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  • Department of Business Administration

  • Dr. Henry Osahon Osazevbaru specializes in General Management, Strategic Corporate Finance and Governance and Small Scale Business Management
    My Publications
  1. Osazevbaru, H. O., Omokhuale, C. O. and Isiaka, G. A. (2024) Does Chief Executive Officer Behavioural Competence affect Firm Performance? Evidence from Nigerian Microfinance Subsector., Global Journal of Finance and Business Review, AIR Journals, Mauritius
    Vol.7(1) Pages: 21-39

  2. Osazevbaru, H. O., Macualay, O.J. and Shalvong, A. N. (2024) Organizational Capital and Employees’ Counterproductive Work Behavior in the Nigerian Public Health Sector., International Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship Research, Fair East Publishers, India
    Vol.6(3) Pages: 491-501

  3. Osazevbaru, H. O. and Agbamudia, O. (2024) Occupational Stress and Employee Performance of Deposit Money Banks in Delta State, Nigeria, International Journal of Social Sciences and Management Review, White Wing Publications, Mandsaur, India
    Vol.7(2) Pages: 128-142

  4. Nwanzu, C. L., Babalola, S. M. and Osazevbaru, H. O. (2023) Effect of Public Service Motivation and Psychological Empowerment on Individual Work Performance of Public Sector Employees., African Journal of Business and Economic Research, Adonis & Abbey Publishers, South Africa
    Vol. 18(2) Pages: 109-128

  5. Osazevbaru, H.O. and Oyibo, F. (2023) Conceptualising Total Quality Management as a Predictor of Performance in Nigerian Microfinance Institutions., European Journal of Business & Management Research, European Open Science Publishing, London, UK
    Vol. 8(1) Pages: 86-92

  6. Osazevbaru, H.O., Amawhe, P. E. and Akpoyibo, A. G. (2023) Leader-Member Exchange as Moderator of Ethical Leadership and Employees’ Job Performance Nexus in Nigeria, Issues in Business Management and Economics, Journal Issues Publishing, USA
    Vol. 11(1) Pages: 10-23

  7. Amawhe,P.E., Osazevbaru, H.O. and Demaki, G.O. (2023) Ethical Leadership and Staff Job Performance in the Nigerian Tourism Sector., Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting, Science Domain International, India
    Vol. 23(11) Pages: 45-61

  8. Osazevbaru, H. O., Odiri, V.I.O and Yahaya, G.H. (2023) Do Chief Executive Officer Attributes Mediate o the Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure Practice and Financial Performance? A case of Sub-Saharan Africa., Journal of Xi’an University of Architecture & Technology, Science Press, China
    Vol.XV(8) Pages: 69-88

  9. Osazevbaru, H. O., Ogwu, K. R., and Demaki, G. (2023) Effect of Board Knowledge Capital on Organisational Performance of Listed Companies in Nigeria., European Journal of Business and Innovation, European Centre for Research Training and Development, UK
    Vol.11(6) Pages: 1-13

  10. Osazevbaru, H. O., Iyomaterie, A. J, and Ohwovoriole, O. (2023) CEO Personality Traits and Employees’ Performance in Nigerian Small and Medium Enterprises., Indiana Journal of Economics and Business Management, Indiana Publications, India
    Vol.3(6) Pages: 1-9

  11. Osazevbaru, H. O. and Akaliduwa, A.M. (2023) Leadership Skills and Performance of Public Sector Institutions: The case of Public Universities in Delta State Nigeria., International Research Journal of Economics and Management Studies, Eternal Scientific Publications, India
    Vol.2(4) Pages: 315-322

  12. Osazevbaru, H. O. and Ogwu, K. R. (2023) Effect of Board Knowledge Capital on Value of Listed Companies in Nigeria: The Moderating Role of CEO Financial Expertise., Asian Journal of Social Science and Management Technology, Asian Journal of Social Science and Management Technology, Singapore
    Vol.5(6) Pages: 56-66

  13. Osazevbaru, H. O. and Okeme, O.J. (2023) Impact of Core Competencies on Organisational Performance of Industrial Goods Firms in Nigeria., International Journal of Applied Research in Social Sciences, Fair East Publishers, India
    Vol.5(10) Pages: 515-527

