About Department
Welcome!A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE DEPARTMENT The department of Chemical Pathology is one of the Pathology Departments in the Faculty of Clinical Medicine of Delta State University, Abraka. The Department was officially established in 2009/2010 session following the first accreditation exercise by the Medical Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN). The Department conducted its first professional MBBS part II final examinations in Pathology in December 2009. As at last pathology examinations conducted in October,2019, the department has successfully trained 14 sets of medical students. Staff list Academic Staff Qualification Status Dr.Orugbo Voke Peter B.Sc(1988), MBBS(2005), Lecturer 1/HOD FMCPath(2018) Non-Teaching/Technical Staff Mr. Dominic Fabian Essiet AIMLT(1988), FIMLS(1994), CHIEF Lab. Scientist MMLS(2003) Mr. Ejetavwo. B. George AIMLS(1986), DipLaw(1995), MSc(2001), PGD(2009) Principal Med. Lab. Scientist Mr. Okpukoro Ezekiel Med. Lab. Tech. Cert.(2008) Higher Health Sup. PHILOSOPHY AND OBJECTIVE To provide knowledge of the pathophysiology and laboratory investigations to medical students in Chemical Pathology. The course is taught presuming reasonable knowledge of basic Biochemistry and Physiology. General Aim • To provide knowledge of the pathophysiology and laboratory investigations in screening, diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of diseases Instructional Objectives • Understanding the pathophysiological causes of common metabolic diseases like water and electrolytes distribution and disorders chemical pathology of urine, acid-base balance and disorders, calcium, phosphate and magnesium metabolism in health and disease, carbohydrates, proteins and lipids metabolism and their disorders, clinical endocrinology and enzymology. • Knowledge of the pathophysiology and laboratory investigations of common diseases: HOW STAFF ARE INVOLVED IN THE DECISION- MAKING PROCESS Specific roles are assigned to staff in the Department. Also, the administrative jobs concerned with the management of academic activities are administered by way of Committees, Seminars/Tutorials Coordinators, etc STUDENTS’ WELFARE A. Handling of academic grievances Students matters are usually handled by the various course advisers, the HOD or ad hoc departmental committee set up in the department. B. Students academic advising Handling of academic grievances Students matters are usually handled by the various course advisers, the HOD or ad hoc departmental committee set up in the department. EXAMINATION Setting, conduct, evaluation schemes, moderation schemes-internal and external for degree examinations and the issuance of results Examinations are usually set by lecturers who taught the courses to be examined. EVALUATION OF STUDENTS’ WORK Scoring System Continuous Assessment Marks Workbook In Course Test Total Examination Paper I(MCQ) Paper II(Essay) Practicals Orals Total A pass in the course, as specified by the College/Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria(MDCN), is 50% EXTERNAL EXAMINERS External examiners are invited to every examination from neighbouring Universities: University of Portharcourt, University of Benin and University of Nigeria Nsukka. Viva voce (oral examinations) is conducted for all candidates taking Chemical Pathology Examination. These external examiners have the power to adjudicate in the cases of poor or borderline students. If they decide that a candidate merits distinction, it is so awarded. SERVICE FACILITIES The following services are rendrerd by this department to the teaching hospital: 1. Liver function test 2. Renal function test 3. Glucose estimation-Random and Fasting 4. Bicarbonate estimation 5. Bilirubin estimation(total and conjugated) 6. Electrolytes(Na, K, Cl, Ca, Mg, inorganic phosphorus) 7. Uric acid 8. Lipid profile 9. Enzymes-LF enzymes, CK, ACP 10. Hormone assays: TFT(TSH,T3,T4), LH, FSH, 11. PSA 12. ß-HCG, AFP Plans have reached advanced stage for the department to start running metabolic clinic for the hospital and start managing cases like:-Diabetes mellitus, Endocrinopathies, Obesity and metabolic syndromes, Gout etc