
Email: emoyanoo@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: Environmental Pollution pollutants fate, and risk analysis
  • Department of Chemistry

  • Objective I am willing to deploy the total skills, experiences, and capabilities that I have, to create mutually beneficial results, through international best practices, to achieve the organization’s mission and vision. Executive Profile I am an Associate Professor of Environmental Chemistry with 20 years of continuous teaching, research, and community service. I have over 50 articles published in internationally recognized and indexed journals in partnership with several renowned environmental and analytical scientists/chemists. I have the relevant management knowledge, strategic leadership skills, and professional capability to develop and sustain organizations’ goals. Leadership and Skills Highlights I have the ability to: • advance the mission and vision of the organization; • bring new ideas and motivate diverse groups of stakeholders; • initiate technology shift; • anticipate organizational issues and challenges, and proactively prepare strategic measures; • generate resources and allocate same appropriately; • develop curricula in line with technological advancement and national needs; • apply higher Education management in response to developmental needs • inspire prudent financial management, revenue generation, planning, and fiscal control; • work effectively under pressure and manage work within a tight and scheduled timeline; • align with corporate objectives and other stakeholder priorities; • identify host communities needs; • think strategically, innovatively, and maintain a broad perspective; • lead by a good example, and a consultative approach in policy formulation and implementation; and • develop and execute collaborative assignments; Professional Experience and Core Accomplishments • Organized and obtained funding for three tetfund types of research on organic contaminants in anthropogenic impacted soils in the Niger Delta, Nigeria; • Supervision of several undergraduate and postgraduate students’ research projects leading to the award of a B.Sc. and M.Sc. Degrees; • Published research articles in internationally recognized journals. • An active member of the Chemical Society of Nigeria • Member of the Committee that recommended the establishment and development of the Advanced Research Centre. • Key member and secretary to the Committee for planning and execution of the 2017 Faculty of science bi-annual conference. • As Associate Dean in the Faculty of Science, I actively assisted and carried out administrative and academic duties as assigned by the Dean. • Received commendation for outstanding and excellent service as Associate Dean, Faculty of Science delta State University, Abraka. • As Deputy Director in the former Institute of Science Laboratory Technology, I assisted to nurse the programme up till the time when it was upgraded to full-fledged academic Department. • As Deputy Director, Centre for Entrepreneurship Studies currently, I have been actively involved in ensuring that the Centre meets its academic and empowerment objectives of Centre through the diligent performance of all administrative and academic duties as assigned by the Director and the University.
    My Publications
  1. Emoyan OO, Peretiemo-Clarke BO, Tesi GO, Adjerese W. and Ohwo E. (2021) Occurrence, origin and risk assessment of heavy metals measured in petroleum tank-farm impacted soils. , Soil and sediment Contamination: An International Journal.
    https://doi.org/10.1080/15320383.2020.1854677 Vol.30(4) Pages: 384–408

  2. Emoyan OO, Agbaire PO, Ohwo E. and Tesi GO. (2021) Priority mono-aromatics measured in anthropogenic impacted soils from Delta, Nigeria: concentrations, origin, and human health risk, Environmental Forensics
    https://doi.org/10.1080/15275922.2021.1892880 Vol. Pages:

  3. Emoyan OO, Peretiemo-Clarke BO, Tesi GO. and Ohwo E. (2021) Occurrence, Origin, Ecological and Human Health Risks of Organochlorine Pesticides in Soils from Selected Urban, Suburban and Rural Storm Water Reservoirs. , Soil and sediment Contamination: An International Journal.
    https://doi.org/10.1080/15320383.2021.1913993 Vol. Pages:

  4. Emoyan OO, Tesi GO, Ohwo E. and Odali EW. (2021) Quantification, sources, and associated risks of 16-priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from selected land-use impacted soils. , Ovidius University Annaals of Chemistry.
    DOI: 10.2478/auoc-2021-0008 Vol.32(1) Pages: 53-62

  5. Emoyan Onos O (2021) Occurrence and exposure risk of mono-aromatic hydrocarbons in selected petroleum product jetty impacted soils from the Niger Delta, Nigeria. , Egyptian Journal of Chemistry.
    DOI: 10.21608/EJCHEM.2021.40450.2821 Vol.64(5) Pages: 2567-2578

