
Email: eguvwebere.anthonia@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: African Literature
  • Department of English and Literary Studies
  • My Publications
  • Eguvwebere Anthonia Adanma (2021/4/22) Objectification and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Nina Iphechukwu’s Disowned, KIU Journal of Humanities/Kampala, Uganda
    http://ijhumas.com/ojs/index.php/kiuhums/article/download/1189/1055 Vol.6 Pages: 231-237

  • Eguvwebere Anthonia A. & Ilolo Oghenekaro (2021) The Covert Side of Patriarchy: a literary analysis of Nina Iphechukwu's 'Disowned', Liwuram Journal of Humanities/Faculty of Arts, University of Maiduguri
    Vol.22 Pages: 26 - 33

  • Eguvwebere Anthonia A. & Onyemaechi Udumukwu (2021) Ecofeminism and the Revalidation of Cultural Paradigms in Bayo Adebowale's 'Lonely Days', Gadua Journal of Arts and Humanities/ Faculty of Arts, Bauchi State University
    Vol.4 Pages: 01 - 08

  • Eguvwebere Anthonia Adanma (2020) A Study of Narrative Perspectives in Isidore Okpewho's Tides, Abraka Humanities Review/Faculty of Arts, Delta State University Abraka
    Vol.10 Pages: 106 - 115

  • Anthonia Eguvwebere & Ogheneruemu Akpore (2019) Beyond the Borders of Counter-Discourse: a Neocolonial Interrogation of Tanure Ojaide's The Activist and Othuke Ominiabohs' A Conspiracy of Ravens, Abraka Humanities Review/Faculty of Arts, Delta State University, Abraka
    Vol.9 Pages: 62-74

  • Aihebholoria Confidence, Eguvwebere Anthonia and Victor Okagbare (2018) Grounded Spaces: Deictic-anaphors in the Poetry of Ebi Yeibo, Nigerian Journal of Oral Literatures/NOLA
    Vol.5 Pages: 91-99