
Email: laimiti@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: Media Arts (Radio, Film and Television); Dramatic Criticism, Theatre Research and Cultural Studies
  • Department of Theatre Arts

  • Dr. Imiti is passionate about the academic profession and does everything to achieve set goals. He is currently the time table and examination officer of the Department of Theatre Arts
    My Publications
  1. Imiti, A.L. & Ibagere, E (2025) Nigerian Media's Role and Constraints to Effective Counter-Terrorism: A Discourse Study, Media and Intercultural Communication: A Multidisciplinary Journal
    10.22034/mic.2024.492753.1028 Vol.3(1) Pages: 97-113

  2. Imiti, A.L. (2024) What Has Nudity Got To Do With It? Interrogating the Off-screen Dressing of Nigerian Entertainers on Social Media, Advanced Journal of Theatre and Film Studies
    https://journals.jozacpublishers.com/index.php/ajtfs/article/view/655 Vol.2, no. 1 Pages: 20-28

  3. Anyanwu, C., Imiti, A.L. & Anyanwu, C.J. (2024) Traditional News Media as Agents of Authenticity: Nigerian Audiences Weathering the Onslaught of New Media Streaming, Journalism and Media
    https://doi.org/10.3390/journalmedia5020030 Vol.5, no.2 Pages: 456-466

  4. Anyanwu, C., Anyanwu, C.J. & Imiti, A.L. (2023) Twenty-four Hour Seduction: WhatsApp Status and the Communicative Force of Fleeting Memory in a Digital Diary, Online Media and Society
    https://hnpublisher.com/ojs/index.php/OMS/article/view/20 Vol.4, no.3 Pages: 23-35

  5. Imiti, A.L. & Anyanwu, C. (2023) Nollywood: Revisiting the Change Prism towards Sustaining Societal Development, The Journal of Society and Media
    https://journal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/jsm/article/view/22534 Vol.7, no.2 Pages: 593-603

  6. Imiti, A.L. (2023) Combating Human Trafficking and Irregular Migration with Literature: A synoptic Analysis of Farewell to Eldorado and Traffickers, New Frontiers/University of Abuja
    Vol.3, no.1 Pages: 71-89

  7. Chukwuma Anyanwu, Uwomano Benjamin Okpevra & Aghogho L. Imiti (2022) Nigerian newspaper headlines on Covid-19: a reflection of government and citizens’ perception and attitude, Cogent Arts & Humanities/Taylor & Francis
    https://doi.org/10.1080/23311983.2022.2046361 Vol.9, no.1 Pages: 1-12

  8. Imiti, A.L. (2022) Hurdles of Recreating History in Film: The Nigerian Tendency, Journal of African Films & Diaspora Studies
    https://hdl.handle.net/10520/ejc-aa_jafdis_v5_n3_a7 Vol.5, no.3 Pages: 103-120

  9. Imiti, A.L. (2022) Nigerian theatre in a digital era and environment, International Journal of Arts and Humanities
    https://www.syncsci.com/journal/IJAH/article/view/IJAH.2022.01.002 Vol.3, no.1 Pages: 93-100

  10. Imiti, A.L. & Odjebor Ufuoma (2022) Social Media and Agricultural Revitalisation in Nigeria: Living Beyond Oil, Online Media and Society
    http://hnpublisher.com/ojs/index.php/OMS/article/view/96 Vol.3 Pages: 149-159

  11. Imiti, A.L. (2022) The Business of Theatre in Covid-19 and Post Covid-19 Environment, Abraka Humanities Review
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/abraka/article/view/233620 Vol.11, no.1 Pages: 93-103

  12. Imiti, A.L. and Ibagere, E (2021) Effective Corporate Social Responsibility (Csr) Delivery as Panacea for Restiveness and Conflict in The Niger Delta: Role of The Mass Media, International Journal of Social Science and Human Research
    https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v4-i5-38 Vol.4, no.5 Pages: 1191-1197

  13. Imiti, A. L. (2021) Chukwuma Anyanwu: Dramatic Reflections on the Nigerian Society, International Review of Humanities Studies
    http://irhs.ui.ac.id/index.php/journal/article/download/294/221 Vol.6, No.1 Pages: 1-13

  14. Imiti, A.L. (2019) Auteurism and the Nigerian Film Industry, Theatre Business/DELSU Printing Press
    Vol.Vol. 3 Pages: 80-94

  15. Imiti, A.L. (2018) Sexual Imageries in Select Works of Sam Ukala, BWright Integrated Publishers, Ltd
    Vol. Pages: 160-170