  6. Emoyan OO, Peretiemo-Clarke BO, Tesi GO, Ohwo E. and Adjerese W. (2021) Concentrations, sources, and associated risks of polychlorinated biphenyls measured in soil profiles from selected telecom-masts in the Niger Delta, Nigeria. Soil and sediment Contamination, An International Journal
    https://doi.org/10.1080/15320383.2021.1937934 Vol.64(5) Pages: 1-23

  7. Akporhonor EE, Emoyan OO. and Agbaire PO. (2021) Concentrations, origin, and human health risk of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in anthropogenic impacted soils of the Niger Delta, Nigeria. , Environmental Forensics.
    https://doi.org/10.1080/15275922.2021.1892877 Vol.64(5) Pages: 1-14

  8. Emoyan OO, Ejecha OO. and Tesi GO. (2020) Concentration assessment and source evaluation of 16 priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils from selected vehicle-parks in southern Nigeria., Scientific African.
    https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sciaf.2020.e00296 Vol.7, e00296 Pages:

  9. Emoyan Onos O (2020) Quantification and cancer risk evaluation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil around selected telecom masts in Delta state Nigeria. , Egyptian Journal of Chemistry.
    https://doi.org/10.21608/ejchem.2019.17620.2081 Vol.63(2) Pages: 433-448.

  10. Emoyan Onos O (2020) Bioremediation of in-situ crude oil contaminated soil using selected organic dung. , Egyptian Journal of Chemistry.
    https://doi.org/10.21608/ejchem.2020.18048.2098 Vol.63(8) Pages: 2827-2836

  11. Iwegbue CMA, Odogbor D, Egobueze FE, Emoyan OO, Tesi GO. (2020) Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Smoked Ethmalosa fimbriata and Gymnarchus niloticus from Selected Fish Markets in the Niger Delta, Nigeria. , Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds.
    https://doi.org/10.1080/10406638.2018.1550794 Vol.40(5) Pages: 1367-1380.

  12. Emoyan OO Ikechukwu CC, Tesi GO. (2020) Occurrence and sources of aliphatic hydrocarbons in anthropogenic impacted soils from petroleum tank-farms in the Niger Delta, Nigeria. , Ovidius University Annaals of. Chemistry.
    https://doi.org/10.2478/auoc-2020-0022 Vol.31(2) Pages: 66-72

  13. Iwegbue, C. M. A., Tesi, G. O., Overah, L. C., Emoyan, O. O., Nwajei, G. E., and Martincigh, B. C. (2020) Effects of Flooding on the Sources, Spatiotemporal Characteristics and Human Health Risks of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Floodplain Soils of the Lower Parts of the River Niger, Nigeria, Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds.
    http:///doi.org/10.1080/10406638.2017.1403329 Vol. 40(2) Pages: 228-244

  14. AK Asiagwu, OO Emoyan, CK Ojebah (2018) Removal of Tartrazine Yellow Dye From Aqueous Solution using Groundnut Shell as Biomass: Kinetic Approach, engineering, technology and science journal
    http://dx.doi.org/10.17577/IJERTV7IS050190 Vol.7:5 Pages:

  15. Iwegbue, C. M. A., Obi, G., Emoyan, O. O., Odali, E. W., Egobueze, F. E., Tesi, G. O., Nwajei, G. E., and Martincigh, B. C (2018) Characterization of metals in indoor dusts from electronic workshops, cybercafés and offices in southern Nigeria: Implications for on-site human exposure, Elsevier
    https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0147651318303725?via%3Dihub Vol.159 Pages: 342–353

  16. OO Emoyan, SO Akporido, PO Agbaire (2018) Effects of soil pH, Total Organic Carbon and texture on fate of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in soils , Global NEST Journal
    https://journal.gnest.org/publication/gnest_02277 Vol. 20 (2) Pages: 181-187

  17. SO Akporido, OO Emoyan, AR Ipeaiyeda (2018) Soil quality and extent of soil-plant transfer of trace metals in areas adjoining the Benin-Ethiope fluvial system in the vicinity of Sapele, Nigeria , Environment Conservation Journal
    Vol.17-37 Pages: 17-37

  18. PO Agbaire, SO Akporido, OO Emoyan (2015) Determination of some physicochemical parameters of water from artificial concrete fish ponds in abraka and its environs, Delta State, Nigeria, International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences
    http://www.ijpaes.com/admin/php/uploads/841_pdf.pdf Vol.5 (3) Pages: 70-76

