
Email: opokereka@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: Public Administration and Research Methodology
  • Department of Public Administration

  • Prof. Princewill Onofere OKEREKA is a Nigerian. He had his primary education at Erhijere Model Primary School, Kokori-Inland. He also had his secondary education at St. Kevin’s Grammar School, Kokori-Inland and Orhoakpor Secondary School, Orhoakpor both in Ethiope East Local Government Area of Delta State. Prof. Okereka studied at the University of Benin (UNIBEN), Benin City, where he earned combined Bachelor Degree B.Sc. (Hons.) Upper Division in Political Science and Public Administration in the year 2000. In his quest to professionalize, Prof. Okereka further studied for a Master of Science (M.Sc.) Degree in Public Administration in 2005 at the University of Benin (UNIBEN), Benin City. Prof. Okereka holds Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) Degree in Political Science from the Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria, with his thesis (specialization) in Public Administration in 2012. Prof. Okereka joined the services of the Delta State University Abraka, Nigeria in 2007 as an Assistant Lecturer. He is currently a Professor of Public Administration and Governance in the Department of Public Administration where he teaches courses in Political Science, Public Administration and Research Methodology to undergraduate and graduate students. He had held several administrative offices and member of committees both at Department of Political Science and the University. He is the current Head of the newly created Department of Public Administration. Dr. Okereka's special interest is in the teaching, developing and advancing the discipline of Public Administration and Research Methodology. He has published various articles in reputable national and international journals as well as chapters in books.
    My Publications
  1. Okereka, O.P.; Orhero, A.E. & Okolie, U.C. (2024) Digital media and data collection in social and management sciences research in Nigeria, Ianna Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies
    https://iannajournalofinterdisciplinarystudies.com/index.php/1/article/download/176/91 Vol.6 (1) Pages: 76 - 89

  2. Okereka, O.P. & Okolie, U.C. (2024) Change Leadership And Employee Attitudes Towards Planned Organizational Change In Delta State Ministry Of Education, Asaba, Nigeria, Public Administration Issues Quarterly Scientific and Educational Journal
    https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/change-leadership-and-employee-attitudes-towards-planned-organizational-change-in-delta-state-ministry-of-education-asaba-nigeria Vol.5 Pages: 130 - 145

  3. Erhirhie, B. & Okereka, O.P. (2024) Understanding the Implications of Ethnic Diversity in the Nigeria Civil Service , Global Journal of Political Science and Administration
    https://doi.org/10.37745/gjpsa.2013/vol12n1113 Vol.12 (1) Pages: 1 - 13

  4. Nwachuku, A.; Okereka, O.P. & Mukoro, A. (2024) Information and Communication Technology and Effective Public Administration: A Study of The Delta State Public Service, Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Analysis.
    https://journal.iotrp.com/index.php/IJORAMP/article/download/1/1 Vol.1 (1) Pages: 1 - 6

  5. Okereka, O.P. Abasili, O.K. (2024) Manpower Development and Employee Commitment in Selected Local Government Areas in Delta State, International Journal of Public Administration Studies
    https://ojs.unimal.ac.id/ijpas/article/download/14395/5837 Vol.3 (2) Pages: 79 - 88

  6. Erude, S.U.; Okereka, O.P. & Taiwo, I. (2024) Understanding the Failures of Public Enterprises and Re-Engendering the Pursuit for Development in the Contemporary Nigeria, American Journal of Research in Business and Social Sciences
    Vol.4 (1) Pages: 1 - 13

  7. ONAVWIE, F.O., Sokoh, G.C. & Okereka, O.P. (2023) Designing an Effective Reward Management System for Enhancing Performance in the Civil Service, Journal of Public Administration and Social Welfare Research
    https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Friday-Onavwie/publication/378490947_Designing_an_Effective_Reward_Management_System_for_Enhancing_Performance_in_the_Civil_Service/links/65dccd1badf2362b635a0e49/Designing-an-Effective-Reward-Management-System-for-Enhancing-Performance-in-the-Civil-Service.pdf Vol.8 (2) Pages: 72 - 92

