
Email: ezimadu@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: Operations Research, Game Theoretic Models, Convex Optimization
  • Department of Mathematics

  • Peter E. Ezimadu is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics, Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria. He holds a Ph.D. in Mathematics from the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria (2016). He also obtained a M.Sc. Degree in Mathematics from the same university in 2006. His first degree is in Industrial Mathematics from Delta State University, Abraka, Delta State Nigeria in 2001, where he lectures at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He has a number publications in local, national and internationally recognized journals. His research interest includes Game-Theoretic Mathematical Models, Convex Analysis and Optimal Control Theory.
    My Publications
  1. Ezimadu, S. O. and Ezimadu, P. E. (2023) A Mathematical Model of Optimal Manufacturer-Retailer Trade Credit Policy with End-User Credit Support, Asian Research Journal of Mathematics
    https://journalarjom.com/index.php/ARJOM/article/view/660 Vol.19(5) Pages: 61-71

  2. Ehiwario, J. C., Igabari, J. N. and Ezimadu, P. E. (2023) The Alpha Power Topp-Leone Distribution: Properties, Simulations and Applications, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics
    https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation.aspx?paperid=122826 Vol.11(1) Pages: 316-331

  3. Ezimadu, S. O. and Ezimadu, P. E. (2023) A Three-Level Game-Theoretic Trade Credit Model in a Supply Channel, Journal of Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science
    https://journaljamcs.com/index.php/JAMCS/article/view/1780 Vol.38(7) Pages: 146-159

  4. Ezimadu, P. E. and Ezimadu, S. O. (2023) A Stackelberg Game-Theoretic Retailer-Manufacturer Credit Period Ratio Model in a Supply Channel, Science World Journal
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/swj/article/view/246292 Vol.18(1) Pages: 48-54

  5. Ezimadu, P. E. and Ezimadu, S. O. (2022) Modelling a manufacturer-retailers trade credit supply chain using game theory, World Journal of Applied Science and Technology
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/wojast/article/view/249572 Vol.14(1b) Pages: 80-85

  6. Ezimadu, P. E (2022) A mathematical model of cooperative advertising support to the followers in a manufacturer-distributor-retailer supply chain, International Journal of Operational Research
    https://www.inderscience.com/info/inarticle.php?artid=123450 Vol.44(2) Pages: 141-170

  7. Ezimadu, P. E and Ezimadu, S. O. (2022) A Game-Theoretic Credit Period and Promotion Model in a Supplier-Retailer Channel, Asian Research Journal of Mathematics
    https://journalarjom.com/index.php/ARJOM/article/view/609 Vol.18(11) Pages: 351-361

  8. P.E. Ezimadu, N.O. Ogini (2022) Modelling Quality as A Cooperative Advertising Coordination Mechanism in a Decentralised Channel Using Game Theory, Science World Journal
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/swj/article/view/231319 Vol.17(2) Pages: 227-233

  9. Ezimadu, P. E. and Ezimadu, S. O. (2022) A Game-Theoretic Price Discount Model in a Manufacturer-Retailer Channel, FUW Trends in Science & Technology Journal
    http://www.ftstjournal.com/Digital%20Library/72%20Article%2070.php Vol.7(2) Pages: 1233-1237

  10. Ezimadu, P. E. (2022) Modeling Subsidy Transfer in Cooperative Advertising Using Stackelberg Game Theory, Science World Journal
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/swj/article/view/239321; https://www.scienceworldjournal.org/article/view/23325 Vol.17(4) Pages: 455-462

  11. Ezimadu, S. O. and Ezimadu, P. E. (2022) A Mathematical Model on Sequential Discount Transfer in a Three-Level Channel, World Journal of Applied Science and Technology
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/wojast/article/view/235947 Vol.14(1) Pages: 1-7

  12. Ezimadu, P. E. (2020) Modelling Cooperative Advertising Decisions in a Manufacturer-Distributor-Retailer Supply Chain Using Game Theory, Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research
    http://www.yujor.fon.bg.ac.rs/index.php/yujor/article/view/686 Vol.30(2) Pages: 147-176

  13. Ezimadu, P. E. (2019) A mathematical model of the effect of subsidy transfer in cooperative advertising using differential game theory, Journal of Industrial Engineering International
    https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40092-018-0296-0 Vol.15 (2) Pages: 351-366

  14. Ezimadu, P. E. and Nwozo, C. R. (2019) A manufacturer-retailers dynamic cooperative advertising with retail competition, International Journal of Operational Research
    https://www.inderscience.com/info/inarticle.php?artid=96943 Vol.34 (1) Pages: 104-143

  15. Ezimadu, P. E. (2019) A Game-theoretic cooperative advertising model: The feasibility of the distributor’s involvement in a manufacturer-distributor-retailer channel, FUW Trends in Sci. and Techn
    http://www.ftstjournal.com/Digital%20Library/42%20Article%2019.php Vol.4 (2) Pages: 416-421

  16. Ezimadu, P. E. (2019) Modelling Subsidy as a Cooperative Advertising Channel Coordination Mechanism, Nigerian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences
    https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.njbas-udus.com/%3Fmno%3D49480&ved=2ahUKEwiOuOnK2oLpAhUb7eAKHQvjD9cQFjABegQIAhAI&usg=AOvVaw2pijBjrKOnPKbFsjJhQS1T&cshid=1587787941253 Vol.27 (2) Pages: 127-135

