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  • Area of Specialization: African Metaphysics,Developmental Philosophy, Ethics,Socio political Philosophy
  • Department of Religious Studies / Philosophy

  • I am a Lecturer in the Department of Religious Studies and Philosophy. My Academic interest in research are in Development Philosophy, Social and Political Philosophy, Ethics, Africa Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion. I love assisting people and deeply involved in community development as a former President of University of Ibadan Alumni Association, former Senior Special Assistant on Speech,Research and Publications in the Delta State Government (2011-2015) and Co- Chairman, University of Ibadan @70 Committee. I am presently Chairman, U.I Ventures (A Conglomerate of Business outfit in Hotel,Oil and Gas,Environmental issues,Consultancy,Bakery etc ) amongst others.
    My Publications
  1. Kemi Anthony EMINA (2023) Cosmocentric and Deep Ecology Movement: An Extreme Web of Valuing Nature, Jurnal llmu Sosiologi Dialektika Kontemporer, Vol.11. No 2 ISSN No.2303-2324 Vol.Vol.11. No 2 Pages: 1-19

  2. Kemi Anthony EMINA (2023) Gandhian Social Philosophy and Development Crisis in Pinisi Journal of Art, Humanity and Social Studies , Pinisi Journal of Art, Humanity and Social Studies Universitas Negeri, Makassar. Indonesia Vol. Vol.3,No 3 Pages: 1-19

  3. Kemi Anthony EMINA (2023) Sustainable Human Development: Issues and Challenges , Sustainable Human Development: Issues and Challenges in Pinisi Journal of Art, Humanity and Social Studies Universitas Negeri, Makassar. Indonesia Vol. Vol.3,No 3 Pages: 272-285

  4. Kemi Anthony EMINA (2023) ‘Respecting Nature: A Study of Environmental Ethics’ , International Journal of Environmental Pollution and Environmental Modelling. Dergi Park Academic (Yasin Akin Ayturan)Turkey Vol.6 Pages: 70-79

  5. Kemi Anthony EMINA (2023) Gandhian Perspective of Development’ , Jurnal ilmu Sosiologi Dialektika Kontemporer ,Sociology Doctoral Program in Postgraduate State University of Makassar, Indonesia Vol.Vol.11.No 1 Pages: 75-90

  6. Kemi Anthony EMINA (2023) ‘The Ethical Values and Leadership Practices in Deuteronomy’ , Evangelikal: Jurnal Teologi Injili dan Pembinaan Warga Jemaat .STT Simpson, Indonesia
    Vol.Vol.7,No.1 Pages: 1-12

  7. Kemi Anthony EMINA (2023) Developmental Ethics , GNOSI: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Theory and Praxis ,Department of Philosophy,University of Calabar Vol.Vol.6 No.1 Pages: 217-226

  8. Kemi Anthony EMINA (2023) The Ethics of Development in Developing Countries, Alkebulan: A Journal of West and East Africa Studies, Department of Philosophy ,University of Calabar
    Vol.Vol. 3. No. 2. Pages: 217-226

  9. Kemi Anthony EMINA (2023) Philosophy’s Role in the Development of Africa Vol. 3. No. 2. , in Alkebulan: A Journal of West and East Africa Studies, ,Department of Philosophy, University of Calabar Vol.Vol.6 ,Issue 2 Pages: 152-174

  10. Kemi Anthony Emina & UkwameduN.A(2022) (2022) Philosophy, Language, Linguistics and the Ontology of Meaning: A Discourse on the Pragmatic Theory of Meaning , Nasara Journal of Philosophy, Dept. of Philosophy, Federal University of Lafia.
    Vol.Vol.7.No.2. Pages: 20-44

  11. Kemi Anthony EMINA (2022) A Non –Anthropocentrism Approach to Environmental Ethics:A Theological Worldview , in Jurmal Ilmu Sosiologi Dialektika Kontemporer.Sociology Doctoral Program in Postgraduate State University of Makassar, Indonesia
    file:///C:/Users/USER/Downloads/42473-104962-1-PB-2.pdf Vol.Vol.10 No.1 Pages: 85-98

  12. Kemi Anthony EMINA (2022) ‘A Defense of Mind Body Dualism , Pinisi Journal of Art, Humanity And Social Sciences’ .Universitas Negeri, Makassar. Indonesia Vol.Vol.2No2 Pages: 115-125

