
Email: aoopajobi@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: Medical Biochemistry and Toxicology
  • Department of Medical Biochemistry

  • Dr. Opajobi is an avid bioscientist and researcher keen on translational research and development of drug models and vaccines looking to collaborate with fellow researchers around the world using innovative and novel technology.
    My Publications
  1. Odeghe, Othuke Bensandy , Opajobi, Adefunke Olukemi, Ajala, Michael Olawale, Orororo, Clement Osuvwe (2023) Enzyme inhibitory properties, free radical scavenging activity and phytochemical profile of Vitex simplicifolia leaf, European Chemical Bulletin
    DOI: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.8.707 Vol.12 (issue 8) Pages: 8666-8682

  2. Uzuegbu U.E., Opajobi A.O., Elu C.O., Utalor J. E., Acha J.O. and Onyesom I. (2023) The Antiplasmodial Selectivity Index of the Alkaloid fractions of Phyllanthus Amarus, Nuclea Latifolia and Polyalthia Longifolia, African Journal of Biomedical Research
    DOI: 10.4314/ajbr.v26i1.18 Vol.26 Pages: 137-144

  3. Opajobi, Adefunke Olukemi, Uzuegbu, Ugochukwu Enyinnaya, Chinwendu, O. Elu, Toloyai, Pere- Ebi Y., Igwenyi Ikechukwu, Onyesom, I (2022) Antiplasmodial Activity of Phyllanthus amarus and Associated Impact on Surrogate Markers of Insulin Sensitivity and Resistance Indices, Journal of Herbs and Spices
    DOI: 10.1080/10496475.2022.2122101 Vol.29(6) Pages: 1-13

  4. A.O. Opajobi U.E. Uzuegbu P.Y. Toloyai E.T. Ojugbeli A.C. Ezeh I. Onyesom (2022) Changes in CD36 and Correlation with Hepatic Insulin Resistance Index and Triacylglycerol Level in Liver of Malarial Infected Mice Treated with Phyllanthus amarus, Sokoto Journal of Medical Laboratory Science
    10.4314/sokjmls.v7i2.6 Vol.7(2) Pages: 48-57

  5. Ugochukwu Enyinanya Uzuegbu, Innocent Onyesom, Adefunke Olukemi Opajobi, Chinwendu Obogheneophruhe Elu (2022) Evaluation of erythrocyte viability, antioxidant capacity and antiplasmodial activity induced by alkaloid extract of Phyllanthus amarus, Journal of Herbmed Pharmacology
    DOI: 10.34172/jhp.2022.64 Vol.11(4) Pages: 554-561

  6. U. E. Uzuegbu, O. A. Opajobi, J. E. Utalor, C. O. Elu, I. Onyesom (2022) Cytotoxicity and antiplasmodial activity of alkaloid extracts prepared from eight African medicinal plants used in Nigeria, Thai Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
    Vol.44(4) Pages: 237-244

  7. Opajobi A. O., Ojugbeli E. T., Uzuegbu U. E., Elu C. O., Toloyai P. Y.. Ahwin P. E., Oshiegbu W., Onyesom I. (2022) Inhibition of Plasmodium berghei growth by alkaloid extract of Phyllanthus amarus in mice increased haem level and stabilized erythrocyte membrane, International Journal of Health Sciences
    DOI: 10.53730/ijhs.v6nS2.8427 Vol.6(S2) Pages: 13028-13043

  8. Oghenejobo, M., Opajobi, O. A., Bethel, U. S. O. & Uzuegbu, U. E. (2022) Determination of Antibacterial Evaluation, Phytochemical Screening and Ascorbic Acid Assay of Turmeric (Curcuma longa), Challenges and Advances in Pharmaceutical Research
    https://doi.org/10.9734/bpi/capr/v1/15376D Vol.1 Pages: 146-131

  9. Opajobi AO, Onobrudu DA, Ojugbeli ET,Elu CO, Oshiegbu W and Onyesom I. Uzuegbu UE, Toloyai PY, Onyesom I. (2022) Levels of Cerebral malaria indices, Free radical Scavengers and preventive antioxidants in Plasmodium berghei infected mice treated with Phytochemical extracts of Phyllanthus amarus Schum and Thonn, NeuroQuantology
    doi: 10.14704/nq.2022.20.6.nq22039 Vol.20(6) Pages: 374-390

