
Email: fegwara@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: Mobile Cloud ComputingInformation SecurityIntelligent System Designs, Database
  • Department of Computer Science

  • Noah Oghenfego Ogwara is a Lecturer at the Department of Computer Science, His research Interests are Mobile Cloud Computing, Intelligent System, Database Security, Machine Learning, Intrusion Detection System, Software Engineering.
    My Publications
  1. Ekabua, Obeten Obi; Ogini, Nicholas Oluwole; Ogwara, and Noah Oghenefego (2018) Challenges and Potentials of Integrating Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Teacher Education Programs in Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria, International Journal of Computer Applications
    https://www.ijcaonline.org/archives/volume179/number39/ekabua-2018-ijca-914799.pdf Vol. Pages:

  2. Ogini, Nicholas Oluwole; Ogwara, Noah Oghenefego; Ekabua, and Obeten Obi (2018) Intelligent based Multi-Agent Approach for University Timetable Scheduling System, International Journal of Computer Applications
    https://www.ijcaonline.org/archives/volume182/number1/ogini-2018-ijca-917432.pdf Vol.182 Pages: 0975 – 8887

  3. Ekabua, Obeten Obi; and Ogwara, Noah Oghenefego (2018) A Review on Traffic Grooming for Network Engineers Decision During WDM Networks Deployment, IEEE CPS and subject to IEEE Xplore indexation 2018
    Vol. Pages:

  4. Noah Oghenefego Ogwara and Nicholas Oluwole Ogini (2017) Novel Framework for enhancing the security of Automated Teller Machine in Nigeria Banking System, Delta State University Faculty of Science
    Vol. Pages:

  5. Onyesolu, Moses Okechukwu; Ogwara, Noah Oghenefego (2017) On Information Security Using a hybrid Cryptographic Model, International Research Journal of Computer Science
    http://www.irjcs.com/volumes/vol4/iss11/03.OCCS100082.pdf Vol. Pages:

  6. Nicholas Oluwole Ogini, Noah Oghenefego Ogwara (2014) A Comparative Study of Access Control Schemes In Database Security, Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics
    http://e.nampjournals.org/product-info.php?pid1862.html Vol. Pages:

  7. Ogini, Nicholas Oluwole; Ogwara, and Noah Oghenefego (2014) Securing Database passwords using a combination of hashing and salting techniques, IPASJ INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE(IIJCS)
    https://ipasj.org/IIJCS/Volume2Issue8/IIJCS-2014-08-11-14.pdf Vol. Pages:

  8. Nicholas Oluwole Ogini, Noah Oghenefego Ogwara (2013) Using Global System for Mobile Communication Technology for Academic Community Information Support in Nigeria, Journal of Computer Science
    Vol. Pages: