- Area of Specialization: Chemical Engineering
- Department of Chemical Engineering
My Publications- Atikpo, E; Agori, J.E; Peretomode, M.T; Edema, O.S; Oisakede, E.E; Agbi, G.G; Micheal, A. (2020) REMEDIATION OF ZINC CONTAMINATED SOILS FROM A FARM SETTLEMENT IN NIGERIA, Nigerian Journal of Technology (NIJOTECH) Vol.39 Pages: 600-606
- Peretomode, T.M; Eboibi, B.E; Fakrogha, J.J (2019) Preparation and Characterization of Wood Dust Natural Fibre Re-Enforced Polymer Composite , Journal of Applied Science and Environmental Management Vol.23 Pages: 1103-1107
- Atikpo, E; Agori, J.E; Peretomode, M.T; Micheal, A. and Ofonedu, E.C (2019) KINETIC STUDY OF BIOSORPTION OF ARSENIC FROM SOIL USING MICROORGANISMS, Nigerian Journal of Technology (NIJOTECH) Vol.38 Pages: 777 – 783