
Email: miezeh@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: Solar Physics
  • Department of Physics

  • Am Ezeh Marian Isioma that have undergone research work in Physics in the area of Solar Energy first, second and third degree. Solar Energy physics happen to be in three parts: Thermal, Photovoltaic and Biomass. During my first degree thin film photovoltaic was explored, during the second a parabolic reflector solar cooker was constructed and tested cooking egg and boiling water then during the third degree a bio-dig-ester was built and fowl, cow and pig dung digested to produce methane gas for cooking and store-able in a gas cylinder and also Lastly dye sensitized solar cells were fabricated and arranged in series to build a solar module for electricity generation. So far Physics has become part of my living and more will explored in future. Presently the ICT Office is being powered by solar and in the nearest future the entire institution will benefit.
    My Publications
  1. Omamoke O.E. ENAROSEHA, Isioma M. EZEH and Obed OYIBO (2022) Generation of Localized Magnetic order using 4-Electrons on a 2x2 square Lattice(2-D: Application of the Periodic Anderson Model, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
    https://kalaharijournals.com/ijme-vol7-issue-feb2022.php Vol.7 Pages:  

  2. G.K Agbajor, Omamoke O.E, Ezeh M Isioma and S.O Ovwasa (2022) Application of Vogel-Tamman-Fulcher (VIF) And power law (PL) Models in the study of the vi Honey Samples collected from some Northern States of Nigeriascocity as a Rheological Property of, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering
    https://kalaharijournals.com/ijme-vol7-issue-feb2022.php Vol.7 Pages: 4203-4209

  3. Omamoke O.E. ENAROSEHA, Isioma M. EZEH, Obed OYIBO and Damaris OSIGA-AIBANGBEE (2021) Phonon Dispersion Curves of Silver(Ag) and Gold (Au): Application of Density Functional Theory and Inter-Atomic Force Constant, Design Engineering
    https://www.scopus.com/sourced/28687 Vol.  Pages: 8666-8678

  4. Ezeh M. I, Okujagu C. U and Ezema F. I (2021) Building a Solar Panel for Electricity Generation in the Fabrication of Dye Sensitized Solar Cell, International Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology
    http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/paperinfo?journalid=610&doi=10.11648/j.ijpp.20210501.11 Vol.Volume 5, Issue 1 Pages: 1-6

  5. Ezeh M.I, Mgbadike C.D, Uti C.A and Okocha A.G (2021) Fabrication of a Bio-Digester using Fresh Cow Dung as Energy Source, International Journal of Latest Engineering Science
    https://www.ijlesjournal.org/current-issue.html. Vol.04 Issue 03 Pages: 14-27

  6. Ezeh, M.I and Osuji, R.U (2020) Absorbance/Transmittance Property Of Natural And Synthetic Dyes In The Fabrication Of Dye Sensitized Solar Cell, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 11, Issue 11, November-2020 343
    https://www.ijser.org/onlineResearchPaperViewer.aspx?Absorbance-Transmittance-Property-Of-Natural-And-Synthetic-Dyes-In-The-Fabrication-Of-Dye-Sensitized-Solar-Cell.pdf Vol.11, Issue 11 Pages: 343-349

  7. Ezeh, M.I and Osuji, R.U (2020) Effect of FTO-ITO-/TiO2/ZnO on Sensitizers in the Fabrication of Dye Sensitized Solar Cell-(DSSC), IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE)
    http://www.iosrjournals.org/iosr-jeee/pages/15(6)Series-2.html# Vol.Vol. 15, Issue 6 Pages: 1-16

  8. Ezeh M.I, Osuji R.U, Okujawu C ,Ezema, F.I (2020) Effect of Wavelength and Magnification in the Structural Image of Dyes for the Fabrication of Dye Sensitized Solar Cell, International Organization of Scientific Research
    www.iosrjournals.org Vol.Vol. 12 Issue 6 Pages: 1-6

  9. Ochuko Anomohanran & Ezeh Marian (2020) Electrostatics, FOUNDATION PHYSICS For University Students/DELSU PRINTING PRESS
    Vol. Pages: 160-176

