
Email: emamadu@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization:
  • Department of Mathematics

  • Dr. Mamadu James Ebimene is a dedicated academic in the field of Mathematics, with a strong foundation in both theoretical and applied mathematics. He earned his Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Mathematics from Delta State University, Abraka, in 2012, where his passion for mathematics began to take shape. Driven by a desire for deeper knowledge, Dr. Mamadu continued his studies at the University of Ilorin, Nigeria, where he received his Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Mathematics in 2015. His academic journey culminated in a Ph.D. in Mathematics from Delta State University, Abraka, in 2022. As a Lecturer II in the Department of Mathematics at Delta State University, Dr. Mamadu plays an essential role in shaping the future of mathematics education. His teaching, mentoring, and research have earned him recognition as an academic who contributes significantly to the advancement of mathematics. He has over seventy research publications in reputable national and international journals, highlighting his active engagement in mathematical research. Dr. Mamadu is also a contributor to the chapter of the renowned textbook, Introductory College Mathematics, further showcasing his dedication to advancing mathematical education and theory. His primary research interest lies in the application of the Finite Element Method (FEM) combined with certain orthogonal polynomials to solve real-life mathematical models. This involves using specialized polynomials, such as Chebyshev or Mamadu-Njoseh polynomials, to accurately approximate solutions to complex differential equations, particularly in the context of fractional differential equations and wave equations. In his research, Dr. Mamadu focuses on developing and improving numerical methods that can be employed to solve physical and engineering problems, such as those involving heat transfer, wave propagation, and fluid dynamics. His work has real-world applications in fields ranging from computational physics to engineering and environmental sciences, where solving complex mathematical models is essential for understanding and addressing various phenomena.
    My Publications
  1. Ebimene James Mamadu, Henrietta Ify Ojarikre, Daniel Chinedu Iweobodo, Joseph Nwaka Onyeoghane, Jude Chukwuyem Nwankwo, Ebikonbo-Owei Anthony Mamadu, Jonathan Tsetimi, Ignatius Nkonyeasua Njoseh (2024) An approximate solution of multi-term fractional telegraph equation with quadratic B-spline basis functions, Elsevier (Scientific African), Netherlands
    https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2468227624004289 Vol.26 Pages: e02486

  2. Ebimene James Mamadu, Henrietta Ify Ojarikre, Daniel Chinedu Iweobodo, Ebikonbo-Owei Anthony Mamadu, Jonathan Tsetimi, Ignatius Nkonyeasua Njoseh (2024) The Coercive Property and a Priori Error Estimation of the Finite Element Method for Linearly Distributed Time Order Fractional Telegraph Equation with Restricted Initial Conditions, American Journal of Computational Mathematics/Scientific Research Publishing
    https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation?paperid=136590 Vol.14(4) Pages: 381-390

  3. Henrietta Ify Ojarikre, Edirin Judith Evuiroro, Ebimene James Mamadu, Edith Omamuyovwi Maduku (2024) A Symbolic Solution Approach for Chaotic Induced Problems, Asian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=3FKqwZIAAAAJ&sortby=pubdate&citation_for_view=3FKqwZIAAAAJ:4JMBOYKVnBMC Vol.6(1) Pages: 192-200

  4. Ebimene James Mamadu, Ebikonbo-Owei Anthony Mamadu, Jude Chukwuyem Nwankwo, Daniel Chinedu Iweobodo, Onos Destiny Erhiakporeh, Jonathan Tsetimi (2024) Exploring Modern Frontiers in Numerical Analysis, Asian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=3FKqwZIAAAAJ&sortby=pubdate&citation_for_view=3FKqwZIAAAAJ:RHpTSmoSYBkC Vol.6(1) Pages: 161-173

  5. Ebimene James Mamadu, Henrietta Ify Ojarikre, Simon Ajiroghene Ogumeyo, Daniel Chinedu Iweobodo, Ebikonbo-Owei Anthony Mamadu, Jonathan Tsetimi, Ignatius Nkonyeasua Njoseh (2024) A least squares finite element method for time fractional telegraph equation with Vieta-Lucas basis functions, Scientific African
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=3FKqwZIAAAAJ&sortby=pubdate&citation_for_view=3FKqwZIAAAAJ:TQgYirikUcIC Vol.24 Pages: e02170

  6. Henrietta Ify Ojarikre, Ideh Rapheal, Ebimene James Mamadu (2024) Application of Elzaki Transform Method to Market Volatility Using the Black-Scholes Model, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=3FKqwZIAAAAJ&sortby=pubdate&citation_for_view=3FKqwZIAAAAJ:e5wmG9Sq2KIC Vol.12(3) Pages: 819-828

