
Email: emorka@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: Environmental/Public Health Microbiology
  • Department of Microbiology

  • Dr. Emmanuel Morka is a knowledgeable scholar and academic lecturer at Delta State University in Abraka, Nigeria. He has published numerous articles in reputable journals and has been a dedicated university lecturer since 2018. Dr. Morka obtained his Bachelor of Science in Microbiology from Delta State University in 2011, followed by a Master of Science and a Ph.D. in Environmental and Public Health Microbiology from the University of Benin in 2015 and 2018, respectively. These degrees were earned through scholarships awarded by Kelsan Brokers Limited in the year 2013. Currently, he is a postdoctoral fellow at Santa Cruz State University in Brazil for the 2024-2025 academic year, a position that is jointly sponsored by the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) and the Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFUND). His research interests encompass various areas of Environmental and Public Health Microbiology, Biotechnology, antibiotic susceptibility testing, molecular biology, and bioremediation. Dr. Morka has also held several leadership positions throughout his career. He is happily married and is the proud father of lovely children.
    My Publications
  1. Egbule, O.S., Morka, E. and Omenogor, P.K (2024) Prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus sp. Among Pregnant Women Attending General Hospitals in Delta Central Senatorial District, Nigeria, Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics
    Vol.14 Pages: 22-26

  2. Morka, E., Ejechi, B.O. and Emmanuel-Akerele, H.A. (2021) Physico-Chemical and bacteriological screening of household water supplies in selected communities in Edo State, Nigeria, Acta Microbiologica Bulgarica
    https://actamicrobio.bg/archive/issue-4-2021/amb-4-2021-article-9.pdf Vol.37(4) Pages: 226-231

  3. Morka, E. (2021) Bacterial contamination of Nigerian currency notes from traders in Delta State University Campuses, Abraka, Nigerian Journal of Science and Environment
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=QfPK_mwAAAAJ&hl=en Vol.19(2) Pages: 145-151

  4. Morka, E. and Adomi, P.O (2021) Antibiotic susceptibility profile of bacteria isolated from different recreational waters in Abraka community, Delta State, Nigeria., FUW Trends in Science and Technology journal
    http://www.ftstjournal.com › ...PDF antibiotic susceptibility profile of bacteria isolated Vol.6(2) Pages: 431-435

  5. Okinono, O., Ndakara, E.O., Obi, C.K.,Okonta, P., Morka, E., Jonathan, A.M., Michael, O.E., Egboduku, W.O.,Okposo, N.I., Okolugbo, B.C., Ogharanduku, T.I., Okpara, N., Odibo, E., Ossiaugbo, M.I., Agbogidi, O.M., Avwioro, G., Owhe-Ureghe, U.B., Akpojotor, G.E.,Tonukari, N.J., Nmorsi, O.P.G. and Egwunyenga, A.O (2021) Psychosocial impact of coronavirus lockdown on Nigerians, Journal of perspectives in Gender Development
    Vol.2(1) Pages: 174-185

  6. Akpojotor, G.E., Morka, E., Jonathan, A.M., Michael, O.E., Egboduku, W.O., Okposo, N.I., Okolugbo, B.C., Ogharanduku, T.I., Okpara, N., Odibo, E., Ossiaugbo, M.I., Ndakara, E.O., Okinono, O., Obi, C.K., Owhe-Ureghe, U.B., Tonukari, N.J., Nmorsi, O.P.G. and Egwunyenga, A.O. (2020) (2020) Aspects of Epidemiological Study of Covid-19 Pandemic: Perception and Beliefs in Delta State, Nigerian Journal of Science and Environment
    Vol.18(1) Pages: 281-295

  7. Morka, E. (2020) Phenotypic and plasmid characterization of Vibrio cholerae isolated from vended jollof rice sold in Benin City, Nigeria, Nigerian Journal of Science and Environment
    https://connect4rent.com/index.php/delsu_njse/article/view/16 Vol.18 (1) Pages: 106-111

  8. Adomi, P.O. and Morka, E. (2020) Microbial and physicochemical characteristics of cassava mill effluents in Abraka and environs, Delta State., FUPRE Journal of Scientific and Industrial research
    https://journal.fupre.edu.ng/index.php/fjsir/article/download/81/65/ Vol.4 (1) Pages: 28-37

  9. Morka, E. and Emmanuel-Akerele, H.A (2020) Phytochemical and antibacterial properties of ethanolic extracts of some medicinal plants on isolates of upper respiratory tracts. , Nigerian Journal of Scientific Research
    https://journal.abu.edu.ng/index.php/njsr/article/view/115 Vol.19 (4) Pages: 315-322

  10. Ndakara, E.O., Obi, C.K.,Okinono, O.,Morka, E.,Okonta, P.,Jonathan, A.M.,Michael, O.E., Egboduku, W.O.,Okposo, N.I., Okolugbo, B.C., Ogharanduku, T.I., Okpara, N., Odibo, E., Ossiaugbo, M.I., Agbogidi, O.M., Avwioro, G.,Owhe-Ureghe, U.B., Akpojotor, G.E.,Tonukari, N.J., Nmorsi, O.P.G. and Egwunyenga, A.O (2020) Socio-economic impact of COVID-19 in Nigeria, Test Engineering and management
    Vol.83(May-June) Pages: 30662-30676

  11. Atuanya, E.I., Onuoha, T. and Morka, E (2018) Level of organochlorine pesticide residues in selected potable water commonly sold in Benin city markets, International journal of bioprocess and biotechnological advancement
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/jasem/article/view/180252 Vol.4 (1) Pages: 114-119

  12. Ogbomon, O.O., Akpomie, O.O., Enenya, R.P., Obanor, O. and Morka E. (2018) Prevalence and antibiotic susceptibility patterns of campylobacter species in locally pasteurized milk product (Nunu) sold in Zaria metropolis, Kaduna State, Nigeria., International journal of Microbiology and biotechnology
    https://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/journal/paperinfo?journalid=396&doi=10.11648/j.ijmb.20180303.15 Vol.3 (3) Pages: 89-94

  13. Atuanya, E.I., Onuoha, T. and Morka, E (2018) Eco-toxicological Effects of Pesticide Residues on soil Biological Sentinels., Journal of Applied Science and Environmental Management
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/jasem/article/view/180192 Vol.22 (10) Pages: 1573-1577