
Email: ilondu@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: Plant Pathology, General Botany
  • Department of Botany

  • ILONDU Ebele Martina (Mrs.) (Nee Arinze) obtained her Ph.D. in Agronomy in 2012 from Delta State University, Abraka. Her specialty is in plant pathology under crop protection. She also obtained Executive Diploma in Computer Operations in 1998 from the same university. Dr. Ilondu obtained her B.Sc. in Botany (Second Class Honours) from University of Nigeria, Nsukka in 1984, M.Sc. (Plant Pathology) in 1988 and PGD in Education in 1990 and registered as a certified teacher in 2016. Dr. Ilondu is currently the Ag. Head of Department of Botany, Delta State University, Abraka Nigeria. She has held other positions in the university which include; Head of Botany Unit, Department of Biological Sciences 1998/99 session, member of Pre-Degree Board (2008 – 2010, 2020 – 2022), Coordinator Environmental Science Technology (ISLT) programme (2008 – 2010), Member Technical Committee, 2015 Agricultural Society of Nigeria Conference at Delta State University, Asaba Campus, Representative of Faculty of Science in Senate (2017 – March, 2020), Faculty of Science Representative to Faculty of Management Sciences Board (2020 – 2022), Representative of Post Graduate School in some Oral Examination Panel. She was a Research Advisor, Environmental Department (Biodiversity Team) SPDC Port Harcourt (2016 Sabbatical Year). Dr. Ilondu is a member of Nigerian Society for Plant Protection, Mycological Society of Nigeria and Botanical Society of Nigeria. She is a lecturer in Delta State University, Abraka Nigeria from 1990 to date.
    My Publications
  1. Ilondu, E.M., Ekevwe, I. and Lemy, E.E. (2021) Use of non-edible plant seeds for ornamental designs, International Journal of Biosciences
    https://www.innspub.net/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/IJB-Vol-18-No-5-p-200-206.pdf Vol.18 Pages: (5):200-206

  2. Kadiri, H.E. and Ilondu, E.M. (2020) Spectral characterization, antioxidant and anti-genotoxic properties of methanol and ethanol stem extracts of Cissus araloides hook, EurAsian Journal of Biosciences
    http://www.ejobios.org/article/spectral-characterization-antioxidant-and-anti-genotoxic-properties-of-methanol-and-ethanol-stem-8106 Vol.14 Pages: 4481-4491

  3. Ogwu, C., Ilondu, E.M., Utiome, S.M., Nmanedu, A.C., Ohwokevwo, O.A. and Achuba, F.I. (2020) Goat droppings attenuates morphological and metabolic aberrations in cowpea seedlings grown in crude oil polluted soil, Soil and Environment
    https://doaj.org/article/ff20a2fb9e3640feb82d26d69ccc1546 Vol.39(2) Pages: 184-193

  4. Ilondu, E.M. (2020) Biopesticidal potentials of plants extracts against Cochliobolus lunatus R.R. Nelso & F.A. Haasis. Anamorph: Curvularia lunatus (Wakker) Boedgin, Journal of Biopesticides
    http://www.jbiopest.com/users/LW8/efiles/vol_13_1_53-62.pdf Vol.13(1) Pages: 53-62

  5. Ilondu, E.M. (2020) Fungal contamination of markets in Warri Metropolis: A threat to food security and human health, Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences
    https://www.innspub.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/JBES-Vol-17-No-2-p-5-14.pdf Vol.17(2) Pages: 5-14

  6. Ilondu, E.M., Egboduku, W.O. and Nworisa, C.F. (2020) Diversity and utilization of tree species with eco-tourism potentials within Ethiope River source, Umuaja, Delta State, Nigeria, African Scientist
    Vol.21(3) Pages: 309-315

  7. Ilondu, E.M., and Enwemiwe, V.N. (2020) Entomopathogenic fungi: diversity and their application as biopesticidal agents, Nigerian Journal of Mycology
    Vol.12(2) Pages: 1-25