  7. Ebimene James Mamadu, Henrietta Ify Ojarikre, Daniel Chinedu Iweobodo, Jude Chukwuyem Nwankwo, Ebikonbo-Owei Anthony Mamadu, Jonathan Tsetimi, Ignatius Nkonyeasua Njoseh (2024) Super-convergence and Stability Analysis of the Finite Element Orthogonal Collocation Method for Time-Fractional Telegraph Equation, Mathematics and Statistics
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=3FKqwZIAAAAJ&sortby=pubdate&citation_for_view=3FKqwZIAAAAJ:r0BpntZqJG4C Vol.12(6) Pages: 523-528

  8. Ebimene James Mamadu, Henrietta Ify Ojarikre, Edith Omamuyovwi Maduku (2023) Finite Element Orthogonal Collocation Approach for Time Fractional Telegraph Equation with Mamadu-Njoseh Polynomials, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=3FKqwZIAAAAJ&sortby=pubdate&citation_for_view=3FKqwZIAAAAJ:mB3voiENLucC Vol.11(9) Pages: 2585-2596

  9. EJ Mamadu, HI Ojarikre, EO Maduku (2023) Finite Element Orthogonal Collocation Approach for Time Fractional Telegraph Equation with Mamadu-Njoseh Polynomials, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics
    https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation?paperid=127721 Vol.11 (9) Pages: 2585-2596

  10. EJ Mamadu, HI Ojarikre (2023) Gauss-Mamadu-Njoseh Quadrature Formula for Numerical Integral Interpolation, Journal of Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science
    http://eprint.subtopublish.com/id/eprint/3031/1/Mamadu3892023JAMCS104020.pdf Vol.38 (9) Pages: 128-134

  11. EJ Mamadu (2023) An Orthogonal Polynomial Based Iterative Procedure for Finding the Root of the Equation f (x)= 0, Asian Research Journal of Mathematics
    http://publications.article4sub.com/id/eprint/2088/1/Mamadu1992023ARJOM102160.pdf Vol.19 (9) Pages: 158-164

  12. EJ Mamadu, HI Ojarikre, IN Njoseh (2023) An Error Analysis of Implicit Finite Difference Method with Mamadu-Njoseh Basis Functions for Time Fractional Telegraph Equation, Asian Research Journal of Mathematics
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=3FKqwZIAAAAJ&sortby=pubdate&citation_for_view=3FKqwZIAAAAJ:hC7cP41nSMkC Vol.19 Pages: 20-30

  13. Ebimene James Mamadu* , Henrietta Ify Ojarikre, Ignatius Nkonyeasua Njoseh (2023) Convergence Analysis of Space Discretization of Time Fractional Telegraph Equation, Mathematics and Statistics
    https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ignatius-Njoseh/publication/369080293_Convergence_Analysis_of_Space_Discretization_of_Time_Fractional_Telegraph_Equation/links/640b345c315dfb4cce6ece56/Convergence-Analysis-of-Space-Discretization-of-Time-Fractional-Telegraph-Equation.pdf Vol.11(2) Pages: 245-251

  14. Henrietta Ify Ojarikre, Ebimene James Mamadu (2022) Time Discretized Variational Iteration Method for the Stochastic Volatility Process with Jumps, Advances in Pure Mathematics
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=3FKqwZIAAAAJ&sortby=pubdate&citation_for_view=3FKqwZIAAAAJ:IWHjjKOFINEC Vol.12(11) Pages: 693-700

  15. SA Ojobor, SOE Inonoje, EJ Mamadu (2022) A proposed Method for the Solution of One-Dimensional Gas Dynamic Equation with Legendre and Chebyshev polynomials, IOP Publishing
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=3FKqwZIAAAAJ&sortby=pubdate&citation_for_view=3FKqwZIAAAAJ:Wp0gIr-vW9MC Vol.2199(1) Pages: 012027

  16. Jonathan Tsetimi, Ebimene James Mamadu (2022) Numerical Study of Two Dimensional Steady Incompressible Newtonian Laminar Flow of Blood Through Constricted Artery, European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=3FKqwZIAAAAJ&sortby=pubdate&citation_for_view=3FKqwZIAAAAJ:aqlVkmm33-oC Vol.15(1) Pages: 314-327

  17. Jonathan Tsetimi, Augustine Atonuje, James Mamadu (2021) Survey Data on Problems with Electricity Distribution in Delta State, South-South, Nigeria, Journal of Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=3FKqwZIAAAAJ&sortby=pubdate&citation_for_view=3FKqwZIAAAAJ:_kc_bZDykSQC Vol.36{1} Pages: 1-15