  14. Osazevbaru, H. O. 2023 (2023) Towards Greener Corporate Operations: Information Technology as Moderator of Chief Executive Officer Equity Based Compensation and Firm’s Competitiveness in Nigeria., Journal of Academic Research in Economics, Faculty of Law and Economics, and Central Research Instititute, Spiru Haret University, Constanza
    Vol.15(3) Pages: 627-640

  15. Osazevbaru, H. O. and Osayande, F. (2022) Impact of Knowledge Management on the Performance of Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria., Himalayan Journal of Economics and Business Management, Inlight Publisher (IARCON INT LLP), Kuwait
    Vol.3(1) Pages: 122-129

  16. Osazevbaru, H.O. (2022) Chief Executive Officer Duality, Nationality and Firms Growth Opportunities., Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Management Studies, Asian Online Publishing Group, China
    Vol.9(2) Pages: 51-59

  17. Osazevbaru, H.O. and Imasuen F.O. (2022) Board Leadership Structure, Board Diligence, and Firms’ Strategic Cash Flow Decisions in Nigerian Non-finance Companies., Journal of Academic Research in Economics, aculty of Law and Economics, and Central Research Instititute, Spiru Haret University, Constanza
    Vol.14(2) Pages: 243-260

  18. Osazevbaru, H. O. and Amawhe, P. E. 2022 (2022) Emerging Paradigm of Employees’ Involvement in Decision Making and Organizational Effectiveness: Further Evidence from Nigerian Manufacturing Firms., American Journal of Economics and Business Innovation, Epalli Publisher, USA
    Vol. 1(3) Pages: 14-23

  19. Osazevbaru, H.O. and Nnadi-Valentine C. J. (2022) Strategic Planning as Correlates of Performance in Nigerian Public Healthcare Establishments., International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, Malwa International Journals Publications, India
    Vol. 7(10) Pages: 3360-3375

  20. Osazevbaru, H.O. and Agbor, E. (2022) Psychosocial Work Environment and Employees’ Performance in Nigerian Oil and Gas Firms., Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Studies, JEFMS, USA
    Vol. 5(12) Pages: 3910-3920

  21. Osazevbaru, H.O., Akpoyibo, A. G. and Osayande, F. (2022) Knowledge Application, Knowledge Protection and Strategic Performance of Nigerian Insurance Companies., Management and Human Resource Research Journal, Center for International Research Development, USA
    Vol. 11(12) Pages: 1-16

  22. Odia, J. O. and Osazevbaru, H.O. (2022) (2022) Accounting Information Asymmetry and Stock Return Volatility, Journal of Applied Financial Econometrics, ARF Journals, India
    Vol.3(2) Pages: 235-253

  23. Osazevbaru, H. O., Odiri, V.I.O and Yahaya, G.H. (2021) Corporate Social Responsibility and the Performance of Non-Finance Firms in Nigeria., International Journal of Business and Economics Research, Science Publishing Group, NY, USA.
    Vol.10(6) Pages: 209-218

  24. Osazevbaru, H. O. and Amawhe, P. E. (2021) Empirical Narratives on Workplace Environment and Employees’ Performance Nexus: New Evidence from the Knowledge Industry., Journal of Academic Research in Economics,Faculty of Law and Economics, and Central Research Instititute, Spiru Haret University, Constanza
    Vol.13(3) Pages: 422-441

  25. Osazevbaru, H.O. (2021) Empirical Examination of Top Management Characteristics and Strategic Decision Making., Business Trends, Faculty of Economics, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen
    Vol. 11(2) Pages: 35-49

  26. Osazevbaru, H. O. (2021) Interest rate and Exchange rate Volatility and the Performance of the Nigerian Informal Sector; Evidence from Small and Medium- Sized Enterprises., Economic Horizon
    Vol.23(1) Pages: 19-32

  27. Osazevbaru, H. O (2021) Conservative Business Strategy as Moderator of Board Independence and Corporate Performance Nexus in Nigerian Financial Companies, Asian Economic and Financial Review
    Vol.11(6) Pages: 446-456

  28. Osazevbaru, H. O. and Yahaya, G. H. (2021) Board Cultural Diversity and Firm Performance., Humanities and Social Sciences Letters
    Vol.9(2) Pages: 152-161