  13. Kemi Anthony EMINA (2021) ‘Human Rights As An Embodiment of Social Justice.’.Vol.3.Issue 2.Pub.Date.2021/10/24, In Journal of Public Administration and Goverment
    Vol.Vol.3.Issue 2. Pages: 121-134

  14. Kemi Anthony EMINA (2021) ‘Public Sphere and Civil Society: Habermasian Perspective’, in Social Sciences, Humanities and Education Journal Vol.Vol.2 No.1 Pages: 276-286

  15. Emina Kemi Anthony (2021) Sustainable Development and the Future Generations, Social Sciences, Humanities and Education Journal(SHE Journal) /Universitas PGRI Madiun,Indonesia Vol.Vol.2 No.1 . Pages: 57-71

  16. Emina Kemi Anthony (2021) Legal, Social And Ethical Issues in Euthanasia, JurnalSosialisasi :JurnalHasilPemikiranPenelitian..../Sociology and Education Study Programs, UniversitasNegeri, Makassar. Indonesia Vol.Vol.8,Number 1.ISSN:2356-0886/2722-3086( Pages: 53-60

  17. Emina K.A (2021) A view on Totemism and Taboos and Creation Myths in African Environmental Ethics Vol. 1. No. 2. , in Alkebulan: A Journal of West and East Africa Studies, Department of Philosophy ,University of Calabar Vol.Vol.1.No.2. Pages: 35-49

  18. Emina Kemi Anthony (2020) The Nigerian Problems of Development and Human Security.”, PRZESTRZEN SPOLECZNA(Social Space Scientific Journal ISSN 2084-1558,NO.1,2020(19 Rzeszow 16c, 35-959 Rzeszow Poland Vol.NO.1,2020(19) Pages: 187-205

  19. Emina Kemi Anthony (2020) “System and Systematic Stinkers & the Question of the Two Dogmas of Empiricism By Quine”. , Cogito-Multidisciplinary Research Journal. (Vol.XII, No.2/June2020 ISSN:2068-6706 print,2247-9384 online. Pro Universitaria Dimitrie Cantemir’ Christian University, Bucharest, Romania.
    Vol.Vol.XII, No.2/June2020 Pages: 40-54

  20. Emina K.A., Ikegbu E.A. (2020) “The Role of the Military to National Development in Nigeria.” In PRZESTRZEN SPOLECZNA(Social Space Scientific Journal. ISSN 2084-1558 (NO.2,2020(20), PRZESTRZEN SPOLECZNA(Social Space Scientific Journal ISSN 2084-1558,NO.1,2020(19 Rzeszow 16c, 35-959 Rzeszow Poland Vol. NO.2,2020(20 Pages: 1-24

  21. Emina Kemi Anthony (2020) Misogyny in Western Philosophy and the Importance of Globalisation of Feminism, Pro Universitaria Dimitrie Cantemir’Christian University,Bucharest, Romania. Vol.(Vol.XII, No.14 /December2020 Pages: 43-55

  22. Emina K.A.,Onah G.A (2020) Animal Farms and Ethics: A view of Rights Theory’, In Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences .BPAS Publications. India. Vol.Vol.6(Zoology),No.1/June-December 2020 Pages: 367-378

  23. Emina Kemi Anthony (2020) Overview of Environmental Jurisprudence Within Environmental Ethics, Jurnal PemikiranIImiah Pendidikn Administrasi Perkantoran, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia article pdf Vol.Vol.1 Pages: 53 – 70

  24. Joseph,Nkang Ogar,Emina K.A., Samuel A.Bassey. (2020) An Ethical Overview of Animal Welfare and the Use of Antibiotics, Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences .BPAS Publications. India. Vol.Vol.39A(Zoology),No.1/January-June 2020 Pages: 217-229

  25. Emina Kemi Anthony (2020) A Review of Ethics of Public Administration’ , Pinisi Discretion Review Graduate Study Programme, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia Vol.Vol.3,Issue 2 Pages: 75 – 85

  26. Emina Kemi Anthony (2020) Ethno – Religious Conflict and the Quest for Peace in Plural Society in Africa , Britain International of Humanities and Social Sciences Journal , Britain International For Academic Research (BIAR) Publisher, Indonesia. articleview Vol.2( 2),613-622 Pages: 613-622

