
Email: edjeabel@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: Cloud Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Information Systems, and Data Science
  • Department of Computer Science

  • Edje E. Abel is a Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Delta State University, Abraka, Delta State of Nigeria. He obtained his BSc (Network Computing) in 2009 and MSc (Information Systems Management) in 2010 at Brunel University, West London, United Kingdom. Just concluded his Ph.D research degree in Computer Science at the University of Malaysia (UTM), Johor Bahru, Malaysia. His area of research include Cloud Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Information Systems and Data Science.
    My Publications
  1. Edje E. Abel (216) Ubiquitous Computing: An Assistive Surveillance on In and Out Patients with Mental Illness via RFID, Journnal of Advances in Methemathetical and Computer Science
    https://www.journaljamcs.com/index.php/JAMCS/article/view/23568 Vol.17 Pages: 1-15

  2. Abel Efetobor Edje, Shaffie Muhammad Abd Latiff, Howe Weng Chan (2021) Enhanced Non-parametric Sequence-based Learning Algorithm for Outlier Detection in the Internet of Things, Neural Processing Letters/Springer Nature
    https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11063-021-10473-2 Vol.53 Pages: 1889–1919

  3. Edje E. ABEL, Muhammad Shafie Abd LATIFF (2021) The utilization of algorithms for cloud internet of things application domains: a review, Frontiers of Computer Science/Springer Nature
    https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11704-019-9056-6 Vol.15 Pages: 1-27

  4. Edje Efetobor Abel and Abd Latiff Shafie Muhammad (2021) Management of WSN-enabled Cloud Internet of Things: A Review, International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems/
    https://journal.uob.edu.bh/handle/123456789/3943 Vol.10 Pages: 353-372

  5. Edje E. Abel, Abd Latiff Muhammad Shafie, Weng Howe Chan (2021) Deployment of internet of things-based cloudlet-cloud for surveillance operations, IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI)
    https://ijai.iaescore.com/index.php/IJAI/article/view/20661 Vol.10 Pages: 24-34

  6. Edje Efetobor Abel and Abd Latiff Shafie Muhammad (2020) Cloud Computing Enabled Data Center Infrastructure Development and Deployment by IT Firm, International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems
    https://journal.uob.edu.bh/handle/123456789/3696 Vol.9 Pages: 37-50

  7. Edje E. Abel (2019) A SURVEY ON THE UTILIZATION OF CLOUD COMPUTING ERVICES FOR ACADEMIC LEARNING, Journal of the Nigerian Association Of Mathematical PHysics/UNIBEN
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/jonamp/cart/view/196475/185441 Vol.49 Pages: 125-132

    http://universityjournals.org/journal/NJSE/edition/ Vol.17 Pages: 92-105

  9. Edje E. Abel (2018) THE DESIGP\t OF A REAL TIME BASED AUTOMATED ORDERING SYSTEM FOR FAST-FOOD RESTAURANTS, Journal of the Nigerian Association Of Mathematical PHysics/UNIBEN
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/jonamp/issue/archive Vol.44 Pages: 143-148

  10. Ebiobi B. E, Edje A. E (2018) PREDICTIVE MODEL FOR BIOCRUDE YIELD FROM HYDROTHERMAL LIQUEFACTION OF MICROALGAE, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences/Faculty of Engineering, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka Nigeria
    http://www.facultyofengineeringnau.org/read_journal.php?id=168 Vol.14 Pages: 26-39

  11. Dr. Roy Joel Ureigho, Edje Abel, Felix Elugwu (2016) A Novel Framework for Dependable Cloud Computing, IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering/IOSR-JCE
    http://www.iosrjournals.org/iosr-jce/papers/Vol18-issue2/Version-1/B018211016.pdf Vol.18 Pages: 10-16

  12. Edje E. Abel (2016) Overview of Semantic Web Technology: The Formulation of Semantic Web Agent System Model to Assist the Blind and Visually Impaired, International Journal of Science and Technology
    http://www.ejournalofsciences.org/ISSN 2224-3577 Vol.6 Pages: 1-8

  13. Edje E. Abel (2015) Information Systems: The Prospects of Bi-directional Counter System in the Hotel Industry, Communications on Applied Electronics (CAE)
    https://www.caeaccess.org/archives/ Vol.2 Pages: 10-16

  14. Edje E. Abel (2015) An Overview and Perspective of Desktop Grid Middleware to Speed up Smul8 Process by Predicting Child Mortality Birth and Death Rate in West African Countries, Communications on Applied Electronics/Foundation of Computer Science FCS
    https://www.caeaccess.org/archives/ Vol.2 Pages: 37-43

  15. Edje E. Abel, Ureigho Roy Joe (2015) Information Systems: The Prospects of Bi-directional Counter System in the Hotel Industry, Communications on Applied Electronics (CAE)/Foundation of Computer Science FCS
    https://www.caeaccess.org/archives/volume2/number9/428-2015651858 Vol.2 Pages: 36-41