
Email: oleleeh@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: Policy Economics, Gender Studies, Labour Markets, Development Economics
  • Department of Economics
  • My Publications
  • Efayena, O.O. and E. H. Olele (2024) Moderating the Efect of Institutional Quality on the Fiscal Policy and Economic Growth Nexus: What Evidence Exists in Sub Saharan Africa? Journal of the Knowledge Economy , Springer Verlag, Germany
    https://doi.org/10.1007/s13132-024-01978-x Vol. Pages:

  • Efayena, O.O., *Olele, E.H. and Buzugbe, P.N. (2024) Military Expenditure-Economic Growth Dynamics: Fresh Insights from Sub-Saharan Africa Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development , Journal of Economic Cooperation and Development /The Statistical, Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) Turkey
    https://www.sesric.org/publications-jecd-volumes.php Vol.45(1) Pages:  

  • *Olele, E.H. and Efayena, O.O. (2023) A quadripartite structural vector auto-regression (SVAR) analysis of climate change, employment rate, health outcome and growth nexus in Nigeria. Innovations, Innovations
    Vol.72 (03) Pages: 562 - 572

  • *Olele, E.H. (2023) Economic Growth-Energy Consumption Nexus in Sub-Sahara Africa: Does Institutions and Fragility Matter? , Innovations
    Vol.73(05) Pages: 1682 - 1690

  • Efayena, O.O., *Olele, E.H. and Buzugbe, P.N. (2023) Rethinking the Growth-Energy Consumption Nexus: What Evidence Exists in Sub-Saharan Africa? , Journal of Economics and Management/The Journal of the University of Economics Katowice, Poland
    Vol.19 Pages: 27 - 44

  • Efayena, O.O. and *Olele, H. E. (2023) Rethinking the “Phillips curve” in Nigeria: Assessing the unemployment-inflation nexus in a non-linear framework. , CBN Bullion/CBN
    Vol.47 (1) Pages: 65 - 74

  • Efayena, O.O., *Olele, E.H. and Buzugbe, P.N. (2022) Energy consumption and economic growth nexus in Africa: New Insights from Emerging Economies. , Theoretical and Applied Economics Volume/General Association of Economist from Romania, Romania
    Vol.19XXIX, No. 4(633) Pages: 185-196

  • Olele, H. E. (2021) Domestic Competitiveness of the Nigerian Manufacturing Sector: Implication for African Continental Free Trade Area , Gusau International Journal of Management & Social Sciences/Faculty of Management Social Sciences, Federal University Gusau, Zamfara State
    Vol.4(2) Pages:

  • Olele, H. E., Efayena, O. O. and Buzugbe, P. N. (2021) Youth Unemployment, Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth in Africa: An Empirical Analysis. Journal of Social and Management Sciences , Faculty of the Social Sciences/Delta State University, Abraka
    Vol.Vol. 8(3) Pages:

  • Efayena, O.O. and Olele, H. E. (2020) Modelling the Economic Impact of Covid-19: Implications for African Countries , African Journal of Social and Behavioural Sciences/Faculty of Social Sciences, Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria
    Vol.10(2) Pages: 422 -433

  • Olele, H. E. (2020) Crude Oil Price and Macro-Economic Uncertainty in Nigeria , African Journal of Applied and Theoretical Economics/Department of Economics, University of Port Harcourt
    Vol.6(3) Pages: 68-88

  • Olele, H. E. (2020) ANALYSIS OF GENDER GAPS IN THE NIGERIAN LABOUR MARKET, Quarterly Journal of Contemporary Research/Federal University Otuoke, Bayelsa
    Vol.Vol. 8(3) Pages: 49-62

  • Efayena, O. O. and Olele, H.E. (2020) Debt-Economic Growth Nexus: Empirical Evidence from South-South States of Nigeria, ŒCONOMICA/Acta Universitatis Danubius, Romania
    DOI: 10.37200/IJPR/V24I5/PR2023873 Vol.Vol. 24(5) Pages: 7-18