  8. Mukoro, A., Agiri, J.E. & Okereka, O.P. (2023) Caretaker Committees and Local Government Administration in Nigeria: A Study of Isoko North and Ukwuani Local Government Councils of Delta State, Nigeria (2013-2014), Journal of Public Administration and Social Welfare Research
    https://www.iiardjournals.org/get/JPASWR/VOL.%208%20NO.%202%202023/CARETAKER%20COMMITTEES%2057-71.pdf Vol.8 (2) Pages:

  9. Oyibokure, G.I. Okereka, O.P., & Mukoro, A. (2023) The Nigeria Police Force and the Challenge of Combating Internal Insecurity in Nigeria, Social Sciences, Humanities and Education Journal (SHE Journal)
    http://e-journal.unipma.ac.id/index.php/SHE/article/viewFile/18138/5507 Vol.4 (3) Pages: 597 - 615

  10. Oyibokure G.I., Okereka, O.P. Mukoro, A. (2023) Community Policing and Internal Security in Delta and Edo States of Nigeria, Logika: Jurnal Penelitian Universitas Kuningan
    https://journal.uniku.ac.id/index.php/logika/article/download/8720/3783 Vol.14 (2) Pages: 164 - 196

  11. Erhirhie, B. & Okereka, O.P. (2023) Ethnic Diversity and Effective Recruitment Exercise in Delta State Public Service , KIU Journal of Social Science Sciences
    https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=1f979e102e7a38a6JmltdHM9MTcxNDc4MDgwMCZpZ3VpZD0yNTg0NDBhMy01NjM0LTYxNTUtMDA1OC01M2NjNTcyNzYwMzEmaW5zaWQ9NTQzMw&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=258440a3-5634-6155-0058-53cc57276031&psq=kiu+journal+of+social+sciences%2c+kampala+international+university+&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9pci5raXUuYWMudWcvYml0c3RyZWFtLzIwLjUwMC4xMjMwNi8xMzU0LzEvS0pTU18xLnBkZg&ntb=1 Vol.9 (4) Pages: 177 - 185

  12. Orimuo, V.U. Mukoro, A. & Okereka, O.P. (2023) On-The-Job Training And Employee Performance In Nigerian Electricity Distribution Companies., Journal of Public Administration, Finance & Law
    https://doi.org/10.47743/jopafl-2023-27-44 Vol. Pages: 582 - 599

  13. Okereka, O.P. & Okolie U.C. (2023) A march to the future: teaching of public administration and public administrators’ perception on public administration education and training in Delta State University, Abraka, Iraqi: Proceedings of the Second International Scientific Conference-Al-Mustafa Al-Amin University and Faculty of Fundamentals of Religion
    https://www.iasj.net/iasj/download/e3e9eec21992eb56 Vol. Pages: 355 - 371

  14. Okereka, O.P. & Aliogo, N.W. (2023) Participatory Decision-Making and Organizational Productivity: A Study of the Delta State Public Service, Management Research and Behavior Journal
    https://ojs.unimal.ac.id/mrbj/article/download/14421/6234 Vol.3 (2) Pages: 55 - 64

  15. Okereka, O.P., Orhero, A.E. Okolie, U.C. (2023) Dynamics for Sustainable Growth in Local Government and Assessment of Public Administrators in Some Selected Local Government Areas of Delta State, Nigeria, Russian Law Journal
    https://www.russianlawjournal.org/index.php/journal/article/download/3488/2202 Vol.11 (6) Pages: 735 - 749

  16. Orhero, A.E. Okereka, O.P. & Okolie, U.C. (2023) Role stressor and work adjustment of university lecturers in Delta State, Ianna Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies
    https://iannajournalofinterdisciplinarystudies.com/index.php/1/article/download/114/74 Vol.5 (1) Pages: 124 - 135

  17. Okereka, O.P. Orhero, A.E. & Okolie, U.C. (2023) Factors Influencing Organisational Commitment and Adaptive Work Behaviour of the Digital Native Employees in Broadcasting Stations in Delta State, Nigeria, Ianna Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies
    https://iannajournalofinterdisciplinarystudies.com/index.php/1/article/view/135/81 Vol.5 (1) Pages: 252 - 265