  18. Iweodobo, D.C, Mamadu, E.J. and Njoseh, I.N (2021) Daubechies Wavelet-based Galerkin Method of Soliving Partial Differential Equations, Caliphat Journal of Science and Technology (CaJost)
    https://cajostssu.com/current-issue/ Vol.1 Pages: 62-68

  19. Tsetimi J., Atonuje A. and Mamadu J. (2021) Survey Data on Problems with Electricity Distribution in Delta State, South-South, Nigeria, Journalof Advances in Mathematics and Computer Scienc
    https://www.journaljamcs.com/index.php/JAMCS/article/view/30326/56897 Vol.36(1) Pages: 2231-0851

  20. Mamadu, E.J. and Tsetimi, J. (2020) Perturbation by Decomposition: A New Approach to Singular Initial Value Problems with Mamadu-Njoseh Polynomials as Basis Functions, Journal of Mathematics and System Science
    http://www.davidpublisher.com/Public/uploads/Contribute/5f8420bc7529a.pdf Vol.10(1) Pages:

  21. Tsetimi J., Atonuje A.O. and Mamadu E.J. (2020) An analysis of a pilot survey of the problems of electricity distribution in Delta State, Nigeria, Trans. of NAMP
    Vol.12(July-Sept. issue) Pages: 109-116

  22. Mamadu, E.J (2020) Numerical approach to the Black-Scholes model using Mamadu-Njoseh polynomials as basis functions, Nigerian Journal of Science and Environment
    Vol.18(2) Pages: 108-113

  23. Mamadu, E.J. and Ojarikre, H.I. (2019) Reconstructed Elzaki Transform Method for Delay Differential Equations with Mamadu-Njoseh Polynomials, Journal of Mathematics and System Science
    www.davidpublisher.com Vol.9:41-45. Pages:

    https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=3FKqwZIAAAAJ&hl=en Vol.42 (1), 16-26 Pages:

  25. Micheal, A. O., Abanum, G.C. and Mamadu, E.J. (2018) Numerical solution of the Heston stochastic volatility model., IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM)
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=3FKqwZIAAAAJ&hl=en Vol.14(4):05-08. Pages:

  26. Tsetimi, J., Disu, A.B. and Mamadu, E.J. (2018) Brownian Motion Process: An Application to Investment Finance , Transactions of NAMPS
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=3FKqwZIAAAAJ&hl=en Vol.7:229-232 Pages:

  27. Ojobor, S.A. and Mamadu, E.J (2017) Variational Iteration Decomposition Method for the numerical Treatment of the Fokker-Planck Equation, Nigerian Annals of Natural Sciences
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=3FKqwZIAAAAJ&hl=en Vol.16(1):109-113. Pages:

  28. Mamadu, E.J. and Tsetimi, J. (2017) Elzaki transform decomposition method for solving linear and nonlinear integro-differential equations. , Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=3FKqwZIAAAAJ&hl=en Vol.39:55-54. Pages:

  29. Mamadu, E.J. and Tsetimi, J. (2017) Variation iteration method for solving SchroDinger equations using Adomian polynomials. , Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=3FKqwZIAAAAJ&hl=en Vol. 40:11-14. Pages:

  30. Njoseh I.N and Mamadu, E.J. (2017) Elzaki Transform Decomposition Method for the Analytic Solution of Gas Dynamic Equations. , FUPRE Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=3FKqwZIAAAAJ&hl=en Vol. 1(1):78-85. Pages:

  31. Njoseh I.N and Mamadu, E.J. (2017) Optimal variation iteration method for solving thirteenth-order boundary value problems. Nigerian Annals Of Natural Sciences, Nigerian Annals Of Natural Sciences
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=3FKqwZIAAAAJ&hl=en Vol. 16 (1) : 076 – 081 Pages:

  32. Njoseh, I.N. and Mamadu, E.J. (2017) An application of variation iteration method for the analytical solution of the gas dynamic equation . , Nigerian Annals Of Natural Sciences
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=3FKqwZIAAAAJ&hl=en Vol. 16 (1) : 013 – 017 Pages:

  33. Mamadu, E.J. and Ojobor, S.A. (2017) Orthogonal collocation method for the analytic solution of Fredholm integral equations. , Transactions of the Nigeria Association of Mathematical Physics
    Vol. 3:11-16. Pages:

  34. EJ Mamadu, IN Njoseh (2017) POWER SERIES VARIATIONAL ITERATION METHOD FOR THE NUMERICAL TREATMENT OF FIFTH ORDER BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS, Journal of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Government College University, Lahore, Pakistan.
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=3FKqwZIAAAAJ&hl=en Vol.57: 10-18 Pages:

