
Email: odirivi@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: Strategic Management, Research and General Management
  • Department of Business Administration

  • Dr. Odiri is a born scholar and hails from Orogun, Ughelli North Local Government Area of Delta State. He is a lecturer in the Department of Business Administration, Faculty of the Social Sciences, Delta State University, Abraka.
    My Publications
  1. Odiri, V.I.O. (2024) Workplace incivility and firms’ productivity in Nigeria: Evidence from governmental enterprises , International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation
    https://abjournals.org/ijebi/papers/volume-7/issue-1/workplace-incivility-and-firms-productivity-in-nigeria-evidence-from-governmental-enterprises/ Vol.7(1) Pages: 1-21

  2. Odiri, V.I.O., Okwuise, Y.U., Macauley O.J. Eruwawe, O.E. & ikedje D. (2024) Student entrepreneurship on campus: A survival response or a career rehearsal , IOSR Journal of Business and Management
    https://www.iosrjournals.org/iosr-jbm/papers/Vol26-issue2/Ser-8/C2602082135.pdf Vol.26(2) Pages: 21-35

  3. Odiri, V.I.O. & Oriomah, L. (2024) Flexible work arrangements and employees’ commitment of selected healthcare companies in Edo State, Nigeria , Journal of Gender and Contemporary Issues
    Vol.1(1) Pages: 207-219

  4. Odiri, V.I.O. & Omeniah, C. (2023) Feedback system as a mediator in corporate acquisitions and employees’ productivity in Nigeria Evidence from Listed Commercial Banks, Journal of Management Science, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka
    https://journals.unizik.edu.ng/jfms/article/view/3707 Vol.60(5) Pages: 151-169

  5. Odiri, V.I.O. & Eyakwaire, K.G. (2023) Dynamic capabilities and employee performance of telecommunication firms in Delta and Edo Sate, Nigeria , International Journal of Intellectual Discourse, Bauchi State University
    https://ijidjournal.org/index.php/ijid/article/view/473 Vol.6(4) Pages: 189-200

  6. Nwani, B.S. & Odiri, V.I.O. ( (2023) Strategy implementation and organizational performance of deposit money banks in Nigeria, Nigerian Journal of Management Sciences
    Vol.24(1a) Pages: 8-20

  7. Osazevbaru, H.O., Odiri, V.I.O. Yahaya, G.H. (2023) Do chief executive officer attributes mediate on the relationship between corporate social responsibility and disclosure practice and financial performance? A case of sub-Saharan Africa , Journal of Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology
    https://doi.org/10.37896/JXAT15.8/32405 Vol.XV(8) Pages: 69-88

  8. Isaac, A.P. & Odiri, V.I.O. (2023) After sales services as determinant of customers’ patronage of satellite products and services: A study of south-south Nigeria, British Journal of Management and Marketing Studies
    https://abjournals.org/bjmms/papers/volume-6/issue-4/aftersales-services-as-determinant-of-customers-patronage-of-satellite-products-and-services-a-study-of-south-south-nigeria/ Vol.6(4) Pages: 1-21

  9. Odiri, V.I.O. & Arukaroha, J. (2023) Work ethics climate and organizational commitment in Nigeria: The moderating role of retention factors, International Journal of Research in Management
    https://www.managementpaper.net/archives/2023/vol5issue2/PartA/5-2-1-730.pdf Vol.5(2) Pages: 14-23

  10. Odiri, V.I.O. & Akpocha, N. (2023) Human resource practices and employees performance in Nigerian public universities , International Journal for Research Trends and Innovations
    https://www.ijrti.org/viewpaperforall?paper=IJRTI2307036 Vol.8(7) Pages: 227-236

  11. Arubayi, D.O. & Odiri, V.I.O. (2023) Stimulating achievements: The mediating effect of employee commitment between high-performance work practices and employee engagement, Corporate and Business Strategy Review
    https://doi.org/10.22495/cbsrv4i2art13 Vol.4(2) Pages: 143-150

  12. Odiri, V.I.O., Aruoren, E.J. & Obieroma, A.A. (2023) Mediating effect of job engagement on the relationship between servant-leadership and employee performance , International Journal of Business and Social Science
    https://ijbssnet.com/journals/Vol_14_No_2_June_2023/8.pdf Vol.14(2) Pages: 78-91