  18. Okolie, U.C. & Okereka, U.C. (2022) A Comprehensive Review Of Work-Family Balance Theories, Indonesian Journal of Strategic Management
    https://journal.uniku.ac.id/index.php/ijsm/article/download/6338/3612 Vol.5 (2) Pages: 1 - 8

  19. Okolie, U.C. & Okereka, O.P. (2022) Issues and challenges of public administration education and training in Nigeria, The Indonesian Journal of Social Studies
    https://journal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/jpips/article/view/20675/8957 Vol.5 (2) Pages: 21- 39

  20. Okereka, O.P. & Okolie, U.C. (2022) Public Administration Digitalization and Reduction of Corruption in Nigeria ISSN: 19650256(E) 12674982(P), Innovations
    www.journal-innovations.com Vol. Pages: 597 - 612

  21. Okereka, O.P., Okolie, U.C. & Memeh, N.J. (2022) Administrative Accountability and Public Service Delivery in Delta State Ministry of Finance, Asaba, Nigeria , Innovations
    www.journal-innovations.com Vol. Pages: 1085 – 1101

  22. Okereka, O.P.; Okolie U.C.; Ogidigben, A.E. & Aliogo, R.N. (2022) New public management and human resource planning process In Delta state hospital management board, Asaba, Nigeria, Innovations
    journal-innovations.com/assets/uploads/doc/2fec7-1001-1013.16294.pdf Vol. Pages: 1001 - 1013

  23. Okereka, O.P.; Oluka N.L. & Efosa-Temple, C.G. (2020) Leadership Recruitment Process and Dearth of Good Governance in Nigeria: A Perspective of Flag Bearers Selection Among Political Parties, America Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR)
    https://www.ajhssr.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/ZL2047295303.pdf Vol.4(7) Pages: 295-303

  24. Okereka, O.P.; Efebeh, V.E.; Orhero, E.A. & Obagbinoko, C.O. (2020) (2020) Transparency and Accountability in the Management of Natural-Resource Revenue in Nigeria: The Panacea for Mitigating Resource Curse. , Test Journal of Engineering and Management
    https://testmagzine.biz/index.php/testmagzine/article/view/14228/10916 Vol.Vol. 83. ISSN: 0193-4120 Pages: 30530-30542

  25. Okereka, O.P.; Efebeh, V.E.; Ikenga, F.A. & Oluka, N.L. (2020) (2020) Conflicting Ideologies and Defection of Members in Nigeria’s Multi-party System: Implication for Democracy. , Ilkogretim online-Elementary Education Online
    Vol.Vol. 20(5) ISSN: 1305-3515 Pages: 784-799

  26. Okereka, O.P.; Efebeh, V.E. & Oluka, N.L. (2020) (2020) Security Imperatives and Societal Implications for Government: Perspectives in Nigeria. , International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitiation
    https://www.psychosocial.com/article/PR281599/37297/ Vol.Vol. 24(8). ISSN: 1475-7192 Pages: 16310-16326

  27. Okereka, O.P. & Oluka N.L. (2020) Understanding Volunteerism and its Implications for National Development: A Perspective from Nigeria, Journal Political Science and Leadership Research ISSN: 2695-2432
    file:///C:/Users/users1/Downloads/Understanding%20Volunteerism%20and%20Its%20Implications.pdf Vol.6(1) Pages: 31-48

  28. Okereka, O.P.; Oluka N.L. & Igbini, M.D. (2020) Colonialism and Amalgamation of Southern and Northern Protectorates: Analysis of Emerging Issues in Nigeria , Journal Political Science and Leadership Research ISSN: 2695-2432
    file:///C:/Users/users1/Downloads/Colonialism%20and%20Amalgamation%20of%20Southern.pdf Vol.6(1) Pages: 49-64

    https://saheljournalsonline.org.ng/testuploadc/Sahel_18_1_8.pdf Vol.18(1) Pages: 90-111

  30. Okereka, O.P. & Ekezue, H.M. (2019) Electronic Attendance Register and Improved Productivity In Delta State Public Service: A Study Of Selected Local Government Areas, Journal Of Management Science ISSN 1117- 4668
    saheljournalsonline.org.ng/testuploadc/Sahel_17_4_1.pdf Vol.17(4) Pages: 1-14