  27. Emina Kemi Anthony (2020) Public Administration and Ethics in Digital Era, Pinisi Discretion Review Graduate Study Programme, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia article pdf Vol.Vol.3,Issue 2 Pages: 243 –260

  28. Emina Kemi Anthony (2020) Person, Moral, Culture and Social Freedom: A Philosophical Re-Appraisal, Social Landscape Journal , Social Science, Education Social Science Faculty, University of Makassar, Indonesia. Vol.Vol.1. No.3 ,September Pages: 32-46

  29. Emina Kemi Anthony (2020) The Millipede As A Model An Illiterate As A Philosopher: Meditating On Nigeria’s Slow Pace of Development, Journal of Defence Studies/Nigerian Defence Academy(NDA)
    Vol.20 Pages: 144-160

  30. Emina Kemi Anthony (2020) The Millipede As Model and Illiterate As Philosopher: Meditating On Nigeria’s Slow Pace of Development, Journal of Defence Studies/Nigerian Defence Academy(NDA)
    Vol.Vol.20 October 2020. ISSN:1117-8795 Pages: 144-160

  31. Emina Kemi Anthony (2017) Introduction to African Philosophy, Book,Philosophy and Human Existence/GST Directorate,Delta State University, Abraka
    Vol. ISBN:978-987-50492-7-6 Pages: 35-49

  32. Emina Kemi Anthony (2017) General Nature of Fallacy, Philosophy& Human Existence, Directorate of General Studies.Delta State University, Abraka.
    Vol. ISBN:978-987-50492-7-6 Pages: 77-89

  33. Emina Kemi Anthony (2017) Political Corruption, Culture and Morality in Nigeria An Existential Analysis, Journal of Social & Management Sciences./Faculty of The Social Sciences
    Vol.Vol.12.No.1 ISSN:1597-0396. Pages: 34-45

  34. Ogelenya G. &Emina K.A. (2017) Ujamaa As A Framework For African Development, Abraka Humanities Review/ Faculty of Arts, Delta State University,Abraka
    Vol.Vol.7.No.3. Pages: 22-28

  35. Emina Kemi Anthony (2017) The Niger Delta: Re: Interrogated Around the Notion of Justice by John Rawls, State and Society /The Nigerian Sociological Society. (NSS).
    Vol.Vol.3.No.3. Pages: 337-352

  36. Emina, K.A &Ukwamedua N.U . (2017) Epistemological Ethnocentricism and Afro-Humanism:An Afro-Constructivist Narrative, ansu Journal of Arts and Humanities/Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, ChukwuemekaOdumegwu Ojukwu University, Igbariam Campus
    Vol.Vol.5.No.2. ISSN:2315-7178 Pages: 27-43

  37. Emina, K.A. &Ukwamedua N.U (2016) Colonialism Globalization and African Culture: An Afro-Constructivist Narrative, Abraka Humanities Review/Faculty of Arts, Delta State University, Abraka
    Vol.Vol.7.No.1 Pages: 176-188

  38. Emina Kemi Anthony (2016) Philosophical Analysis of African Morality, Academic Horizon Journal /School of Post Graduate Studies.A.A.Univ. Ekpoma
    Vol.Vol.2,No.1 Pages: 98-108

  39. Emina Kemi Anthony (2015) The Prospect of State Police in Nigeria, State and Society/The Nigerian Sociological Society(NSS)
    Vol.Vol.2,No.2 ISSN:2276-9269 Pages: 35-45

  40. Emina Kemi Anthony (2013) Poverty As A Violation of Human Right In Nigeria’, Nigerian Sociological Review/The Nigerian Sociological Society. (NSS)
    Vol.Vol.6 No.1 ISSN NO:1596 6151. Pages: 18-25

  41. Emina Kemi Anthony (2011) Cultural Relativism: Assessing Claude Ake’s African Context of Human Rights, Society and Development./The Nigerian Sociological Society. (NSS)
    Vol.Vol.2.No.1 Pages: 117-122

  42. Emina .K.A and Ogelenya, G.O (2009) Philosophy and African Development, Journal of Globalization and Development in Africa/Institute of Governance and Development,Ambrose Alli,University. Vol.Vol.2 No.1 . Pages: 92-102

  43. Emina Kemi Anthony (2005) Metaphysics and The Social Sciences, Philosophy of the Social Sciences/Faculty .of the Social Sciences, Delta State University, Abraka.
    Vol.ISSN:97836711-8-9 Pages: 75-83