  8. Okereke, C.S., Arunsi, O.U., Ilondu, E.M. and Chukwudoruo, S.C. (2020) Herbal extracts and their bioactivities: comparative phytoconstituent analysis of selected medicinal plants using GC-MS/FTIR techniques., Apple Academic Press, USA
    https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.1201/9780429284267-3/herbal-extracts-bioactivities-comparative-phytoconstituent-analysis-selected-medicinal-plants-using-gc-ms-ftir-techniques-stanley-okereke-uche-arunsi-martina-ilondu-chieme-chukwudoruo?context=ubx&refId=845f0290-7343-40d9-81ca-1c526a122cd0 Vol.12(2) Pages: 159-189

  9. Ilondu, E.M., Ehwarieme, D.A. and Ebohon, E. (2020) Inhibition of some phytopathogenic fungi by spear grass Heteropogon cortortus (L) Buauv extract, International Journal of Microbiology and Mycology
    https://www.innspub.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/IJMM-Vol-11-No-3-p-1-6.pdf Vol.11(3) Pages: 1-6

  10. Ebigwai, J.K., Ilondu, E.M., Egbodukwu, W. and Idu, M. (2020) Volatile active ingredients of Oxyanthus speciosus Dc. and its mechanism of action, Life Science Journal
    http://www.lifesciencesite.com/lsj/lsj171020/05_36635lsj171020_48_59.pdf Vol.17(10) Pages: 48-59

  11. Ebigwai, J.K., Ilondu, E.M., Ononyumen, M.O. and Egbodukwu, W. (2020) Application of chemical fingering in resolving nomenclatural ambiguities between Citrus sinensis and Citrus reticulate, Life Science Journal
    http://www.lifesciencesite.com/lsj/lsj171120/01_36636lsj171120_1_10.pdf Vol.17(11) Pages: 1-10

  12. Ilondu, E.M. Enwemiwe, V.N. (2019) Field survey of diseases, pest and efficacy of three plant powders against flea beetles of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L) Moench, International Journal of Biosciences
    https://www.innspub.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/IJB-Vol-15-No-1-p-553-562.pdf Vol.15(1) Pages: 553-562

  13. Ilondu, E.M. (2019) Occurrence and diversity of Lichens in Abraka and its Environs, Delta State, Nigeria, Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/jasem/issue/view/18155 Vol.23 Pages: 947-951

  14. Ilondu, E.M., Erhenhi, A.H. and Ukwelenwa, P. (2019) Medicinal plant diversity and utilization from three communities in Delta State, Nigeria, Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences
    Vol.15 Pages: 37-45

  15. Ilondu, E.M. and Lemy, E.E. (2018) Studies on the diversity of snake repellent plants within some communities in Delta State, Nigeria, International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences
    http://www.ijpaes.com/admin/php/uploads/1084_pdf.pdf Vol.8 Pages: 16-24

  16. Ozumba, C.I., Ilondu, E.M. and Ozumba, B.M. (2018) A survey on the menace of Lingzhi mushrooms on trees in Shell Residential Area, Port Harcourt, International Journal of Scientific Research in Environmental Science and Toxicology
    https://publons.com/journal/73316/international-journal-of-scientific-research-in-en Vol.3 Pages: 1-10

  17. Ojianwuna, C.C., Ilondu, E.M. and Akpan, A.U. (2018) Insecticidal potency of Ocimum suave (Wild Basil) leave oil extract against maize weevils (Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky) and test of maize seeds’ viability, World Journal of Applied Science and Technology
    Vol.10 Pages: 1-6

  18. Ilondu, E.M. (2017) Effects of different drying methods on the mycoflora associated with cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta (L) Schoot) chips (Achicha) in storage, Journal of Advances in Biology and Biotechnology
    http://journaljabb.com/index.php/JABB/article/view/5033/8905 Vol.11 Pages: 1-7

