
Email: adigbuoer@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: International Studies, International Relations,Foreign Policy Analysis, Conflict and Strategic Studies
  • Department of History and Intl Studies

  • Dr Adigbuo, Ebere Richard, is a senior lecturer in the Department of History and International Studies. He holds a PhD in Political Studies from the Faculty of Humanities, University of Johannesburg, South Africa. Using the National Role Conceptions as a theoretical framework, Dr Adigbuo examined Nigeria’s foreign policy towards Namibia, from 1975 to1990. Over the past twelve years, he taught both his graduate and undergraduate students, in the field of International Relations/Studies, Strategic and Middle East Studies. He is a member of the International Studies Association and an associate member of the Historical Society of Nigeria.
    My Publications
  1. ADIGBUO, EBERE R (2019) The African Union, R2P and the Challenges of Capability, Journal of African Union Studies (JoAUS)/ Adonis & Abbey Publishers United Kingdom
    http://dx.doi.org/10.31920/2050-4306/2019/v8n1a6 Vol.Volume 8, Issue 1 Pages: 115 - 133

  2. ADIGBUO, EBERE R (2019) Role conflicts in foreign policy: Nigeria’s dilemma over Bakassi Peninsula, Journal of Contemporary African Studies/Routledge andTaylor & Francis
    https://doi.org/10.1080/02589001.2019.1709628 Vol. 37 (4) Pages: 404-420.

  3. ADIGBUO, EBERE R (2018) Nigeria-China Relations: The Contemporary Challenges, The Journal of Social Sciences Research/Academic Research Publishing Group
    https://www.arpgweb.com/pdf-files/jssr5(4)923-930.pdf Vol.Vol. 5, Issue. 4 Pages: 923-930,

  4. ADIGBUO, EBERE R (2017 ) African Standby Force: a Song of Sorrow, International Journal of History and Cultural Studies /ARC Publications LLC, Sheridan, WY-82801,USA
    https://www.arcjournals.org/pdfs/ijhcs/v3-i3/1.pdf Vol.Volume 3, Issue 3 Pages: 1-9

  5. ADIGBUO, EBERE R (2017) Nigeria's Leadership Role Quests: The Race of the Crippled, Journal of Global Analysis/CESRAN International, United Kingdom
    https://cesran.org/nigerias-leadership-role-quests-the-race-of-the-crippled.html Vol.7 (2) Pages: 155-175

  6. ADIGBUO, EBERE R (2008) Defender of the faith: the challenges of Nigeria's 2007 presidential election, Politikon , Taylor and Francis, 35 (2)
    https://doi.org/10.1080/02589340802366984 Vol.35 (2) Pages: 223-245

  7. ADIGBUO, EBERE R (2007) Beyond IR Theories: The Case for National Role Conceptions, Politikon , Taylor and Francis, Volume 34, 2007 - Issue 1
    https://doi.org/10.1080/02589340701336286 Vol. Pages: 83-97