  10. Opajobi, A.O., Uzuegbu, U.E., Agoh, P., Elu, C.O., Acha, J.O. and Onyesom, I. (2021) A RETROSPECTIVE SURVEY OF MALARIOMETRIC VARIABLES AND DRUG USAGE PATTERN:AN ASSESSMENT OF MALARIA EPIDEMIC IN ABRAKA, DELTA STATE, NIGERIA, 2013-2019, International Journal of Forensic Medical Investigation
    Vol.7(1) Pages: 42-53

  11. Adolor, O. E., Onyesom, I., Opajobi, A. O. and Mordi, J. C. (2019) Evaluation of Median Lethal Dose and Subchronic Oral Toxicity Assessment of Ethanolic Leaf Extract of Phyllanthus amarus, Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International
    DOI: 10.9734/jpri/2019/v26i430145 Vol.26(4) Pages: 1-8

  12. Ekinya, I. A., Ibiam, U. A., Opajobi, A. O. and Ekpono, E. U. (2018) Hepato-Curative and Antioxidative Potentials of Ethanol and Hexane Fractions of Methanol Leaf-Extract of Annona muricata against Paracetamol-induced Hepatotoxicity in Albino Rats, International Digital Organization for Scientific Research ISSN: 2550-7931 IDOSR JOURNAL OF APPLIED SCIENCES 3(2):60-69, 2018
    Vol.3(2) Pages: 60-69

  13. Olukemi A. Opajobi, Theresa Ezedom, Lilian E. Chris-Ozoko, Innocent Onyesom (2018) Blood Schizonticidal activity of Phyllanthus amarus enhances testovarian antioxidant defence capacity in Plasmodium berghei infected mice., Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research
    https://www. tjnpr. org Vol.3 Pages: 150-157

  14. Aja P. M., Udeh S.M.C., OPAJOBI A. O., Uzuegbu, U. E., Alum E. U., Edwin N. and Ugwu Okechukwu, P.C. (2017) Hepato-protective effect of aqueous leaf-extract of Talinum triangulare in monosodium glutamate (msg) induced hepatic damage in albino rats., Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical sciences.
    Vol.4(02) Pages: 464-470

  15. Offor, C. E., Uzuegbu, U. E., OPAJOBI, A. O., Aloke, C., Edwin, N., Okechukwu, P. C. U. and Nwafor, U.T. (2017) Proximate composition and sugar content of Arthocarpus heterophyllus pulps, IDOSR Journal of Scientific Research
    Vol.2(1) Pages: 66-75

  16. PM Aja, UE Uzuegbu, AO Opajobi, SMC Udeh, EU Alum, MC Ominyi, C Aloke and EU Ekpono (2017) AMINO ACID PROFILE, VITAMIN AND REDUCING SUGAR COMPOSITIONS OF ETHANOL FRUIT-EXTRACT OF Phoenix dactylifera L (DATE FRUIT) SOLD IN ABAKALIKI, EBONYI STATE, NIGERIA, International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy and Allied Sciences
    Vol.6(2) Pages: 349-362

  17. Obinna Uchenna Chukwuemeka Adumanya, Agomuo Emmanuel Nnabugwu,. Amadi B. A. , Francis Chukwuma Anacletus, Chilaka Nnamdi C., Lawrence C. Chuku, Ekeke G. I. Adefunke Olukemi Opajobi, Ugochukwu E. Uzuegbu et. Al. (2017) Biochemistry for Medical and Basic Sciences, Supreme Publishers, Owerri
    Vol.3rd edition Pages:

  18. Michael Oghenejobo, Opajobi OA, Oghenejobo Bethel U.S and Uzoegbu U. E (2017) Determination of Antibacterial Evaluation, Phytochemical Screening and Ascorbic Acid Assay of Turmeric (Curcuma longa), MOJ Bioequivalence and Bioavailability
    DOI: 10.15406/mojbb.2017.04.00063 Vol.4(2) Pages: 232-239

  19. Joseph C. Mordi Ugochukwu Euzuegbu Adefunke O. Opajobi Anthony E. Ojieh (2015) Hepatoprotective effects of palm oil and coconut water in the serum of Wistar rats exposed to cadmium chloride contaminated diet., Biokemistri
    Vol.27(2) Pages: 79-84

