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  • Area of Specialization: Multimedia journalism, Health Communication and Development Studies
  • Department of Mass Communication

  • Joshua Aghogho Erubami teaches Mass Communication at Delta State University, Abraka with research interests in multimedia Journalism, health communication and effective deployment of new media technologies for development purposes in Africa.
    My Publications
  1. Ojoboh, L. O., Egbon, K. J., Erubami, J. A., Idemudia, S., & Olu, V. C. (2024) Influence of Radio Music Broadcasting On COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance among Women in Rural Communities of Delta State, Nigeria, Studies in Media and Communication
    Vol.12 Pages: 232-241

  2. Ijeh, P. N., Onojeghwo, M. O., & Erubami, J. A. (2024) Beyond the ballot: Understanding voters’ perception on electoral reforms and mass media influence in Nigeria, Environment and Social Psychology Vol.9 Pages: 1-10

  3. Erubami, J. A., Bebenimibo, P., Ezeah, G. H., & Muobike, O. I. (2023) Newspaper depiction of mental illness in Nigeria. , Journal of Public Health in Africa Vol.14 Pages: e1527

  4. Erubami, J. A., Tebekaemi, P., & Egbon, J. K. (2023) Perception of Online Medical Crowdfunding Posts among Social Media Users in Nigeria, SAU Journal of Management and Social Sciences Vol.8 Pages: 62-74

  5. Okpeki, P. I., Erubami, J. A., Ugwuoke, J. C., & Onyenye, T. P. (2023) Contribution of Radio Musical Broadcasting to National Development in Nigeria: A Media Practitioners and Audience-Based Survey in Delta State, Nigeria, Studies in Media and Communication Vol.11 Pages: 1-12

  6. Erubami, J. A. (2022) Mass media exposure and Lassa fever knowledge, attitudes and practices in rural Nigeria, Journal of Public Health and Development Vol.20 Pages: 244-253

  7. Erubami, J. A., Okpeki, P. I., Ohaja, E.U., Anorue, U. C. & Ezugwu, M. N. (2022) Beyond health belief: Modeling the predictors of COVID-19 vaccine uptake among social media users in Nigeria., Studies in Media and Communication Vol.1020 Pages: 39-42

  8. Erubami, J. A., Ojoboh, L. O., Ohaja, E. U., Ezugwu, M. N., & Akta, U. C. (2022) Mass media exposure and Lassa fever risk perception in rural communities of South-south Nigeria, Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication Vol.103820 Pages: 56-71

  9. Oziwele, E. P. & Erubami, J. A. (2022) Perception of the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the protective structures of adolescent girls by female students of mass communication, Delta State University, Abraka, SAU Journal of Management and Social Sciences, Vol.7 Pages: 129-139

  10. Erubami, J. A., Bebenimibo, P., & Ugwuoke, J. C. (2021) Social Media Use and Covid-19 Risk Perception among Nigerians: The Roles of Affects, Gender and Information Sources, Media Watch Vol.12 (2) Pages: 316-332

  11. Ugwuoke, J. C., & Erubami, J. A. (2021) Old war, new battleground: Deconstructing the potency of social media for community engagement in Nigeria’s human rights advocacy efforts, World of Media. Journal of Russian Media and Journalism Studies Vol.2021 (2) Pages: 56-74

  12. Erubami, J. A., Bebenimibo, P., & Ohaja, E. U. (2021) Newspaper Exposure, Efficacy Feeling and Political Apathy among Youths in South-East Nigeria, Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities Vol.29 (3) Pages: 1611-1629

  13. Erubami, J. A., Emmanuel Ufuophu-Biri, E., Anorue, L. I., Nwabunze, U. O., & Orekyeh, E. S. S. (2021) Generational dichotomies in public perception of social media coverage of the Nigerian #EndSARS protests: Implication for networked communication, Cogent Arts and Humanities. Vol.8 (1) Pages: 1988192

  14. Erubami, J. A., Oziwelo, P. E., Ohaja, E. I., Ezigwu, M. N., & Anorue, U. C. (2021) Diseases in the Tabloids: Mapping Newspaper Narratives on Lassa Fever Epidemic in Nigeria, Studies in Media and Communication Vol.9 (2) Pages: 95-103

  15. Erubami, A. J. (2020) Public Perception of Social Media Contributions to Political Participation Processes in Delta State, Nigeria, Acta Universitatis Danubius. Communicatio Vol.14 (1) Pages: 105-119

  16. Oji, M., & Erubami, A. J. (2020) Discourse on Social Media Use and Reading Culture of Nigerian Youths, Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Vol.9 (6) Pages: 105-113

  17. Erubami, A. J. (2019) Economic Fluctuations and Newspaper Advertising Expenditures During and After the Nigerian Economic Recession , Sahel Analyst: Journal of Management Sciences Vol.17(3) Pages: 37-51

  18. Akpoghiran, I. P., & Erubami, A. J. (2019) Analysis of students' preference for social and mainstream media as platforms for information gathering, Journal of Social and Management Sciences'_Preference_for_Social_and_Mainstream_Media_as_Platforms_for_Information_Gathering Vol.14(1) Pages: 13-20