  31. Okereka, O.P. & Okolie U.C. (2019) Election Crises, Money Politics And The Dearth Of Democratic Values In Nigeria: An Appraisal Of 2019 General Election, Journal Of Management Science ISSN 1117- 4668
    https://saheljournalsonline.org.ng/testuploadc/Sahel_17_5_2.pdf Vol.17(5) Pages: 9-24

  32. Okereka, O.P (2018) The Role of Technocrats in Democratic and Economic Development: An Analysis of Key Members of President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan’s Economic Team in Mukoro, A, Kalama, J.T. and Arugu L.O. (eds) Democracy and Leadership in Africa, International Institute for Policy Review and Development Strategies, Nigeria ISBN: 978-016-751-0
    internationalpolicybrief.org/library/book-chapter-contributions-interactive-knowledge/democracy-and-leadership-in-africa-nigeria-and-south-africa-in-focus Vol.Pp. 220-237 Pages:  

  33. Okereka, O.P. & Ogbe, E.H (2016) Electoral Malfeasance and the impact on political re-engineering in Nigeria:Understanding the correlates , Conference Book of Reading (Faculty of the Social Sciences, Delta State University Abraka) ISSN: 978-034-468-10
    Faculty of Social Science, Delta State University, Abraka Vol.pp.72-79 Pages: 72 - 79

  34. Okereka, O.P (2016) Research Design and Researchers’ Quest for Problem solving conclusions: Expressing Appropriateness in designs Identification and Application: The Gazelle, A multidisciplinary Journal of the Faculty of General Studies, Federal University, Dutse, Jigawa State, Nigeria. ISSN: 2439-5881 Pp: 49-64
      Vol.1(1) Pages: 49 - 64

  35. Okereka, O.P & Orhero, A.E. (2016) Foreign Aid as Instrument of Economic and Political Development of Developing Countries:A Study of Mozambique, Central African Republic (CAR) and Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): , Nigerian Sociological Review
      Vol.7 (2) Pages:  

  36. Okereka, O.P (2015) The National Economic Empowerment and Development, Strategy (NEEDS): Its Implication for Human Resources Development and Management in Nigeria, Journal of Resources, Development and Management. ISSN:2422-8397
    iiste.org/Journals/index.php/JRDM/article/viewFile/25982/26338 Vol.12 Pages: 32 - 35

  37. Okereka, O.P (2015) The Ecology of Recruitment and Selection of Personnel and the Quest for Efficiency in the Delta State Civil Service, Global Journal of Political Science and Administration
    eajournals.org/wp-content/uploads/The-Ecology-of-Recruitment-and-Selection-of-Personnel-and-the-Quest-for-Efficiency-in-the-Delta-State-Civil-Service.pdf Vol.3(5) 9-20 Pages: 9 - 20

  38. Okereka, O.P (2015) Evolution of Constitutional Government in Nigeria. Its implication on National Cohesion, Global Journal of Political Science and Administration
    eajournals.org/wp-content/uploads/Evolution-of-Constitutional-Government-in-Nigeria-Its-Implementation-National-Cohesion.pdf Vol.3(5)1-8 Pages: 1 - 8

  39. Okereka, O.P (2015) Corruption and Development in Nigeria: A Critical Re-Examination, IISTE International Journal of Research on Humanities and Social Sciences
    iiste.org/Journals/index.php/RHSS/article/viewFile/26077/26751 Vol.5(18) Pages: 7 - 11

  40. Okereka, O.P (2015) Understanding the Thrust of the Group Theory and its Applicability to the Contemporary Party Politics in Nigeria , IISTE International Journal of Public Policy and Administration ISSN: 2224-5731
    iiste.org/Journals/index.php/PPAR/article/view/22850 Vol.5 (5) 99-105 Pages: 99 - 105

  41. Okereka, O.P (2015) Inter-Departmental Relations and Effective Service Delivery in the Local Government System: Aperspective from Nigeria. , IISTE International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research ISSN: 2224-5731
    iiste.org/Journals/index.php/PPAR/article/view/19193 Vol.5 (1) 1-5 Pages: 1- 5

