- Department of Chemical Engineering
My Publications- Orugba, H.O., Osagie, C., Sinebe, J.E., Enyi, L.C., Igwegbe, C.A (2024) Adsorption of Cyanide from Cassava Wastewater using activated carbons derived from Raphia hookeri kernels: a comparison of In-situ and Ex-situ activation, Journal of Dispersion Science and TechnologyTailor & Francis Vol. Pages:
- Henry Oghenero Orugba, Lawrence Chukwuka Edomwonyi-Otu (2023) Improving the activity and stability of turtle shell-derived catalyst in alcoholysis of degraded vegetable oil: An experimental design approach, Journal of King Saud University-Engineering Sciences Vol. Pages:
- Patrick U. Okoye Diego Ram ´ on Lobato-Peralta , Estefanía Duque-Brito , Henry O. Orugba , D.M. Arias , Ana Karina Cuentas-Gallegos , Jude A. Okolie (2023) Sponge-like nanoporous activated carbon from corn husk as a sustainable and highly stable supercapacitor electrode for energy storage, Diamond & Related Materials Vol. Pages:
- Hilary Ijeoma Owamah, Thomas Obaro Akpoedafe, Sunday Chukwuyem Ikpeseni, Eguakhide Atikpo, Henry Oghenero Orugba, Solomon Oyebisi (2023) Spatial distribution of heavy metals in groundwater around automobile workshops in a popular Niger-Delta University town, Nigeria, Journal of Engineering and Applied Science Vol. Pages:
- JL Chukwuneke, JE Sinebe, HO Orugba, C Ajike (2022) Process Optimization for Enhancing Yield and Quality of Bio-Oil from the Pyrolysis of Cow Hooves, International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics Vol. Pages:
- JL Chukwuneke, JE Sinebe, HO Orugba, HC Olisakwe, C Ajike (2022) Production and physico-chemical characteristics of pyrolyzed bio-oil derived from cow hooves, Arab Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences Vol. Pages:
- Mike Uche Ajieh, Nosakhare Andrew Amenaghawon, Kesiena Owebor, Oghenero Henry Orugba, Esau Bassey Bassey (2022) Effect of excess viscosifier and fluid loss control additive on the rheological characteristics of water-based drilling fluid, Petroleum Science and Technology Vol. Pages:
- Kigho Moses Oghenejoboh, Henry Oghenero Orugba, Ufuoma Modupe Oghenejoboh, Samuel Enahoro Agarry (2021) Value added cassava waste management and environmental sustainability in Nigeria: A review, Environmental Challenges (Elsevier) Vol. Pages:
- Henry Oghenero Orugba, Kigho Moses Oghenejoboh, Ufuoma Modupe Oghenejoboh, Onogwarite E Ohimor (2021) Production of biodiesel from a novel combination of raphia africana kernel oil and turtle shell (Centrochelys Sulcata) Heterogenous Catalyst, Journal of Human Earth, Future 28991/HEF-2021-02-03-07 Vol. Pages:
- JL Chukwuneke, HO Orugba, HC Olisakwe, PO Chikelu (2021) Pyrolysis of pig-hair in a fixed bed reactor: Physico-chemical parameters of bio-oil, South African Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol. Pages:
- HO Orugba, JL Chukwuneke, HC Olisakwe, IE Digitemie (2021) Multi-parametric optimization of the catalytic pyrolysis of pig hair into bio-oil, Clean Energy Vol. Pages:
- Kigho Moses Oghenejoboh , Henry Oghenero Orugba, Ufuoma Modupe Oghenejoboh, Samuel Enahoro Agarry (2021) Value added cassava waste management and environmental sustainability in Nigeria: A review, Environmental Challenges Vol. Pages:
- Henry Oghenero Orugba, Lawrence Chukwuka Edomwonyi-Otu (2021) Improving the Activity and Stability of Turtle Shell-derived Catalyst in Alcoholysis of Degraded Vegetable Oil: An Experimental Design Approach, Journal of King Saud University - Engineering Sciences Vol. Pages:
- Orugba H.O., Chukwuneke J.L., Olisakwe H.C. and Digitemie I.E. (2021) Multi parametric optimization of the catalytic pyrolysis of pig hair into bio-oil, Clean Energy Vol.5(3) Pages: 527-535
- H. O. Orugba, O. D. Onukwuli, A. K. Babayemi and J. C. Umezuegbu (2020) Five-factor response surface optimization of Hydrochloric acid dissolution of alumna from a Nigerian clay, ARID ZONE JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY & ENVIRONMENT
Vol.16(4) Pages: 821-832
- Henry Oghenero ORUGBA, Okechukwu Dominic ONUKWULI, Akinpelu Kamoru BABAYEMI, Jonah Chukwudi UMEZUEGBU (2020) Application of the Shrinking Core Models to Hydrochloric Acid Dissolution of Alumina from Clay, ABUAD Journal of Engineering Research and Development (AJERD)
Vol.3(1) Pages: 59-67
- Henry O. Orugba1, Samuel E. Ogbeide and Christian Osagie (2019) Emission Trading Scheme and the Effect of Carbon Fee on Petroleum Refineries, Asian Journal of Applied Sciences
Vol.7(5) Pages: 537-545
- Henry O. Orugba1 , Samuel E. Ogbeide, Christian Osagie (2019) Risk level Assessment of the Desalter and Preflash Column of a Nigerian Crude Distillation Unit, Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering
Vol.7 Pages: 31-41
- Orugba O. Henry, Okechukwu D. Onukwuli, Njoku N. Chigoziri, Ojebah C.Kelvin, Nnanwube I.A. (2014 ) PROCESS MODELING OF SULPHURIC ACID LEACHING OF IRON FROM OZORO CLAY, European Scientific Journal
Vol.10(30) Pages: 256-268