
Email: ojobohlo@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: Films / Brodcasting/ Print
  • Department of Mass Communication

  • I obtained a National Diploma in Journalism from the Nigerian Institute of Journalism and got admitted into the Department of Mass Communication and graduated in 2004 with a Second Class(upper division) in 2004. I started work as a GA in January 2005. I obtained an MA in Mass Communication in 2008.I got admitted in the same year and in the same University of Uyo for a PhD programme. I successfully defended my Thesis in October 2014. I am a baptized Baptist. I am married to Deaconess (Mrs) Helen Erhikohwo Ojoboh. We have four children. Two are graduates from DELSU. The third is at FUTO and the youngest in SSS1 at the FSTC, Uromi. I was the Treasurer of my church (First Baptist church, Oviorie--Ovu) for 4 years. Presently, I am the Chairman of the Conflict Resolution and Disciplinary Committee as well as the Deputy Sunday School Superintendent of our Church. I am an experienced photographer and videographer. I have produced some short films, Talkshows and documentaries with my colleagues and students. I am the SIWES Coordinator of our Department and have been the Departmental Librarian and Secretary of the Board of Studies.
    My Publications
  1. Dr Oghogho Uyi Osazee and Dr Ojoboh Lucky Ogheneruemu Dr Godwin E Oboh (2020) Conflict Of Identity In Representation Of Mothers In Nollywood Movies In Nigeria , Academic Journal Of Current Research
    www.cird.online/AJCR Vol.7 Pages: 15-32

  2. Dr Ojoboh Lucky Ogheneruemu (2019 ) Rethinking Effects Of Excessive Use Of Social Media Technologies On The Academic Performance Of Students :A CASE STUDY OF DELTA STATE UNIVERSITY , Lapia International Journal of Management and Social Sciences : A Publication of The Faculty of Management and Social Sciences. IBB University, Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria
    https://ibbujournal.com/index.php/lijomass/article/view/10 Vol.11 Pages: 170-194

  3. Dr Ojoboh Lucky Ogheneruemu (2019 ) Effects of Community Relations on the Corporate Image of the Warri Refining and Petrol chemical Company Ubeji, Lapia International Journal of Management and Social Sciences : A Publication of The Faculty of Management and Social Sciences. IBB University, Lapai, Niger State, Nigeria
    https://ibbujournal.com/index.php/lijomass/article/view/10 Vol.11 Pages: 95-115

  4. Dr Ojoboh Lucky Ogheneruemu (2018) The Impact of Media Globalization on Nigeria Culture : A Study of Warri Metropolis , Kawararafa University Journal of Management Science
    ISSN:2536-7617 Vol.4 Pages: 43-67

  5. Dr Oghogho Uyi Osazee and Dr Ojoboh Lucky Ogheneruemu (2017) University Students 'Listening Behavior of FM Radio Programmes in Nigeria , American Research Institute for Policy Development
    http://rjmcnet.com/journals/rjmc/Vol_5_No_2_December_2017/3.pdf Vol.5 Pages: 2

  6. Ufuophu-Biri and Dr Ojoboh Lucky Ogheneruemu (2017) Preference Pattern for Mobile Phones and Conventional Tools in Task Performance By Students in Delta State University Abraka Nigeria, Mediterranean Journal Of Social Sciences
    https://www.mcser.org/journal/index.php/mjss/article/view/9887 Vol.8 Pages: 267-280

  7. Ufuophu-Biri and Dr Ojoboh Lucky Ogheneruemu (2017) Social Media As a Tools For Political Resistance Lessons From The Arab Springs and The Nigerian Protest , Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies
    https://www.mcser.org/journal/index.php/ajis/article/viewFile/9899/9533 Vol.6 Pages: 61-67

  8. Dr Ojoboh Lucky Ogheneruemu (2016) Effects of Television Cartoon Viewing on Nigerian Children , The Parnassus University of Uyo Journal of Cultural Research
    https://www.researchgate.net/publication/345995098_EFFECT_OF_TELEVISION_CARTOON_VIEWING_ON_NIGERIAN_CHILDREN_A_STUDY_OF_ABRAKA Vol.12 Pages: 46-59

  9. Dr Ojoboh Lucky Ogheneruemu (2016) Effects of Social Media on Personal Relationships , Journal of Management and Social Sciences
    https://www.researchgate.net/publication/345999125_EFFECTS_OF_SOCIAL_MEDIA_ON_PERSONAL_RELATIONSHIPS_A_STUDY_OF_DELTA_STATE_UNIVERSITY_STUDENTS Vol.11 Pages: 3

  10. Dr Ojoboh Lucky Ogheneruemu (2016) The Effects of the Social Media Addition on the Academic Performance of Delta State University Students , Nigerian Sociological Review
    https://www.researchgate.net/publication/345996709_The_Effects_of_Social_Media_Addiction_on_the_Academic_Performance_of_Delta_State_University_Students Vol.7 Pages: 58-76

  11. Dr Ojoboh Lucky Ogheneruemu (2015) Contribution of The Mass Media to The Promotion and Acceptance of the Rollback Malaria Programme in The Delta Central Senatorial of Delta State , Journal of Management and Social Sciences

  12. Dr Ojoboh Lucky Ogheneruemu (2015) The Use of Documentary Films in The Campaign Against Women Directed Violence in Nigeria , Journal of Management and Social Sciences
    https://www.researchgate.net/publication/345996742_THE_USE_OF_DOCUMENTARY_FILMS_IN_THE_CAMPAIGN_AGAINST_VIOLENCE_DIRECTED_AT_WOMEN_IN_NIGERIA Vol.10 Pages: No 2