  42. Okereka, O.P (2015) The Contingency Theory and Government’s Critical Initiatives in Resolving the Development Problems in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. , IISTE International Journal of Public Policy and Administration Research ISSN: 2224-5731
    iiste.org/Journals/index.php/PPAR/article/view/25789 Vol.5 (9)106-110 Pages: 106 - 110

  43. Okereka, O.P (2015) Ethnic Militias in the Nigerian Political Economy: A Reflection on the Niger Delta Region , International Journal of Arts and Combined Sciences ISSN: 2315-8034
    A research/professional publication of the world economic empowerment journal series Vol.4 (4)105-109 Pages: 105 - 109

  44. Okereka, O.P (2015) Understanding Leadership style and improved staff Performance in the Nigerian Legislature: A perceptive of the Delta State House of Assembly, International Journal of Management Sciences’ Research Academy of Social Sciences.
    ideas.repec.org/a/rss/jnljms/v6i12p6.html Vol.6 Pages: 604 - 618

  45. Okereka, O.P. & Akoko, G (2014) The Delta State Scholarship Board and the Human Capital Development Policy of the Delta State Government of Nigeria, , Asian Academic Research Journal of Social Science and Humanities. ISSN. 2278-859 x
    asianacademicresearch.org Vol.1(28)54-68 Pages: 54 - 68

  46. Okereka, O.P & Uvo, H.B. (2014) Analysis of Social Economic Implications of Waste Generation and Management in Delta State. , Journal of Social and Management Sciences, Faculty of the Social Sciences, Delta State University, Nigeria ISSN 1597-0396
    Faculty of the Social Sciences Office, Delta State University Vol.9 (2)113-119 Pages: 113 - 119

  47. Okereka, O.P (2013) Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWF): Analysis of the Moral and Legal sides of the Nigeria Sovereign Investment Authority (NSIA), Journal of Social & Management Science ISSN 1597 – 0396
    Faculty of the Social Sciences Office, Delta State University, Abraka Vol.8 (3)103-108 Pages: 103 - 108

  48. Okereka, O.P & Okumagba P.O. (2013) The Politics of the Niger Delta Regional Development Master-Plan:Its workability and the option of political Goodwill. , Global Advanced Research Journal of History, Political Science and International Relations
    http://garj.org/garjhpsir/2/2013/2/1/the-politics-of-oil-and-the-niger-delta-regional-development-master-plan-its-workability-and-the-option-of-political-goodwill Vol.2 (1)1-5 Pages: 20 - 25

  49. Okereka, O.P. & Mukoro, A. (2012) Vital Civic Registration System as a tool for Development Planning in Nigeria:An Examination of the Major Challenges, Journal of Social and Management Sciences ISSN 1597 - 0396
    Faculty of the Social Sciences Office, Delta State University, Abraka Vol.7 (1)69-78 Pages: 69 - 78

  50. Okereka, O.P. & Okumagba P.O. (2012) Oil Wealth and the emergence of ethnic militia in the Nigeria Political economy: Reflection on the Niger Delta Region, Global Advanced Research Journal of History, Political Science and International Relations ISSN: 2315-506X
    http://garj.org/garjhpsir/2/2012/1/1/oil-wealth-and-the-emergence-of-ethnic-militia-in-the-nigerian-political-economy-reflections-on-the-niger-delta-region Vol.1 (1)1-5 Pages: 1 - 5

  51. Okereka, O.P., Mukoro, A, Sanubi, F.A. Itiveh, R.A. (2010) Hypothesis and Hypothesis Testin,g in Statistics and Research Methods in the Social Sciences. , Faculty of Social Sciences ISSN: 978-033038-8
    Delta State University, Abraka Vol.2 (1)11-37 Pages: 11 - 37

  52. Okereka, O.P (2009) “The Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) and the Dilemma of Abandoned Projects in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria” , African Journal of Economy and Society ISSN: 177-3890
    Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria Vol.9 (1&2)221-230 Pages: 221 - 230

  53. Okereka, O.P (2007) “Ensuring Sustainable Development in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria: An Appraisal of the Role of the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC)” , Journal of Nigerian Government and Politics ISSN0331-8907
    Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria Vol.3 pp91-99 Pages: 91 - 99