  17. Ezimadu, P. E. (2019) A Stackelberg Game-Theoretic Cooperative Advertising Model: The Effect of Players' Strategies in a Three-Member Channel, FUW Trends in Science and Technology Journal
    http://www.ftstjournal.com/Digital%20Library/43%20Article%2060.php Vol. 4(3) Pages: 939-945

  18. Ezimadu, P. E. and Nwozo, C. R. (2018) Modeling dynamic cooperative advertising in a decentralized channel, Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research
    http://yujor.fon.bg.ac.rs/index.php/yujor/article/view/45 Vol.28(4) Pages: 539-566

  19. Igabari, J. N. and Ezimadu, P. E. (2017) Relating Bernoulli Numbers and Euler Numbers from Generating Functions through Trigonometry, Transactions of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics
    https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://e.nampjournals.org/product-info.php%3Fpid3157.html&ved=2ahUKEwjVyK7t3YLpAhX1DWMBHX2MB1kQFjAAegQIARAB&usg=AOvVaw1kMLcHWimKaoEOTUlGzucS&cshid=1587788751992 Vol.3 Pages: 29-32

  20. Ezimadu, P. E. (2017) Modeling Cooperative Advertising in a Static Manufacturer-Retailers Market Duopoly, Nigerian Annals of Natural Sciences
      Vol.16(1) Pages: 95-99

  21. Ezimadu, P. E. (2017) Dynamic Cooperative Advertising Model: The Effect of Manufacturer’s Subsidy to the Followers in a Manufacturer-Distributor-Retailer Supply Channel, The Journal of the Nigerian Institution of Production Engineers
      Vol.21 Pages: 107-120

  22. Ezimadu, P. E. (2017) Modeling Cooperative Advertising in a Static Retail Market Duopoly for Decentralised and Integrated Channels, The Journal of the Nigerian Institution of Production Engineers
      Vol.21 Pages: 92-106

  23. Ezimadu, P. E. (2017) A Mathematical Model of Competitive Advertising and Quality Using Differential Game Theory, Transactions of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics
    http://e.nampjournals.org/product-info.php?pid3158.html Vol.3 Pages: 33-38

  24. Ezimadu, P. E. and Nwozo, C. R. (2017) Stochastic cooperative advertising in a manufacturer–retailer decentralized supply channel, Journal of Industrial Engineering International
    https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40092-016-0164-8 Vol.13(1) Pages: 1-2

  25. Ezimadu, P. E. (2016) Cooperative Advertising in a Manufacturer-Distributor-Retailer Supply Chain, Transactions of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics
    http://e.nampjournals.org/product-info.php?pid3141.html Vol.2 Pages: 205-216

  26. Ezimadu, P. E. and Ogini, N. O. (2014) Modelling Cooperative Advertising, Pricing and Product Quality in a Manufacturer-Retailer Supply Chain Using Game Theory, Journal of Mathematical Sciences
    http://icfas.net/p/8e98d81f8217304975ccb23337bb5761 Vol.25 (2) Pages: 69-83

  27. Ezimadu, P. E. (2014) A Characterization of Uniformly Convex Functions, Journal of Mathematical Sciences
      Vol.25(1) Pages: 49-57

  28. Ezimadu, P. E. (2014) Conditions for the Convexity of a Class of Twice Continuously Differentiable Real-Valued Functions of Several Variables, Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics, NAMP
    http://e.nampjournals.org/product-info.php?pid1814.html Vol.26 Pages: 22-27

  29. Ezimadu, P. E. (2013) Characterizations of Real-Valued Single Variable Quasiconcave Functions, Nigerian Journal of Science and Environment, NJSE
    http://universityjournals.org/journal/NJSE/article-abstract/BC8BAA24 Vol.12 (1) Pages: 158-166

  30. Ezimadu, P. E. (2012) A Generalization of Sufficient Conditions for Quasiconcavity of Twice Differentiable Real-Valued Single-Variable Functions, Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics, NAMP
    http://e.nampjournals.org/product-info.php?pid1358.html Vol.21 Pages: 27-34

  31. Ezimadu, P. E. (2011) Sufficient Conditions for Quasiconcavity for a Class of Twice Continuously Differentiable Real-valued Several Variable Functions, Journal of Mathematical Sciences
      Vol.23(2) Pages: 285-295

  32. Ezimadu, P. E. (2010) A Generalization of Sufficient Conditions for the Convexity of Twice Differentiable Real-valued Single-Variable Functions, Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics, NAMP
    http://e.nampjournals.org/product-info.php?pid937.html Vol.16 Pages: 407-412

  33. Ezimadu, P. E. and Igabari, J. N. (2009) A Derivative and Integral Characterization of Real-Valued Convex Functions of Single Variable through the Geometric Chord Property, Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics, NAMP
    http://e.nampjournals.org/product-info.php?pid798.html Vol.15 Pages: 283-288

  34. Ezimadu, P. E. and Igabari, J. N. (2008) On a Differential and Integral Characterization of Real-Valued Convex Functions of Several Variables, Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics, NAMP
    http://e.nampjournals.org/product-info.php?pid713.html Vol.13 Pages: 83-86