
Email: Omosorfo@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: Old Testament Studies and Human Relations and African Cultural Studies
  • Department of Religious Studies / Philosophy

  • Dr. Festus O. Omosor obtained a First Class degree in Religious Studies at the Delta State University Abraka in 2007. His Master degree was from the University of Ibadan in 2011. I'm 2019, he obtained a PhD in Religion and Human Relations from the Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka. His scholarship is basically in the area of Afrocentric Old Testament Hermeneutics with emphasis on Socio-cultural, economic and political developments as they affect Africa. He started his academic career in 2010 when he was appointed a Graduate Assistant in the Department of Religious Studies and Philosophy, Delsu Abraka. He is currently a Senior Lecturer and Acting Head of the Department. He has several papers in quality journals to his credit.
    My Publications
  1. Iritevwobor, W. O. and Omosor, F. O. (2024) (2024) Theological Education as a Tool for Mitigating Internet Fraud among Youths in Effurun Baptist Association, Humanus Discourse
    https://www.humanusdiscourse.com/volume-4 Vol.Vol. 4, no. 6 Pages: 1 -13

  2. Ottuh, P. O. O., Omosor, F. O. and Abamwa, O. E. (2023) Religious Iconography: Ethical Interface of Nigerian Knowledge Society, Journal Of Dharma
    Vol.Vol. 48, no. 1 Pages: 107-124

  3. Omosor, Osom Festus and Kowhiroro Bright (2021) An Exegetical Study of Proverbs 1: 8 - 19 in the Context of Peer Influence in Ugheli South Local Government Area of Delta State, Abraka Journal of Religion and Philosophy
    https://abrakajournal.com/index.php/ajrp/article/view/6/4 Vol.Vol. 1, no 1 Pages: 73 - 87

  4. Omosor, Osom Festus (2020) The Impact and Implications of Textual Corruption on the Doctrinal Development of Absolute Monotheism in the Old Testament, Voyages: Journal of Religious Studies, Gombe State University
    Vol.Vol 6 Pages: 25 - 45

  5. OMOSOR, Osom Festus (2020) Alienation of African cultural Values and Indigenous Knowledge System as Impediment to Development: A Case for Renaissance , NASARA Journal of Humanities, Faculty of Arts, Nasarawa State University, Keffi
      Vol.Volume 9, Nos 1 & 2 Pages: PP 281 - 291

  6. OMOSOR, Osom Festus & Omosomuofa, Obruche (2020) The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10: 25-37) as a Recipe for Addressing the Problem of Ethno-Religious Disharmony in Nigeria , LIWURAM Journal of the Humanities, Faculty of Arts, University of Maiduguri.
    Vol.Volume 21, no. 1 Pages: Pp. 188 - 201

  7. OMOSOR, Osom Festus (2020) Biblical Redaction and the Emergence of Absolute Monotheism: Implications for Religious Dialogue and Socio-Political Stability , KIU Journal of Humanities, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kampala International University, Kampala, Uganda
    http://www.ijhumas.com/ojs/index.php/kiuhums/article/view/786/725 Vol.Volume 5, No 1 Pages: pp. 129-139

  8. OMOSOR, Osom Festus (2019) Christianity and African Traditional Medicine: A Critical Study from Afro-Biblical Perspective, Uniuyo Journal of Humanities
    http://uujh.org/wp-content/uploads/vol23N2Full/Christianity-and-African-Traditional-Medicine-A-Critical-Study.pdf Vol.Volume 23, No. 2 Pages: pp. 363 - 384

  9. OMOSOR, Osom Festus (2019) The Role of Christian Clerics in Promoting Good Governance and Development in Nigeria: Prophet Amos as a Model, KIU Journal of Humanities, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kampala International University, Kampala, Uganda
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=rfRAG9AAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&gmla=AJsN-F7eEtztHNUE_GxYS1F-uqFjA5-UQcnQgTcf_E-JqYEy3SB0rlgkdPIy7d0N2hJTiTLwLvCtQ_rPlWR9249AIBS2sMPzTWjx4qt9BmSVkQTt96tj2eA#d=gs_md_cita-d&u=%2Fcitations%3Fview_op%3Dview_citation%26hl%3Den%26user%3DrfRAG9AAAAAJ%26citation_for_view%3DrfRAG9AAAAAJ%3Au5HHmVD_uO8C%26tzom%3D-60 Vol.Volume 4, No. 3 Pages: pp. 33 - 46

  10. OMOSOR, Osom Festus (2018) Theological Education and Socio-Political Stability in Nigeria: The Role of Religious Leaders, Uniuyo Journal of Humanities
    http://uujh.org/wp-content/uploads/Vol22N1Full/Theological-Education-and-Socio-Political-Stability-in-Nigeria-The-Role-of-Religious-Leaders.pdf Vol.Volume 22, No. 1 Pages: pp. 115 - 131

  11. OMOSOR, Osom Festus (2018) Polygamy and Divorce Dilemma among African Christians: The Implications of Genesis 2: 18-25 for Socio-Economic Stability, Abraka Humanities Review
      Vol.Volume 8, No. 1 Pages: pp. 215 - 235

  12. OMOSOR, Osom Festus (2016) Deuteronomistic Redaction and the Emergence of ?????????? (Yahweh-Alone) Theology: An Exegetical Study, International Journal of Theology and Reformed Tradition, University of Nigeria Nsukka
    http://academicexcellencesociety.com/deuteronomistic_redaction_and_the_emergence.pdf Vol.Volume 8 Pages: pp. 1 - 14

  13. OMOSOR, Osom Festus (2014) Oath-Taking, Quality Control and Policy Implementation in Nigerian Public Sphere: A Critical Evaluation from Afro-Biblical Background, Abraka Humanities Review
    Vol.Volume 6, No. 1 Pages: pp. 157 - 171

  14. OMOSOR, Osom Festus (2013) The Interface between Religious Fundamentalism and Political Terrorism: The Boko Haram Scourge and Security in Nigeria, Abraka Humanities Review
    Vol.Volume 5, No. 1 Pages: pp. 80 - 96