
Email: akpogea@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: Theoretical Physics and Computational Physics
  • Department of Physics

  • Dr Godfrey Ejiroghene Akpojotor who is a Professor of Theoretical Physics is currently the Director of the Centre for Research and International Programmes of the Delta State University, Abraka. He does his teaching/research in Theoretical and Computational Condensed Matter Physics, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Unified Force Field Theory and Quantum/Hadronic Physics and has published extensively in these areas. He is also the Initiator/Coordinator of the Python African Computational Science and Engineering Tour Project (PACSETPRO) which is promoting computational science and engineering using Python/QPython. He has been involved with national and international projects and have won both national and international awards. He has also extensively attended and made presentations at both national and international meetings and he is a member of several national and international scientific bodies.
    My Publications
  1. A O E Animalu, G E Akpojotor, S Edeagu, E Trell and G J Ibeh (2020) Generalized Lie Algebraic Geometry in R3SO(3) Conguration Space for SU(3) of Elementary Particles and for Wave-packing of Atomic Structure, Journal of Physics: Conference Series
    https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1557/1/012009/pdf Vol.1557 Pages: 012009

  2. Akpojotor Godfrey E. (2019) QPythonist” Students Learn Computational Science and Engineering through Android Smartphones, The African Physics Newletter
    https://gallery.mailchimp.com/63e42c583930d9f7a8b637982/files/b897c3c7-427a-4d20-8ac4-5b81772d71d6/Qpython.pdf Vol.3 Pages: 1-3

  3. Trell E., Akpojotor G., Edeagu S. and Animalu A. (2019) Structural wave-packet tessellation of the periodic table and atomic constitution in real R3 × SO(3) configuration space, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser.
    https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1251/1/012047/pdf Vol.1251 Pages: 012047

  4. Trell E., Akpojotor G., Edeagu S. and Animalu A. (2018) Stochastic wavepacket tessellation of atomic and periodic table build in structural R3×SO(3) configuration space., American Institute of Physics (AIP) Conference Proceedings
    https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5081546 Vol.2046 Pages: 020026

  5. Enivweru D., Akpojotor G. and Apse Vladamir (2018) Sodium fast reactors as potential nuclear power plants in Nigeria’s quest for nuclear electricity , Journal of Energy Technologies and Policy
    https://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/JETP/article/view/43195 Vol.8 Pages: 92-98

  6. Akpojotor Godfrey E., Enaroseha O. E. and Animalu A. E. (2018) Correspondence between the Bloch’s Theorem and the Oyibo Grand Unified Theorem within the Purview of Generic Torus , International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
    10.5923/j.ijtmp.20180802.02 Vol.8 Pages: 40-46

  7. Akpojotor Godfrey E. (2018) The geometrical and quantization foundations of the Oyibo grand unification theorem, International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
    Vol.8 Pages: 33 – 39

  8. Enivweru D., Akpojotor E. G. and Apse V. A. (2017) An analysis of safety measures inherent in fast reactors making them suitable for Nigeria nuclear programme, African Journal of Physics
    https://ajp.afrips.org/articles/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/frJPVol10-p52-60.pdf Vol.10 Pages: 51-59

  9. Akpojotor Godfrey E. (2017) On the foundation of hadronic mechanics: iso-mechanics and geno-mechanics., Transactions of Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics
      Vol.3 Pages: 237 – 244

  10. Akpojotor Godfrey E. (2017) Formulation of the Klein-Gordon equation from the Oyibo grand unification theorem, Transactions of Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics
    Vol.3 Pages: 245 – 250

  11. Akpojotor Godfrey E. (2014) Nonlinear dynamic modelling and visualization of the phase diagram of the high temperature superconducting cuprates. International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Vol. 4, , International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
    DOI: 10.5923/j.ijtmp.20140403.05 Vol.4 Pages: 103-109

  12. 10. Enaroseha O. E., Akpojotor E. G. and Atuma L. (2014) Theorems to Demonstrate the Presence of Antiferromagnetism in the Periodic Anderson Model, International Journal of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
    DOI: 10.5923/j.ijtmp.20140403.04 :arXiv:1308.5039 Vol.4 Pages: 96-102

  13. Akpojotor G. E. and Echenim M. W. (2014) Recovery of some important partial differential equations from the Oyibo grand unification theorem, African Journal of Physics
    https://ajp.afrips.org/articles/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/AfrJPVol7-p124-134.pdf Vol.7 Pages: 95 -106

  14. Akpojotor F., Akpojotor G. E. and Atuma L.) (2014) Exact Green’s Function for the Bethe Lattice in the Hopping Model , American Journal of Condensed Matter Physics
    doi:10.5923/j.ajcmp.20140401.03 Vol.4 Pages: 20 – 24.

  15. Akpojotor G. E. (2014) Overview of the Python African Computational Science and Engineering Tour Project. Conference , Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Institute of Physics. Uyo. May. 25-30. [Publishers: Nigerian Institute of Physics]
    Vol. Pages: 102 – 110.