  10. Wasiu B Ayinde, Enock O Dare, Damilola A Bada, Samson O Alayande, Fatai O Oladoyinbo, Mopelola A Idowu, Bukola O Bolaji, Marian I. Ezeh, Rose U Osuji (2017) Dye-modified ZnO nanohybrids: optical properties of the potential solar cell nanocomposites, International Nano Letters/Springer Berlin Heidelberg
      Vol.vol 7, No.3 Pages: 171-179

  11. Ezeh, M.I (2014) Comparative Study Between Zobo and Tomato Dye on the Fabrication of Dye Sensitized Solar Cell Using ITO/TiO2/ZnO/Dye Sensitized, JOURNAL OF NIGERIAN ASSOCIATION OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS
    Vol.vol 27 Pages: 347-354

  12. Ezeh, MI; Eyekpegha, OF; Mayiko, OL (2014) FABRICATION OF DYE SENSITIZED SOLAR CELL USING ITO/TiO2/ZNO/LYCOPENE (TOMATO) DYE SENSITIZED., Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics
    Vol.vol 27, issue 1 Pages: 341-346

  13. Ezeh M.I, Dare E.O and Eyekpega O.F (2014) Improving the efficiency and the long term stability of a Dye Sensitized cell, Proceedings of the 1ST African International Conference/Workshop on Application of Nanotechnology to energy, health and Environment
    http://nanotechunn.com/new/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Nanocon314-07-Eze-IMPROVING-THE-EFFICIENCY-AND-THE-LONG.pdf Vol.  Pages: 55-66

  14. S.O and Omorere R Ezeh, M.I, Okolie E.C, Azi (2014) Design and Contruction of a Portable Economically Viable Photovoltaic Lamp, Nigerian Journal of Physics
    Vol.vol 25, issue 2 Pages: 91-95

  15. Osuji R.U, Ogbe E.J, and Ezeh, M.I (2014) Fabrication of dye sensitized solar cell using FTO/TiO2/Anthocyanin dye/ZnO, Nigerian Journal of Physics
    Vol.vol 25, issue 2 Pages: 107-116

  16. Ezeh M.I, Ezema F.I, and Obokparoghene .I (2013) preparation and optical characterization of iron doped cadmium sulphide thin films (Cds:Fe) via chemical bath deposition process (CBD), Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics
    Vol.vol 24 Pages: 371-376

  17. Ezeh MI; Osuji RU; Azi SO; Egwuanunkwu D. (2013) Comparison between the performance of anthocyanin dye with methythioninium, JOURNAL OF NIGERIAN ASSOCIATION OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS
    Vol.vol 24 Pages: 365-370

  18. E and Ezeh M.I Azi S.O, Aghemenioh (2012) Determination of Refractive index, Extinction Coefficient and Absorption Coefficient in PbSnS3 Thin Film, Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics
    Vol.vol 30 Pages: 59-65

  19. Ofoefule A.U, Ibeto C.N and Ezeh M.I (2011) Comparative study of the Biogas production potentials of plantain peels and its Blends with some Animal Wastes, Nigerian Journal of Solar Energy
    Vol.vol 22 Pages: 156-162

  20. Uzodinma, E.O, Oparaku N.F and Ezeh M.I (2011) Biogas production from Pumpkin pod Garbage by Blending with Biogenic Wastes, Nigerian Journal of Solar Energy
    Vol.vol 22 Pages: 150-155

  21. Ezeh M.I and Mgbadike C.D. (2010) Design Performance and Evaluation of Photovoltaic System at Physics Laboratory, Delsu, Abraka'', Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development in Africa
    Vol. Pages: 173-180

  22. R.A.O. Akpan V.A, Ezeh, M.I, and Osakwe (2010) The Design and Development of an Electronic System For Monitoring and Evaluating Biogas Production in a Bio Digester, International Journal Of Pure And Applied Sciences
    Vol.vol 4, ISSUE 1 Pages: 57-75

  23. Ezeh M.I and Agbo S.N. (2006) Construction and Characterization of a parabolic concentrator for Solar cooking, Nigerian Journal of Solar Energy
    Vol.vol 16 Pages: 90-96

  24. C.E Mokobia, V.A Akpan and M.I Eze (2005) Characterization of certain Nigerian wood (Timber) Using Modulus of Elasticity (MOE), Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences
    Vol.11 Issue 3 Pages: 439-443