  13. Odiri, V.I.O. & Odozi, B.N. (2023) Information and communication technology as a determinant of organizational performance: A study of banks in Delta/Edo States, International Journal of Social Sciences and Management Research
    https://iiardjournals.org/get/IJSSMR/VOL.%209%20NO.%2010%202023/INFORMATION%20AND%20COMMUNICATION%2066-79.pdf Vol.9(10) Pages: 66-79

  14. Aruoren, E.E., Odiri, V.I.O. & Erhuen, E.P. (2023) Relationship between self-efficacy and innovative workplace behaviour, International Journal of Research in Management
    https://www.managementpaper.net/archives/2023/vol5issue2/PartB/5-2-30-942.pdf Vol.5(2) Pages: 175-180

  15. Sakpaide, J., Odiri, V.I.O. & Sakpaide, E.J. (2023) Organizational citizenship behaviour and performance of manufacturing firms in Delta State: The role of employee engagement, International Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship Research
    https://www.fepbl.com/index.php/ijmer/article/view/492 Vol.5(5) Pages: 301-313

  16. Akpolo, R.B. & Odiri, V.I.O. (2022) Employee engagement and organizational commitment in Nigeria: Does it matters for Local Government Service Commission? , Journal of Business and Management Studies
    https://al-kindipublisher.com/index.php/jbms/article/view/4675 Vol.5(1) Pages: 1-9

  17. Omokhuale, C.O. & Odiri, V.I.O. (2022) Corporate mergers and acquisition and employees’ performance: The moderating role of performance feedbacks, IOSR Journal of Business and Management
    https://www.iosrjournals.org/iosr-jbm/papers/Vol24-issue11/Ser-5/H2411057588.pdf Vol.24(11) Pages: 75-88

  18. Macaulay, J. & Odiri, V.I.O. (2022) Entrepreneurial practices as a panacea for unemployment in Nigeria, International Journal of Scientific Research and Management
    https://ijsrm.net/index.php/ijsrm/article/view/4222 Vol.10(10) Pages: 1-12

  19. Isaac, A.P., Odiri, V.I.O. Oboreh, J.S. & Akpoyibo, G. (2022) Impact of COVID-19 on small and medium scale enterprises performance: Evidence from Nigeria. , International Journal of Management and Sustainability,
    https://doi.org/10.18488/11.v11i2.3050 Vol.11(2) Pages: 81-91

  20. Arubayi, D.O., Odiri, V.I.O. & Echewa O.B. (2022) Employee development and retention in the workplace: A survey of industrial goods companies in Nigeria, Innovations
    https://journal-innovations.com/assets/uploads/doc/71029-109-121.23840.pdf Vol.1(69) Pages: 109-121

  21. Osazevbaru, H.O, Odiri, V.I.O. & Yahaya, G.H. (2021) Corporate social responsibility and the performance of non-finance firms in Nigeria, Journal of Business and Economics Research
    10.11648/j.ijber.20211006.11 Vol.10(6) Pages: 209-218

  22. Aruoren, E.E., Odiri, V.I.O. & Igemohia, M. (2021) Mediating effect of organizational trust on the nexus between organizational justice and knowledge sharing: An empirical investigation, Journal of Management Information and Decision Science
    https://www.abacademies.org/articles/mediating-effect-of-organizational-trust-on-the-nexus-between-organizational-justice-and-knowledge-sharing-an-empirical-investigat-11204.html Vol.24(6) Pages: 1-14

  23. Odiri, V.I.O., Aruoren, E.E. & Okoro, G.E. (2021) Does corporate risk management increase the value of a firm? Evidence from quoted Nigerian oil and gas companies, Test Engineering and Management
    https://testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/article/view/14297/10962 Vol.84(1) Pages: 210-225

  24. Odiri, V.I.O. & Ideh, A.O. (2020) Determinants of organizational performance in Nigeria: Evidence from service firms, Humanities and Social Sciences Letters
    http://www.conscientiabeam.com/journal/73/abstract/6362 Vol.9(1) Pages: 86-95

  25. Odiri, V.I.O. (2020) Information communication technology and organizational performance: Experience from Nigerian manufacturing subsector, Journal of Social and Management Sciences, Delta State University, Abraka
    Vol.15(1) Pages: 92-98