  16. Louis Ehwerhemuepha and Godfrey E. Akpojotor (2013) Simulation and Visualization of Chaos in a Driven Nonlinear Pendulum –An Aid to Introducing Chaotic Systems in Physics, arXiv.org
    https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1306/1306.0949.pdf Vol. Pages: pp1-7

  17. Akpojotor G. E. and Animalu A. O. E. (2013) A Possible Fundamental Theory of Cooper Pair Formation in Unconventional Superconductivity, Journal of Advanced Physics
    https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1202/1202.0590.pdf Vol.2 Pages: 200-207

  18. Animalu A. O. E., Nwakanma O. M. and Akpojotor G. E. (2013) Geno-Superconductivity of Quasicrystals, African Journal of Physics
    https://ajp.afrips.org/articles/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/AfrJPVol6-p1-18.pdf Vol.6 Pages: 1-18

  19. Enaroseha Omamoke O. E. and Akpojotor Godfrey E. (2013) Superconductivity driven by magnetic instability in CeCu2Si2 , Advances in Physics Theories and Applications
    http://academicinforma.com/journals/457/18/1 Vol.18 Pages: 54 – 60

  20. Akpojotor Godfrey E. (2013) Superexchange Driven Singlet-Triplet Transition in Quantum Dots Array Embedded in Kagome Lattice System, Advances in Physics Theories and Applications
    https://iiste.org/Journals/index.php/APTA/article/view/5401 Vol.17 Pages: 69 – 77

  21. Arthur Imooah Ejere and Akpojotor Godfrey E. (2013) A general theoretical design of semiconductor nanostructures with equispaced energy levels: preliminary report for quantum wells in semiconductor ternary alloys (AxB1-xC), Advances in Physics Theories and Applications
    https://iiste.org/Journals/index.php/APTA/article/view/4612 Vol.16 Pages: 1 – 10

  22. G. E. Akpojotor (2013) Recipe for illustrative website design in science and engineering, African Journal of Physics
    https://ajp.afrips.org/articles/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/AfrJPVol6-p131-145.pdf Vol.6 Pages: 131-145

    https://ajp.afrips.org/articles/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/AfrJPVol6-p105-112.pdf Vol.6 Pages: 105-112

  24. Animalu A.O.E., Akpojotor G.E and Echenim M.W. (2012) Oyibo’s Grand Unified Theorem Revisited: An O(4,2)xSU(3)xU(1) Gauge Theory of Quantum Gravity, African Journal of Physics
    Vol.5 Pages: 1-13

  25. Akpojotor G. E. (2012) A generalized semi-empirical Tc expression of the Iso-superconductivity theory. Nigerian Journal of Science and Environment, Nigerian Journal of Science and Environment
    Vol.11 Pages: 88 – 95

  26. Akpojotor G. E. (2011) 100 years of superconductivity: the past, the present and the future quest for a generalized theory, Journal of Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics
    http://e.nampjournals.org/product-info.php?pid1277.html Vol.19 Pages: 623 - 630

  27. Akpojotor G. E. and Animalu A. O. E. (2011) Iso-superconductivity model: generalization of the Cooper pair formation model of superconductors. , Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Lie-Admissible Treatment of Irreversible Processes (ICLATIP-3) held at Kathmandu University, Nepal from January 3 - 7, 2011
    Vol. Pages: 639 – 656

  28. Akpojotor G. E., Omede G. C., Ebasa J. and Omede E. U. (2011) Challenges and prospects of connecting universities in developing countries to the internet : the Delsu experience. , Proceedings of the Delta State University Faculty of Science Maiden Conference (Edited by G. E. Akpojotor and N. J. Tonukari) (Publishers: Nigerian Journal of Science and Environment)
    Vol. Pages: 24 – 31

  29. Akpojotor G. E., Omede G. C. Omede E. U. and Ebasa J. (2010) Intranet Conflicts in Nigeria., Proceedings of the Conference of Sustainable environmental Peace and Security in the Niger Delta held at the Delta State University, Abraka, from February 22 – 24,
    Vol. Pages: 128 – 136

  30. Ofomola M. O., Akpojotor G. E. and Igherighe E. C. (2010) Measurement of CO2 Emission in Abraka and its Health Implications. , Proceedings of the Conference of Sustainable environmental Peace and Security in the Niger Delta held at the Delta State University, Abraka, from February 22 – 24, 2010
    Vol. Pages: 339 – 346

  31. Akpojotor Godfrey, Louis Ehwerhemuepha, Myron Echenim and Famous Akpojotor, (2010) Modeling and visualization of some physics phenomena with Python simulations, African Journal of Physics
    http://sirius-b.ncat.edu/asn/afps/ajp/ajp-ISOTPAND10/Proc%20ISPD%20book94-118.pdf Vol.3 Pages: 94-118

  32. Akpojotor G. E. and Echenim M. W. (2010) A pedagogical study of the Oyibo’s grand unification theorem with realization of some standard equations , Journal of Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics
    http://e.nampjournals.org/product-info.php?pid1085.html Vol.17 Pages: 447 - 456

  33. Akpojotor G. E. (2009) Effective Valence as the control parameter of the iron pnictide Tc, Journal of Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics
    http://e.nampjournals.org/product-info.php?pid862.html Vol.15 Pages: 297 - 304

  34. Ofomola M. O. and Akpojotor G. E. (2009) Database of CO2 Emission in Nigeria: A Preliminary Report. , African Journal of Physics
    https://ajp.afrips.org/articles/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Proc09-bk-Page267.pdf Vol.2 Pages: 267-279.