  19. OO Emoyan, PO Agbaire, SO Akporido (2015) Variability in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) isomer pair ratio: source identification concern, International Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Analysis
    http://article.sciencepublishinggroup.com/html/10.11648.j.ijema.20150303.11.html Vol. 3 (3) Pages: 111-117

  20. Emoyan O.O, Akporhonor E.E, Agbaire P.O, Akporido S.O (2015) Concentration characteristics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in dept–wise soils, Sapele, Nigeria E OO, A EE, A P O, A S O Int, Res, J, Public & Environ Health, 70-79, Int, Res, J, Public & Environ Health
    https://journalissues.org/irjpeh/wp-content/uploads/sites/8/2015/06/Emoyan-et-al..pdf Vol.2(6) Pages: 70-79

  21. KO Monago, C Otobrise, OO Emoyan (2013) Quality assessment of petroleum fractions from road side vendors and illegal refineries in Delta state , Scientia Africana
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/sa/article/view/156905 Vol. 12 (2) Pages:

    Vol. 12 (1) Pages:

  23. OO Emoyan, PO Agbaire, C Otobrise (2012) ANALYSIS OF PRESERVATION EFFECTS ON THE CONCENTRATION OF IRON AND IODINE IN SELECTED FISH SPECIES , Nigerian Journal of Science and Environment
    Vol.11: 1 Pages:

  24. PO Agbaire, OO Emoyan (2012) Nutritional and antinutritional levels of some local vegetables from Delta State, Nigeria, African Journal of food science
    https://academicjournals.org/journal/AJFS/article-full-text-pdf/0E4432F11124.pdf Vol. 6 (1) Pages: 8-11

  25. PO Agbaire, OO Emoyan (2012) Bioaccumulation of heavy metals by earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris) and associated soils in domestic dumpsite in Abraka, Delta state, Nigeria , International journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental sciences
    http://www.ijpaes.com/admin/php/uploads/222_pdf.pdf Vol.2 (3) Pages: 204-209

  26. EMOYAN, O O; AGBAIRE, P O; OTOBRISE’ C; AKPORHONOR, E E (2011) Distribution Pattern of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Soils in the Vicinity of Fuel Stations in Abraka, Nigeria, Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management
    file:///C:/Users/Onos/Downloads/88775-Article%20Text-221282-1-10-20130515%20(1).pdf Vol.15 (3) Pages: 513 - 516

    Vol.10: 3 Pages:

  28. OO Emoyan (2009) Quantification and distribution of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PNAs) in surface waters in the vicinity of Kokori Oil Field, Nigeria, Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management
    file:///C:/Users/Onos/Downloads/55400-Article%20Text-92153-1-10-20100609.pdf Vol.13 (4) Pages: 39-42

  29. O.O Emoyan, E.E Akporhonor, I.A Akpoborie (2008) Environmental risk assessment of River ljana, Ekpan, Delta State Nigeria, Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability/Taylor and Francis
    https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09542299.2008.11073770 Vol.20(1) Pages: 23-32

  30. Emoyan, O. O., I. A. Akpoborie, and E. E. Akporhonor. (2008) The oil and gas industry and the Niger Delta: Implications for the environment, Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management
    file:///C:/Users/Onos/Downloads/55488-Article%20Text-92506-1-10-20100610%20(1).pdf Vol. 12 (3) Pages: 29-37

  31. OO Emoyan, SO Asagba, AY Balogun (2008) Aromatics in private water supplies in Warri, Delta State, Nigeria , Scientia Africa
    https://scholar.google.com/scholar?cluster=16415049911114104186&hl=en&oi=scholarr Vol. 1 (7) Pages: 74-80

  32. OO Emoyan, FE Ogban, E Akarah (2006) Evaluation of heavy metals loading of River Ijana in Ekpan–Warri, Nigeria, Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management
    http://www.bioline.org.br/pdf?ja06036 Vol.10(2) Pages: 121-127

  33. Water Quality Assessment of River Ijana, Ekpan, Warri, Delta State, (2006) Nigeria OO Emoyan, EE Akporhonor, IA Akpoborie, EO Adaikpoh , Journal of chemical Society of Nigeria
    https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0,5&cluster=6584458865172171357 Vol.31 Pages: 154-160