  19. Ilondu, E.M. and Bosah, B.O. (2017) Fungal activity of Solanum nigrum and Physalis angulata extracts against Macrophomina phaseolina, a fruit rot pathogen of melon (Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad, Journal of Biopesticides
    http://www.jbiopest.com/users/LW8/efiles/vol_10_2_135-139.pdf Vol.10 Pages: 135-139

  20. Ilondu, E.M. and Okiti, A.A. (2016) Bioluminescence in mushroom and its application potentials, Nigerian Journal of Science and Environment
    http://universityjournals.org/journal/NJSE/article-full-text-pdf/A0972221 Vol.13 Pages: 66-72

  21. Ilondu, E.M. and Nweke, O.C. (2016) Studies on the mycoflora of the outdoor air environment of Delta State University Site III, Abraka, Nigeria, Journal of Chemistry and Biochemistry
    http://jcbnet.info/journals/jcb/Vol_4_No_1_June_2016/4.pdf Vol.5 Pages: 47-61

  22. Ilondu, E.M. and Agbogidi, O.M. (2016) The Jatropha plant (Jatropha curcas Linn.) and its applications, Journal of Agriculture and Food Environment
    https://www.jafedelsu.com/archive/2016no1/THE%20JATROPHA.html Vol.3 Pages: 66-72

  23. Ilondu, E.M. and Ibuzor (2016) Inhibitory efficacy of some agrochemicals on mycelial growth of Phytophthora cinnamomi isolated from heart-rot disease of pineapple (Ananas cosmosus (L.) Merr.), The Second UNIUYO & GIST Joint Programme in collaboration with Lancaster University
    Vol. Pages: 62-66

  24. Ilondu, E.M. and Bosah, B.O (2015) Growth inhibition potentials of leaf extracts from four selected Euphoriaceae against fruit rot fungi of African Star Apple (Chrysophyllum albidum G. Don), Journal of Plant Pathology and Microbiology
    https://www.longdom.org/open-access/growth-inhibition-potentials-of-leaf-extracts-from-four-selectedeuphorbiaceae-against-fruit-rot-fungi-of-african-star-applechrysophyllum-albidum-g-don-2157-7471-1000306.pdf Vol.6 Pages: 1-6

  25. Ilondu, E.M. and Agbogidi (2015) Macrophytes as bioindicators of aquatic environments, Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Fisheries Society of Nigeria
    Vol. Pages: 21-23

  26. Ilondu, E.M., Ojeifo, I.M. and Egho, E.O. (2014) Field evaluation of leaf extract of some asteraceae for the management of leafspot disease of sweet potatoes in Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria, Academia Journal of Agricultural Research
    https://www.academiapublishing.org/journals/ajar/pdf/2014/Mar/Ilondu%20et%20al.pdf Vol.2 Pages: 80-86

  27. Ilondu, E.M., Ojeifo, I.M. and Emosairue, S.O. (2014) Evaluation of antifungal properties of Ageratum conyzoides, Spilanthes filicaulis and Tithonia diversifolia leaf extracts and search for their compounds using Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrum, ARPN Journals of Agricultural and Biological Sciences
    http://www.arpnjournals.com/jabs/research_papers/rp_2014/jabs_1114_689.pdf Vol.9 Pages: 375-384

  28. Ilondu, E.M., Emosairue, S.O. and Ojeifo, I.M. (2014) Foliar spray effect of three Asteraceous leaf extracts on tuber yields of sweet potato varieties infected by leafspot disease, Journal of Agriculture and Food Environment
    https://www.jafedelsu.com/archive/fulltext/2014no1/JAFE%20Vol%201%20No%201,%2055-62.pdf Vol.1 Pages: 55-62

  29. Agbogidi, O.M and Ilondu, E.M. (2013) Effects of Spent Engine Oil on the germination of and seedling growth of Moringa oleifera Lam, Scholarly Journal of Agricultural Science
    https://www.scholarly-journals.com/sjas/archive/2013/may/pdf/Agbogidi%20and%20Ilondu.pdf Vol.3 Pages: 205-209

  30. Agbogidi, O.M., Ilondu, E.M. and Avwenagha, O.H. (2013) Growth response of Jatropha curcas (linn.) seedlings grown in spent engine oil contaminated soil, International Journal of Life Sciences
    Vol.2 Pages: 36-42

  31. Ilondu, E.M. and Enwa, F.O. (2013) Commonly used medicinal plants in the management of sickle cell anaemia and diabetes mellitus by the local people of Edo State, Nigeria, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Biological and Chemical Sciences
    http://ijpbcs.net/ijpbcsadmin/upload/ijpbcs_51b42d15b4283.pdf Vol.2 Pages: 14-19

  32. Ilondu, E.M. (2013) Pathogenicity of mycoflora of tip-rot disease of Aloe vera (Syn Aloe barbadensis Miller), a common medicinal plant in Abraka, Nigeria, African Journal of Microbiology Research
    https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJMR/article-abstract/467233613526 Vol.7 Pages: 4271-4275

  33. Ilondu, E.M. (2013) Etiology and assessment of leafspot disease of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam). In some farms in Delta State, Nigeria, Agriculture and Biology Journal of North America
    https://www.scihub.org/ABJNA/PDF/2013/4/ABJNA-4-4-476-484.pdf Vol.4 Pages: 476-484

  34. Ilondu, E.M (2013) Myco-chemical composition and efficacy of four mushrooms extracts in the control of Rhizoctona solani, a damping-off pathogen of garden egg (Solanum melongena L.) seedlings, American Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research
    https://www.scihub.org/AJSIR/PDF/2013/5/AJSIR-4-5-429-437.pdf Vol.4 Pages: 429-437

  35. Ilondu, E.M. (2013) Chemical constituents and comparative toxicity of Aspilia africana (pers) C.D Adams leaf extractives against two leafspot fungal isolates of Paw-paw (Carica papaya L.), Indian Journal of Science and Technology
    https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/7c10/99f3175f63efed24b7a8b687caa52f10fe21.pdf Vol.6 Pages: 5242-5248

  36. Ilondu, E.M. (2013) Leafspot disease of Taro cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott) caused by Botryodiplodia theobromae and in-vitro control with some agrochemicals, Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment
    https://www.wflpublisher.com/Abstract/4864 Vol.11 Pages: 1404-1408

  37. Ilondu, E.M. (2013) Phytochemical composition and efficacy of ethanolic leaf extracts of some Vernonia species against two phytopathogenic fungi, Journal of Biopesticides
    http://www.jbiopest.com/users/LW8/efiles/Vol_6_2_165-172.pdf Vol.6 Pages: 165-172

  38. Ilondu, E.M. and Emosairue, S.O. (2013) Variability in pathogenicity of three leafspot fungi to different varieties of sweet potato and their sensitivity to Dithane M45 in-vitro, Nigerian Journal of Plant Protection
    Vol.27 Pages: 112-120

  39. E.O. Egho and E.M. Ilondu (2012) Seeds of Neem Tree (Azadirachta indica A. Juss). Promising Biopesticide in the Management of Cowpea Insect Pests and Grain Yield in the Early Cropping Season at Asaba and Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria, Journal of Agricultural Science
    http://agris.fao.org/agris-search/search.do?recordID=DJ2012067858 Vol.4 Pages: 181-189

  40. Ilondu, E.M. (2012) Fungitoxic activity of leaf extracts from four Asteraceae against Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc., an isolate of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L) Lam) vine rot disease, Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences
    Vol.3 Pages: 287-295

  41. J.K. Ebigwai, E.M. Ilondu, A.A. Markson and E. Ekeleme (2012) In vitro Evaluation of the Essential Oil Extract of Six Plant Species and Ivermectin on the Microfilaria Larva of Simulium yahense, Research Journal of Medicinal Plant
    https://scialert.net/abstract/?doi=rjmp.2012.461.465 Vol.6 Pages: 461-465

  42. Ebigwai, J.K., Edu, E.A., Ilondu, E.M., Nta, A., Udensi, U. and Oku, E.E. (2012) Efficacy of different herbal preparations of Azadarachta indicaJuss. on a 4-day schizontocidal test on Plasmodium berghei, African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
    https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJPP/article-abstract/6F14BBD35330 Vol.6 Pages: 1153-1156

  43. Agbogidi, O.M., Ilondu, E.M. and Ohwo, O.A. (2012) Effects of crude oil as a soil contaminant on seedling gowth of Jatropha curcas L, International Journal of Science and Nature
    http://scienceandnature.org/IJSN_Vol3(4)S2012/IJSN-VOL3(4)12-5.pdf Vol.3 Pages: 758-762

  44. Agbogidi, O.M. and Ilondu, E.M. (2012) Moringa oleifera Lam: Its potentials as a food security and rural medicinal item, Journal of Bio Innovation
    https://jbino.com/docs/Issue06_02.pdf%20target= Vol.1 Pages: 156-167

  45. Agbogidi, O.M. and E.M. Ilondu (2012) Heavy metal contents of Gambaya albida (Linn.) seedlings growth in soil contaminated with crude oil, Journal of Biological and Chemical Research
    http://www.jbcr.co.in/Current_Issue/Volume%2029%20(2)%20December%202012/Heavy-Metal-Contents-of-Gambaya.pdf Vol.29 Pages: 320-325

  46. Ilondu, E.M. (2011) Comparative efficacy of water and ethanol for the extraction of phytochemical constituents of Aloe vera succulent leaves, Nigerian Journal of Science and Environment
    Vol.10 Pages: 233-241

  47. Ilondu, E.M. (2011) In-vitro evaluation of four fungicides for the control of Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc, the causal agent of rhizome rot of ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc), Nigerian Journal of Science and Environment
    Vol.10 Pages: 242-250

  48. Ilondu, E.M. (2011) Evaluation of some aqueous plant extracts used in the control of pawpaw fruit (Carica papaya L.) rot fungi, Journal of Applied Biosciences
    https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Evaluation-of-some-aqueous-plant-extracts-used-in-Ilondu/bbc5548f5dc8bef7c21e6994a8d035f6f930aac4 Vol.37 Pages: 2419 - 2424

  49. llondu. E.M., Ayodele, S.M. and Ofere, B.K. (2010) Comparative efficacy of Neem leaf extract (Azadirachta indica A Juss) and three commercial fungicide in control of Cercosporella leafspot of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.), Nigeria Journal of Botany
    Vol.23 Pages: 157-164

  50. Ilondu, E.M, Ayodele, S.M and Inikoro, E.A. (2010) Etiology and Control of damping-off disease of pepper (Capsicum annum) with powdered leaves of three Astereceous plants, Nigerian Journal of Plant Protection
    Vol.24 Pages: 75-81

  51. Umunadi, E.K. and Ilondu, E.M. (2010) Utilization of electricity in the University Agricultural farms as perceived by undergraduate students in Nigeria, International Journal of Research in Education
    Vol.2 Pages: 91-96

  52. Ayodele, S. M, Ilondu, E.M and Onwubolu, N.C. (2009) Antifungal properties of some locally used spices in Nigeria against some rot fungi, African Journal of Plant Science
    https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJPS/article-stat/53DF1F910842 Vol.3 Pages: 139-141

  53. Ebele, M. Ilondu, Francis, O. Arimoro and Adjekawen, P. Sodje (2009) The use of aqueous extracts of Vernonia amygdalina in the control of Saprolegniasis in Clarias garienpinus, a freshwater fish, African Journal of Biotechnology
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/ajb/article/view/68812 Vol.8 Pages: 7130 – 7132

  54. Ayodele, S.M. and Ilondu, E.M. (2008) Mycological studies of Beach soils of Niger Delta Region of Nigeria, Nigerian Journal of Mycology
    Vol.1 Pages: 44-49

  55. Ayodele, S.M. and Ilondu, E.M. (2008) Fungi associated with base rot disease of Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis), African Journal of Biotechnology
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/ajb/article/view/59618 Vol.7 Pages: 4474

