
Email: oovbije@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: General
  • Department of Mathematics

  • A passionate researcher with a focus on enhancing learning, I specialize in crafting innovative mathematics teaching methods that effectively promote the learning and application of mathematics. My work is dedicated to not only improving my personal development but also the development of the mathematics department, faculty of science and Delta State University, Abraka.
    My Publications
  1. Ovbije, O. G; Oyiborhoro, M. and Akworigbe, A. H. (2024) Optimizing Agricultural Stock Portfolios in Ughelli Town Using LinearProgramming, FNAS Journal of Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation
    https://www.researchgate.net/publication/386871368_Optimizing_agricultural_stock_portfolios_in_Ughelli_town_using_linear_programming Vol.2 (1) Pages: 108-114