  35. IN Njoseh, EJ Mamadu (2017) Power series variation iteration method for solving fourth order boundary value integro-differential equations, Scientia Africana
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=3FKqwZIAAAAJ&hl=en Vol.16(1):176-181 Pages:

  36. EJ Mamadu, IN Njoseh (2017) A New Iterative Scheme for the Solution of Tenth Order Boundary Value Problems Using First-Kind Chebychev Polynomials, Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=3FKqwZIAAAAJ&hl=en Vol. 24 (1), 76-81 Pages:

  37. JM Ebimene, IN Njoseh (2017) Solving Delay Differential Equations By Elzaki Transform Method, Boson Journal of Modern Physics
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=3FKqwZIAAAAJ&hl=en Vol.3(1): 214-218. Pages:

  38. IN Njoseh, EJ Mamadu (2017) Improved Elzaki transform method for singular initial value problems in second order ordinary differential equations, Scientia Africana
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=3FKqwZIAAAAJ&hl=en Vol.16(1):205-210. Pages:

  39. Njoseh, I.N. and Mamadu, E.J. (2017) Modified Power Series Approximation Method for Generalized Boundary Value Problems, EGE University Journal of the Faculty of Science
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=3FKqwZIAAAAJ&hl=en Vol.41 (1), 32-43 Pages:

  40. Njoseh, I.N. and Mamadu, E.J. (2017) Modified variation iteration homotopy perturbation method for the approximate solution solution of Burgers equation, Transactions of the Nigeria Association of Mathematical Physics
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=3FKqwZIAAAAJ&hl=en Vol.3, 1-4 Pages:

  41. J Tsetimi, EJ Mamadu (2017) Analytic treatment of the Fokker-Planck equation by the Elzaki transform method, Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=3FKqwZIAAAAJ&hl=en Vol.39, 51-54 Pages:

  42. EJ Mamadu, IN Njoseh (2016) Certain Orthogonal polynomials in Orthogonal Collocation Methods of solving Fredholm Integro-differential Equations (FIDEs), Transactions of NAMPS 2, 59-64
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=3FKqwZIAAAAJ&hl=en Vol. 2, 59-64 Pages:

  43. Njoseh, I.N. and Mamadu, E.J. (2016) Numerical solutions of a generalized Nth order boundary value problems using power series approximation method, Scientific Research Publishing
    http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/am.2016.711107 Vol.7:1215-1224 Pages:

  44. Mamadu, E.J. and Njoseh, I.N. (2016) Numerical solutions of Volterra equations using Galerkin method with certain orthogonal polynomials, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics
    http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/jamp2016.420454. Vol.4:376-382. Pages:

  45. Mamadu, E.J. and Njoseh, I.N. (2016) Tau-collocation approximation approach for solving first and second order ordinary differential equation, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics
    http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/jamp2016.42045. Vol.4:383-390 Pages:

  46. EJ Mamadu, IN Njoseh (2016) On the Convergence of Variational Iteration Method for the Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Integrodifferential Equations, Transactions of the Nigeria Association of Mathematical Physics
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=3FKqwZIAAAAJ&hl=en Vol.2: 65 70 Pages:

  47. IN Njoseh, JM Ebimene (2016) Numerical solutions of fifth order boundary value problems using Mamadu-Njoseh polynomials, Science World Journal
    Vol.11 (4), 21-24 Pages:

  48. Njoseh, I.N. and Mamadu, E.J. (2016) Transformed Generate Approximation method for generalized boundary value problems using first-kind Chebychev polynomials, Science World Journal
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=3FKqwZIAAAAJ&hl=en Vol.11 (4), 30-33 Pages:

  49. IN Njoseh, EJ Mamadu (2016) Modified variational homotopy perturbation method for nonlinear Volterra integro-differential equations, Nigerian Journal of Mathematics and Applications
    http://www. njmaman. com Vol.24:80-87 Pages:

  50. EJ Mamadu, IN Njoseh (2016) Variation Iteration Method for The Approximate Solution of Nonlinear Burgers Equation, Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 24 (1), 70-75
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=3FKqwZIAAAAJ&hl=en Vol.24 (1), 70-75 Pages:

  51. Njoseh, I.N. and Mamadu, E.J. (2016) Variation Iteration Decomposition Method for the Numerical Solution of Integro-Differential Equations, Nigerian Journal of Mathematics and Applications.
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=3FKqwZIAAAAJ&hl=en Vol. 25:122-130. Pages: