
Email: aenwachukwu@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: Health and Safety Education
  • Department of Health and Safety Education

  • Prof. Nwachukwu, A. Emeka was born on 1st of January 1956, he obtained his Ph.D degree in University of Ibadan in 1995, Masters of Education/Industrial/Occupational Health Education, University of Ibadan, 1984, Bachelors of Science 1977 in University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria Teachers Grade II Certificate 1972, Ministry of Education, (Former East Central State).
    My Publications
  1. Nwachukwu, A.E. Ogene, M.N. and Nwachukwu, A.U. (2016) Application of the hierarchy of control in the management of health hazards in industry, Journal of adult education studies
    Vol.2 Pages: 61-69

  2. Nwachukwu, A.E. Nabofa, O.E. (2015) Assessment of petrochemical industry work-related stress: A case study of Port Harcourt City Nigeria, International journal of Business and Finance management research
    http://www.bluepenjournals.org/ijbfmr/pdf/2015/January/Nwachukwu_and_Nabofa.pdf Vol.3 Pages: 1-5

  3. Nwachukwu, A.E. (2014) Physical and Health Education Teachers’ Job Demands and Resources, in Exercise Programming for Fitness and Wellness of School Children in Nigeria, Asian journal of management sciences & education
    http://www.ajmse.leena-luna.co.jp/AJMSEPDFs/Vol.3(2)/AJMSE2014(3.2-07).pdf Vol.3 Pages: 57-62

  4. Nwachukwu, A.E. (2014) Cancer (Squamous cell carcinoma) A possible climax of poor oral-hygiene: Case study of a victim in Rural Nigeria, Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare
    Downloads/12641-14942-1-PB.pdf Vol.4 Pages: 6-9

  5. Orunaboka T.T. and Nwachukwu, A.E. (2012) Management of physical education facilities, equipment and supplies in secondary schools in Nigeria: Issues and challenges, Journal of Education and Practice
    https://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/JEP/article/view/1159 Vol.3 Pages: 43-47

  6. Orunaboka T.T. and Nwachukwu, A.E. (2012) selected predictors of overweight among Nigerian kids, Academic research International
    Vol.2 Pages: 331-335

  7. Orunaboka T.T. and Nwachukwu, A.E. (2012) The role of sports and physical education as a mechanism for the control of deviant acts among secondary school students in Nigeria, Asian journal of management science and education
    http://www.ajmse.leena-luna.co.jp/AJMSEPDFs/Vol.1(1)/AJMSE2012(1.1-03).pdf Vol.1 Pages: 21-27

  8. Nwachukwu, A.E. (2012) Incidence of chemical - induced skin dermatitis among hair-dressers in owerri municipal council Imo State, Nigeria, The international journal series on tropical issue
    Vol.13 Pages: 133-137

  9. Nwachukwu, A.E. (2012) Chemo and radiotherapy management of cancer in Nigeria: The case of the national hospital, Abuja, African journal of contemporary issues
    Vol.12 Pages: 154-159

  10. Nwachukwu, A.E. (2012) Combating the HIV/AIDS pandemic: Through multifaceted health information technology, Asian journal of management science and education
    http://www.ajmse.leena-luna.co.jp/AJMSEPDFs/Vol.1(2)/AJMSE2012(1.2-12).pdf Vol.1 Pages: 111-118

  11. Nwachukwu, A.E. (2012) Contributions of the university of Benin teaching health of people living with HIV/AIDS - PLWHA, Academic research International
    Vol.3 Pages: 557-561

  12. Nwachukwu, A.E. (2012) Safe handing of chemicals: A study of the cosmetics industries, Aba, Abia State, Nigeria, Developing country studies
    citytech%20electronics/Downloads/2694-4710-1-PB.pdf Vol.2 Pages: 86-90