  • Tarurhor, M. E. and Olele, H. E. (2020) Corporate Governance and Performance of Non-Financial Firms in Nigeria., Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Series D/ University of Pardubice, Czech Republic
    https://doi.org/10.46585/sp28031112 Vol.28(3) Pages: 1 - 8

  • Esiri, O. M. and Olele, H. E. (2020) A Sociological Analysis of Women Poverty Related Crimes with Special Reference to Violent Crimes, Drug Trafficking and Human Trafficking in Nigeria , International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation/Hampstead Psychological Associates, United Kingdom
    Vol.24(5) Pages: 9202 - 9216

  • Olele, H. E. (2020) Technical Efficiency in the Nigerian banking Sector: A Stochastic Production Frontier Approach. , Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Series D,
    https://editorial.upce.cz/1804-8048/28/1/1020 Vol.Vol. 28(1) Pages: 115-125

  • Ejedegba, R.U., Olele, H. E. and Omotor, D. G. (2020) Link Between Balance of Payment and Money Stock in Nigeria., Journal of Management Sciences /University of Maiduguri, NIgeria
    https://saheljournalsonline.org.ng/testuploadc/Sahel_18_2_3.pdf Vol.Vol 18(2) Pages: 30 -44

  • Efayena, O. O., Buzugbe, P. N. and Olele, H. E. (2019) Petroleum Production and Consumption Pattern in Nigeria: Does the law of demand hold?, Journal of Economics and Allied Research/Department of Economics,University of Nigeria, Nsukka
    https://www.researchgate.net/publication/341712463_Journal_of_Economics_and_Allied_Research_-Vol_3_Issue_2Dec_2019 Vol.Vol. 3, (2) Pages: 18 – 30

  • Olele, H.E. (2019) Estimation of Production Function for the Nigeria Banking Sector: A Stochastic Production Function Approach, Journal of Social and Management Sciences/Faculty of the Social Sciences, Delta State University, Abraka.
    Vol.14 (1) Pages: 96 -104

  • Efayena, O.O., Olele, H.E. and Buzugbe, P.N. (2018) A Disequilibrium Model of the Demand for and Supply of Rice Paddy in Nigeria., Nigerian Journal of Economic and Social Studies/Nigeria Economic Society/Ibadan
    https://www.nigerianeconomicsociety.org/?p=media.publication.detail&pubID=191 Vol.60(2) Pages: 21-33

  • Olele, H.E., Omotor, D.G and Orubu, C. O. (2018) Sources of Productivity Change in the Nigeria Banking Industry., West African Financial and Economic Review/WAIFEM, Lagos
    https://www.researchgate.net/publication/342510462_Sources_of_Productivity_Change_in_the_Nigerian_Banking_Industry Vol.Vol. 18(1) Pages: 129-147

  • Olele, H.E. (2018) Policy Reform and Total Factor Productivity Growth in the Nigerian Banking Sector., West African Financial and Economic Review WAIFEM/Lagos
    Vol.Vol. 18(2) Pages: 129-149

  • Omotor, D.G. and Olele, H.E. (2015) Gender Employment and Private Sector Development in ECOWAS Countries, West African Financial and Economic Review/WAIFEM, Lagos
    http://www.waifem-cbp.org/West%20African%20Financial%20and%20Economic%20Review%20Vol%2012.pdf Vol.Vol.12 Pages: 49-75

  • Olele, H.E., Omotor, D.G. and Oboreh, J.S. (2013) Gender Differentials in Youth Employment in Sub-Sahara Africa, American Northeast Business and Economics Association, 40th Conference held at Omni Mt. Washington Hotel, Bretton Wood, New Hampshire, U.S.A.
    Vol.40 Pages: 180-183

  • Ejedegba, R. U., Olele, E. H and Omotor, D.G. ”. (2007) Human Capital Formation and the Development Process – Evidence from Bound Testing, Journal of Economics and Business Review/Department of Economics, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki
    Vol.Vol. 1 (2) Pages: 80 -99