  56. Ayodele , S. M. and Ilondu, E. M. (2007) The Mycoflora associated with stored Dika nut (lrvingia gabonensis) seeds in Delta State, Nigeria, Continental Journal of Plant Science
    Vol.1 Pages: 1-4

  57. E.M. Ilondu and A.C. Iloh (2007) Inhibition of Three Fungal Isolates from Sorrel Drink (Zobo) using Hurdle Technique, World Journal of Agricultural Science
    https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Inhibition-of-Three-Fungal-Isolates-from-Sorrel-Ilondu-Iloh/789402cffdd990109ac021f99d5ab6c0c12331a9 Vol.3 Pages: 339 - 343

  58. Akparobi, S.O., Ilondu, E.M. and Ndikwanu, S. (2007) Evaluation of cassava genotypes for resistance to the cassava anthracnose disease (CAD) at two agroecological zones (Ibadan and Jos Plateau) of Nigeria, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research
    Vol.2 Pages: 124-127

  59. Akparobi, S.O., Okonmah, L.U. and Ilondu, E.M. (2007) Comparing cassava yields in wetland and dryland zones of Nigeria, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research
    Vol.2 Pages: 120-123

  60. Ilondu, E.M. and Ayodele S.M. (2005) Phyloplane mycoflora of fluted pumpkin, Telfaira occidentalis hook. F), Nigerian Journal of Science and Environment
    Vol.4 Pages: 57 - 60

  61. Ilondu E. M; Egwunyenga O.A. and Iloh A.C. (2004) The Effect of Wild Basil Ocimum suava Wild Labiatae(Lamiacae) Leaf dust as protectant of cereals against Rhizopertha dominica Fabricus (Coleoptera: Bostrydae), Journal of Natural Academy for Advancement in Science
    Vol.3 Pages: 129-134

  62. Ilondu, E.M. and Ayodele, S.M. (2003) Mycological studies on leaf spot disease of Tobacco (Nicotiana tabaccum L) in Sapele, Nigeria, Journal of Natural Academy for Advancement in Science
    Vol.2 Pages: 17 - 25

  63. Ilondu, E.M and Okoegwale E.E. (2002) Some medical plants used in the management of Dermatophytic diseases in Nigeria, African Journal of Environmental Studies
    Vol.3 Pages: 146-151

  64. Akparobi, S.O. and Ilondu, E.M. (2002) Effect of Soil type on the production of Tomato fruits (Lycopersicon esculenta Mill) in Delta State, African Journal of Environmental Studies
    Vol.3 Pages: 213 - 216

  65. Ilondu, E.M; B.O. Ejechi and J.A. Souzey (2001) Microbial stability of jam prepared form velvet tamarind (Daelium guineesis) and preserved by combined processes, Nigerian Journal of Microbiology
    Vol.15 Pages: 93-96

  66. Ilondu, E.M; S.M. Ayodele and S.E. Egbikwadje (2001) Suitability of some seeds of tropical plants as baits for Aquatic fungi, Tropical Freshwater Biology
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/tfb/article/view/20840 Vol.10 Pages: 47-55

  67. Ejechi B.O. and Ilondu, E.M. (1999) Control of yam tuber (Dioscorea rotundata) Rot Agent Sclerotium rolfsii with Camwood (Baphia nitida LODD) sawdust Extract, African Journal of Root and Tuber Crops
    Vol.3 Pages: 13 -15

  68. Ilondu, E.M. S.M. Ayodele and S.I. Nwaubani (1996) Evaluation of Three Common spice Dusts (Monodora myristica, Piper guineenses and Xylopia aethiopicum) for the control of Maize Weevil (Sitophilus zeamais Mots) in storage, Nigerian Journal of Plant Protection
    Vol.16 Pages: 115 - 124

  69. Arinze, E.M. and J.N.C. Maduewesi (1989) Etiology of Damping–off disease of tomato at Nsukka Nigeria, Nigerian Journal of Plant Protection
    Vol.12 Pages: 60 – 67