  13. Nwachukwu, A.E. (2012) Work impacts on health: Their implication and management techniques, Journal of Education and Practice
    https://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=A2KIbNA1kJleTwgAuV5XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEybTJvcnFxBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQjk5MTVfMQRzZWMDc3I-/RV=2/RE=1587151029/RO=10/RU=https%3a%2f%2fwww.iiste.org%2fJournals%2findex.php%2fJEP%2farticle%2fdownload%2f2013%2f1992/RK=2/RS=53Nw.ASmlnbDe5G9_o6rA2sRPwk- Vol.3 Pages: 66-70

  14. Nwachukwu, A.E. (2011) Environmental legislations and management systems: Their relevance in the petrochemical operations in the Niger Delta region, Nigeria, Sustainable environmental peace and security in the Niger Delta
    Vol.4 Pages: 32-40

  15. Nwachukwu, A.E. and Nwachukwu, A.U. (2010) Stress management strategies among staff of the University of Port-Harcourt, River State, Nigeria, Journal of adult education studies
    Vol.4 Pages: 1118-3136

  16. Nwachukwu, A.E. (2008) Environmental impact assessment (EIA) in Nigeria. The present status and the way forward , Journal of Kinetics and health education perspective
    Vol.2 Pages: 76-82

  17. Nwachukwu, A.E. and Nwachukwu, A.U. (2007) Common factors responsible for less than six months period of exclusive breast-feeding among women in Nigeria, Journal of the international council for health, physical education, recreation, sports and dance
    Vol.XLIII Pages: 30-35

  18. Nwachukwu, A.E. and Nwachukwu, A.U. (2007) Mental health status of physical challenged students in selected secondary schools in Warri metropolis, Delta State, Nigerian School Health Journal
    Vol.19 Pages: 99-108

  19. Nwachukwu, A.E. and Nwachukwu, A.U. (2006) Workers exposed to hyperthermal stress, noise, lead and particulate hazards: Intervention through health and safety education, Journal of Educational Research and Development
    Vol.5 Pages:

  20. Nwachukwu, A.E.; Nwachukwu, A.U.; Mordi, P.O. and Yap, R. (2006) Drug advertising in vehicles on Nigerian highways: Commuters reasons for patronage - A pilot study, International Journal of Health Promotion and Education
    https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14635240.2006.10708078 Vol.44 Pages: 97-100

  21. Nwachukwu, A.E. (2004) Implementation of school health programme in the past and present in Imo State, Nigeria: Implications for the future, Nigerian School Health Journal
    Vol.15 Pages: 83-91

  22. Nwachukwu, A.E. and Mordi, P.O. (2004) The utilization of personal protective equipment by workers in selected companies in Warri Delta State, Nigeria, Journal of Educational Research and Development
    Vol.3 Pages: 70-77

  23. Okoye, K.R.E. and Nwachukwu, A.E. (2003) Making industrial safety measures functional; through vocational and technical education, Nazareth, Ethiopia, E. Africa
    Vol. Pages: 8-13

  24. Nwachukwu, A.E. (2002) The AIDS epidemic: Its epidemiology, psychosocial trauma and prophlaxis, Nigerian Journal of Health Education
    Vol.10 Pages: 117-121

  25. Nwajei, S.D. and Nwachukwu, A.E. (2002) Health and safety education as essential strategies in the prevention of industrial hazards, Nigerian School Health Journal
    Vol.14 Pages: 157-165

  26. Nwachukwu, A.E. (2000) Curriculum contents for student teachers in safety education, Journal of teachers and teaching
    Vol.2 Pages: 17-23

  27. Nwachukwu, A.E. (1999) Making sustainable democracy run on oiled rails through sports and games: Lessons from the Greek Olympics, Journal of curriculum and instruction
    Vol.8 Pages: 148-154

  28. Nwachukwu, A.E. (1999) Industrial safety education: Chained and unchained. The role of health education in the 21st century, Social studies quarterly
    Vol.4 Pages: 7-10

  29. Ajala, J.A. and Nwachukwu, A.E. (1986) Occupational health services: A necessary antidote to industrial health hazards, Nigerian School Health Journal
    Vol.6 Pages: 110-119