  20. Adefunke Olukemi Opajobi, C. O. Esume, A. Osasuyi, CC (2011) Determination of the Lead Content of Pumpkin Leaf Telfairia occidentalis in Selected Towns of Delta State Covering the three (3) Senatorial Districts of the State, Current World Environment
    DOI: 10.12944/CWE.6.1.04 Vol.6(1) Pages: 39-44

  21. Olukemi O. A, Adesotu O. and Innocent O (2011) Effect of Umbilical Cord Blood Malaria on Nutrient Contents and Free Radical Activity in Day Old Neonates of the Niger-Delta region of Africa Jun 2011, Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia
    https://www.biotech-asia.org/?p=9257 Vol.8(1) Pages: 107-111

  22. Esume C. O, Opajobi A. O, Osasuyi A, Ebong O. O. and Osakwe A. K. (2011) Hypertensive and Sympathomimetic Effects of the Methanol and Aqueous Extracts of Scoparia dulcis in Anaesthetized Male Wistar Rats, Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal
    DOI: 10.13005/bpj/254 Vol.4(1) Pages: 11-19

  23. Adefunke Opajobi Olukemi (2011) Levels of Blood Glucose and Body Mass Index of Some Nigerian Cigarette Smokers, Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia
    DOI: 10.13005/bbra/841 Vol.8(1) Pages: 175-177

  24. C. Esume, J. O. Emudainohwo, A. O. Opajobi, I. M. Osifo and U. R. Onyemekeihia (2011) An investigation into the anti-malaria property of ethanolic extract of the leaves of gongronema latifolium on artesunate sensitive P. berghei infected albino mice, Continental Journal of Tropical Medicine
    Vol. Pages: 10 - 14

  25. Opajobi A. O (2011) Prevalence of Dyslipidemia among Some Nigerian Diabetics Receiving Treatment, Journal of Applied Sciences
    Vol.14(1) Pages: 9649-9655

  26. I. Onyesom, Adefunke Olukemi Opajobi, Ugochukwu E. Uzuegbu, Dennis Oriero, Joseph C. Mordi, Prosper Ejiro Awhin and Enaholo Timothy (2009) Relación entre la actividad de la fosfatasa alcalina placentaria, glucosa y albúmina en sangre del cordón umbilical y el peso en recién nacidos a término, Investigacion Clinica
    Vol.50(4) Pages: 491-495

  27. Innocent Onyesom, Ekaette Fadairo, Adefunke Opajobi and Anthony Ojieh (2009) Relationship between mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration and placental alkaline phosphatase activity among pregnant women in Nigeria, Cameroon Journal of Experimental Biology
    Vol.5(1) Pages: 25-28

  28. Onyesom, I. Mordi, J. Opajobi, AO. and Esume CO. (2008) Hepatoprotective Potentials Of Hibiscus rosasinensis Petal anthocyanin Extracts Against Carbon tetrachloride-Induced Acute Liver Damage in Wistar Rats., Sudan Journal of Medical Sciences
    DOI: 10.4314/sjms.v3i1.38509 Vol.3(1) Pages: 33-36

  29. Innocent Onyesom, U.E. Uzuegbu, Adefunke Opajobi, J.O.T Emudainohwo and C.C. Olise (2008) Effect of oral contraceptive brands on risk markers of cardiovascular dysfunction, Oriental Journal of Chemistry
    Vol.24(2) Pages: 419-423

  30. Fadairo E. A., Obi E. A., Opajobi A. O., Onyesome I., Birma G. J. (2008) Protective role of whole and Anthocyanin – free aqueous extracts of Hibiscus sabdariffa, L on Cadmium induced prostrate, testicular and nephrotoxicity markers in male wistar rats., Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal
    Vol.1(2) Pages: 281-288

  31. Onyesom I., OPAJOBI A. O., Uzuegbu U. E., Ebeigbe P. N., Anyanwu B. E., Suru, S. M., Fadairo E.A and Ebite L.E. (2008) Relationship between Placental Alkaline Phosphatase Activity and some Biochemical Indices of Foetal Nutrition among the Ethnic Groups in the Western Niger Region of Nigeria., World Journal of Medical Sciences
    Vol.3(1) Pages: 39-42

  32. Onyesom I., Onyesom H. C., Opajobi A. O. and Esume C.O (2007) Effects of the Permissive Socio-cultural Consumption of Alcohol on Selected Biochemical Markers of Liver Function, Adiktologie
    Vol.7(4) Pages: 471-477