  35. Akpojotor Godfrey E., Enukpere Emmanuel and Ojobor Sunny A. (2009) Numerical level of physics research in Africa: the Nigeria case. , Proceedings of the 2008 Joint Conference of the National Society of Black Physicists and the National Society of Hispanic Physicists (Washington DC, USA) (Publishers: American Institute of Physics (AIP) Con. Proc)
    https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3183521 Vol.1040 Pages: 178-182

  36. Akpojotor Godfrey E. and. Akpojotor Famous A. (2009) A Highly Simplified Correlated Variational Study of the Singlet-Triplet Transition in Quantum Dots embedded in Kagome Lattice, roceedings of the 2008 Joint Conference of the National Society of Black Physicists and the National Society of Hispanic Physicists (Washington DC, USA) (Publishers: American Institute of Physics (AIP) Con. Proc)
    https://doi.org/10.1063/1.3183528 Vol.1040 Pages: 54-59

  37. G. E. Akpojotor (2008) The statistical equivalents of the t-U and t-t'-U models in Lectures on the Physics of Strongly Correlated Systems XII: Twelfth Training Course held at Vietri sul Mare, Italy (edited by A. Avella and F. Mancini), American Institute of Physics (AIP) Con. Proc
    https://aip.scitation.org/doi/abs/10.1063/1.2940442 Vol.1014 Pages: 251 -259

  38. G. E. Akpojotor, W. Li (2008) Testing of spin ordering Hamiltonian with ultracold atoms in optical lattices, arXiv:cond-mat/0810.4363
    https://arxiv.org/abs/0810.4363 Vol. Pages:

  39. Godfrey E. Akpojotor and Weibin Li (2008) A PHENOMENOLOGICAL APPROACH TO A MODEL OF SUPEREXCHANGE INTERACTIONS IN OPTICAL WELLS, Proceedings of the first International Seminar on Theoretical Physics & National Development
    http://www.nmcabuja.org/proceedings/ISOTPAND08_1.pdf Vol.1 Pages: 43 - 54

  40. Akpojotor G. E. (2008) Possible propagation of the Zhang-Rice singlet as a probable Cooper channel in the CuO2 planes, Physics Letters A
    https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physleta.2008.10.015 Vol.372 Pages: 6992 - 6995

  41. Akpojotor Godfrey E. and Akporhonor Temi (2005) Global warming: methods to sequester the increasing emitted CO2 in Nigeria., Proceedings of the International Conference on Science and Technology, FUT, Akure, Nigeria, 14 – 19 August, 2005
    Vol. Pages: 460 – 463

  42. Akpojotor Godfrey E. and. Ojobor Sunny A (2005) Abridging the gap for researchers in science and technology in developing countries., Proceedings of the International Conference on Science and Technology, FUT, Akure, Nigeria, 14 – 19 August, 2005
    Vol. Pages: 346 – 351

  43. Akpojotor G. E. and Idiodi J.O. (2004) A highly simplified variational formulation of the two-electron T-U and T-T1-U models., Zuma J. Pure and Applied Sc.
    Vol.6(1) Pages: 124 - 128

  44. Enaibe E. A., Akpojotor G.E., Aghemeloh E., Fiase J.O. and Idiodi J.O.A. (2004) On strongly correlated N-electron systems, Journal of Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics
    http://e.nampjournals.org/product-info.php?pid240.html Vol.8 Pages: 337 – 340

  45. Akpojotor G. E. and Idiodi J. O. (2004). (2004) A simplified correlated variational approach to ferromagnetism in the two-electron t-U-V-J model. , Nigerian Journal of Physics
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/njphy/article/view/38025 Vol.16(2) Pages: 125 – 130

  46. Akpojotor G. E. and Oseji J.O. (2004) Ranges and limits of the electron-phonon coupling constant of superconductivity. , Nigerian Journal of Physics
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/njphy/article/view/38029 Vol.16(2) Pages: 162- 166

  47. Akpojotor G. E. and Oseji J.O. (2004) A simple experiment to illustrate the effect of atomic arrangement on the system. Zuma J. Pure and Applied Sc. , Zuma J. Pure and Applied Sc.
    Vol.6(2) Pages: 181- 183

  48. Akpojotor G. E., Idiodi J.O., Enaibe E.A. and Enukpere E. (2002) A method to determine the states in two-electron lattice systems. , Nigerian Journal of Physics
    Vol.14(2) Pages: 124 - 128