
Email: fcugbe@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: Engineering Geology, Hydrogeology
  • Department of Geology
  • My Publications
  • FC Ugbe (2011) Basic engineering geological properties of lateritic soils from western Niger Delta, Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences
    https://maxwellsci.com/print/rjees/v3-571-577.pdf Vol.3(5) Pages: 571-577

  • BO Ejechi, SB Olobaniyi, FE Ogban, FC Ugbe (2007) Physical and sanitary quality of hand-dug well water from oil-producing area of Nigeria, Environmental Monitory Assessment
    https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16957845/ Vol.28 (1) Pages: 495-501