  29. Tarurhor, M. E. and Osazevbaru, H. O. (2021) Inventory Management and Customers’ Satisfaction in the Public Health Sector in Delta State, Nigeria: Marketing Analysis., Innovative Marketing
    Vol.17(2) Pages: 69-78

  30. Osazevbaru, H. O., Aruoren, E. E. and Okunima, P. (2021) Measuring the Effect of Working Capital Management on firms’ Profitability; Evidence from Quoted Nigerian Companies, International Journal of Management
    Vol.12(3) Pages: 736-743

  31. Osazevbaru, H.O. and Tarurhor, M.E. (2020) Corporate governance and management opportunistic behaviour, Social Science Asia Vol.6(3) Pages: 1-12

  32. Osazevbaru, H. O (2020) Measuring the Value Relevance of Financial Information for Strategic Decision-Making and Performance of Nigerian Listed Firms. , Trends Economics and Management
    Vol.36(2) Pages: 33-48

  33. Osazevbaru, H. O. and Tarurhor, M. E. (2020) Unobservable Characteristics of Board Directors and the Performance of Financial Services Firms in Nigeria., Investment Management and Financial Innovations
    Vol.17(4) Pages: 378-388

  34. Osazevbaru, H.O. (2020) Is Value Relevance of Financial Information Declining? Evidence from Nigeria., Social and Administrative Sciences Review
    Vol.6(1) Pages: 101-121

  35. Osazevbaru, H.O. (2020) Theoretical Validation of the Weekend Effect in Stock Market Anomalies: a Behavioural Science Approach, African Journal of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities
    Vol.9(1) Pages: 105-121

  36. Osazevbaru, H.O. (2020) Is Value Relevance of Financial Information Declining? Evidence from Nigeria., Social and Administrative Sciences Review, Faculty of Social and Management Sciences, Umaru Musa Yar’Adua University
    Vol. 6(1) Pages: 101-121

  37. Osazevbaru, H.O. (2019) Influence of Subjective Factors on Strategic Choices: Evidence from Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Delta State., Ilorin Journal of Management Sciences, Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Ilorin
    Vol. 6(1) Pages: 28-39

  38. Osazevbaru, H.O (2019) Socio-Economic Paradigm for Building Customer Loyalty in the Nigerian Insurance Industry., Sokoto Journal of Management Studies
    Vol.18(1) Pages: 40-54

  39. Osazevbaru, H.O (2019) Conservative Business Reporting Strategy and Information Asymmetry. , Nigerian Journal of Management Technology and Development,
    Vol.10(1) Pages: 167-176

  40. Osazevbaru, H.O (2019) Influence of Subjective Factors on Strategic Choices: Evidence from Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Delta State., Ilorin Journal of Management Sciences
    Vol.6(1) Pages: 28-39

  41. Tarurhor, M.E. and Osazevbaru, H.O. (2019) The balanced scorecard as a performance management tool for small and medium enterprise in Nigeria, AU-eJournal of Interdisciplinary Research Vol.4(1) Pages: 49-57

  42. Eromafuru, E.G., Osazevbaru, H. O. and Owolabi, A.A. (2019) Ethics and Banks’ performance in Nigeria: The Case of Executive Compensations and Governance Structures, Journal of Management Sciences, Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Maiduguri Vol.17 (2) Pages: 16-30

  43. Osazevbaru, H. O. (2018) Social entrepreneurship and Nigerias development paradigm, Kwararafa University Journal of Management Sciences (KUJOMS)
    Vol.4(1) Pages: 25-36

  44. Osazevbaru, H. O. (2018) Culture And Cultural Imperialism On Development Of Business Reporting In Nigeria, Nigerian Journal of Management Sciences Vol.6 (2) Pages: 67-75

  45. Eromafuru, E. and Osazevbaru, H.O. (2018) Organizational Ethics and the Performance of Nigerian Banks. , African Journal of Management, Social Sciences and Humanities
    Vol.7(1) Pages: 177-194

  46. Osazevbaru, H.O (2018) Expectation Gap in Service Operations: the case of Auditing Services, Gusau International Journal of Management and Social Sciences,
    Vol.2(1) Pages: 1-18

  47. Osazevbaru, H. O (2016) The Impasse of Financing Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Nigeria: Further Evidence., Kwararafa University Journal of Management Sciences
    Vol.2(2) Pages: 92 – 109

  48. Osazevbaru, H. O. and Yomere, G.O. (2015) Benefits and challenges of Nigerias cash-less policy, Kuwait Chapter of Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review Vol.4 (9) Pages: 1 - 10

  49. Osazevbaru, H. O. (2014) Measuring Nigerian Stock Market Volatility, Singaporean Journal of Business Economics and Management Studies Vol.2(18) Pages: 1-14

  50. Osazevbaru, H. O. (2014) Empirical Characterization of Financial Corruption in Nigeria., Journal of Social and Management Sciences
    Vol.9(2) Pages: 107 -112

  51. Ighosewe, F.E. and Osazevbaru, H.O (2013) The Challenges of Bank Fraud: A Test of Fraud Triangle Model, Asian Academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary
    Vol.1(12) Pages: 321-333

  52. Osazevbaru, H. O.and Sakpaide, E. J. (2013) Leverage Effect of Stock Market Volatility: Evidence from Nigerian Stock Market., AAU Journal of Management Sciences
    Vol.4(1) Pages: 91-102

  53. Osazevbaru, H. O (2012) Stock Returns and Accounting Information: The Case of Dividends. , Journal of Social and Management Science
    Vol.7(2) Pages: 10 -17

  54. Osazevbaru, H. O (2012) Impact of Capital Market Reforms on Asset Pricing Characteristics of Nigerian Stock Market., ICAN Journal of Accounting & Finance
    Vol.4(1) Pages: 75-84

  55. Osazevbaru, H. O (2012) Internationalization of the Nigerian Stock Market: Accounting Issues and Challenges, AAU Journal of Management Sciences
    Vol.3(1) Pages: 77-97

  56. Osazevbaru, H. O. (2012) Creative accounting and firm’s market value in Nigeria, Kuwait Chapter of Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review Vol.2 (3) Pages: 38-50

  57. Efayena, O. and Osazevbaru, H.O. (2011) The Impact of Lease Finance on the Nigerian Economy, Journal of Social and Management Sciences
    Vol.6(1) Pages: 75-88

  58. Osazevbaru, H. O. (2011) Stock Market Portfolio Diversification: Evidence from Nigeria., AAU Journal of Management Sciences
    Vol.2(2) Pages: 77-95

  59. Osazevbaru, H.O. and Akpomiemie, A.O. (2011) Towards Environmental Sustainability: An Assessment of Nigeria in Carbon Emission. , Readings in Sustainable Environmental Peace and Security in the Niger Delta
    Vol.2(1) Pages: 69-81

  60. Osazevbaru, H. O (2010) The Global Economic Crises: A Call For Re-examination of the Subsisting Economic Ideology, Journal of Social and Management Sciences
    Vol.5(2) Pages: 77-82

  61. Osazevbaru, H.O. and Oboreh J.S (2008) Frame Work for Job Costing in Service Operations, Journal of African Contemporary Research, Faculty of Management Sciences
    Vol.1 (3) Pages: 52-59

  62. Oboreh J. S. and Osazevbaru, H. O. (2008) Issues and Challenges of e-Commerce in Nigeria, Readings in Business Journal, Faculty of Management Science. University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt
      Vol.1(1) Pages: 267-280

  63. Oboreh J. S. and Osazevbaru, H. O. (2008) Earning per Share on Corporate Annual Report and Share Price, Journal of African Contemporary Research, Faculty of management science, Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt.
      Vol.1(1) Pages: 65-74

  64. Oboreh J. S. and Osazevbaru, H. O. (2008) Patterns of Stock Market Prices in Nigeria, Journal of African Contemporary Research, Faculty of management science, University of Science and Technology, Port Harcourt.
      Vol.1(1) Pages: 53-61

  65. Oboreh J. S. and Osazevbaru, H. O. (2008) Determining optimal Advertising Budgets: A Synthesis of Existing Models, International Journal of Business Studies
      Vol.5(1) Pages: 1-11

  66. Emudainohwo, B. O. and Osazevbaru, H. O. (2008) The Economic Basis and Consequences of Conflict in Africa: An Expository Analysis, Readings in Conflict Management and Peace Building in Africa
    Vol.1(1) Pages: 297-314.