  26. Odiri, V.I.O. (2020) Business ethics and corporate social responsibility, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria
      Vol. Pages: 15(1)

  27. Odiri, V.I.O., Osazevbaru, H.O. & Yahaya, G.H (2019) Workplace stressors and organizational performance in Nigeria: The moderating role of organizational policy, Test Engineering and Management
    http://www.testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/article/view/14306 Vol.Special Issue Pages: 58-83

  28. Odiri, V.I.O. (2019) Does work-life balance matter for employee productivity? Evidence from the Nigerian banking subsector, Quarterly Journal of Contemporary Research, Federal University, Otuoke

  29. Odiri, V.I.O. (2019) Human capital development as correlate of employee performance in Nigeria, Journal of Management Sciences, Rivers State University, Port Harcourt
    Vol. Pages:

  30. Odiri, V.I.O. (2019) Determinants of growth strategies of SMEs in Nigeria: The dynamics of ICT and adequate funding, Sahel Analyst: Journal of Management Sciences, Maiduguri
    https://saheljournalsonline.org.ng/testuploadc/Sahel_17_5_8.pdf Vol.17 Pages: 98-107

  31. Odiri, V.I.O. (2019) Nexus of project risk management, employee productivity and safety in Nigeria: Evidence from civil construction industry. , LASU Journal of Management Sciences
    Vol.5 Pages: 154-162

  32. Odiri, V.I.O. (2016) Participative leadership and organizational performance: empirical analysis of quoted oil firms on the Nigerian stock exchange, Journal of Academic Research in Economics (JARE)
    https://www.ceeol.com/search/article-detail?id=590415 Vol.8 Pages: 287-293

  33. Odiri, V.I.O. (2016) Does tacit knowledge predict organizational performance? A scrutiny of firms in upstream sector in Nigeria, Acta Universitatis Danubius
    http://journals.univ-danubius.ro/index.php/oeconomica/article/view/3138 Vol.12 Pages: 5-13

  34. Odiri, V.I.O. (2016) Motivational incentives and firm's performance in Nigeria: An empirical analysis, Journal of Academic Research in Economics, Spirut Haret University
    http://www.jare-sh.com/downloads/abstract_mar_2016/vincent.pdf Vol.8 Pages: 127-134

  35. Odiri, V.I.O. (2016) Effect of inventory management techniques on sales effectiveness in Nigerian breweries Plc., Ilorin Journal of Management Science, Faculty of Management Science, University of Ilorin, Nigeria
    Vol. Pages:

  36. Odiri, V.I.O. (2014) Towards communal peace and unity in Nigeria, Journal of Social and Management Science
    Vol.9 Pages: 36-41

  37. Odiri, V.I.O. (2013) Causes and consequence of organizational fraud in Nigeria, Journal of Social and Management Science
    Vol.8 Pages: 39-44

  38. Odiri, V.I.O. (2013) Effective communication as tool for proper management in organization, West African Journal of Business
    Vol.15 Pages: 172-179

  39. Odiri, V.I.O. & Okoro, G.E. (2012) Financial crimes and forensic accounting in Nigeria: A tool for fraud prevention, detection and investigation, Abia State University (ABSU) Journal of Management Science
    Vol.8 Pages: 153-160

  40. Odiri, V.I.O. (2009) Workers' perception of motivational incentives and reward systems in work organization, Journal of State and Society
    Vol.1 Pages: 181-190

  41. Osazevbaru, H.O. & Odiri, V.I.O. (2009) Lease finance as a strategy for funding small and medium scale enterprise in Nigeria, Nigerian Sociological Review
    Vol.4 Pages: 365-376

  42. Odiri, V.I.O. (2009) Towards ensuring effective knowledge management in organizations: The role of human resource departments, Nigerian Business and Social Review
    Vol.8 Pages: 182-191

  43. Odiri, V.I.O. (2004) Stimulating trial and positioning product in customer mind, Journal of State and Society
    Vol.1 Pages: 269-276

  44. Yomere, G.O. & Odiri, V.I.O. (2003) Has organizational culture any influence on merger success? , Journal of Social Thought and Development
    Vol.1 Pages: 1-16

  45. Odiri, V.I.O. & Adidu, F.A. (2003) Strategic management as a key to corporate survival, Journal of Arts, Social Sciences, and Education
    Vol.1 Pages: 51