-maps/oclc/465233806 Vol.1 Pages: 109