
Email: emudainohwoob@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: Strategic Financial Management and Performance Management
  • Department of Accounting

  • Dr Ochuko Benedict Emudainohwo currently lectures in Delta State University, Abraka, Nigeria. He has his PhD in Accountancy from the UK, MSc in Finance, MBA (Finance), and B.Sc (Hons) in Accounting all from the University of Lagos, Nigeria. Ochuko’s teaching interests includes Strategic Financial Management and Performance Management. He has publications in peer-reviewed and indexed journals. He is an Associate Chartered Accountant in Nigeria.
    My Publications
  1. Emudainohwo O. B & Okolo M. N. (2021) Earnings management and cost of debt: Nigeria non-financial firms experience, Journal of Social and Management Sciences/Faculty of the Social Sciences, Delta State University, Abraka.
      Vol.16(1) Pages: 63-87

  2. Emudainohwo O. B. (2020) Drivers of Financial Statement Restatement: Nigerian experience, Journal of Resources and Economic Development/ Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Maiduguri: Sahel Analyst Journal
    http://saheljournalsonline.org.ng/jredyear_2020_1.html Vol.3(1) Pages: 70-85

  3. Emudainohwo Ochuko Benedict (2020) IFRS and stock exchange development in sub-Saharan Africa, Investment Management and Financial Innovation Journal/LLC 'Consulting Publishing Company Business Perspective', Ukraine
    http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/imfi.17(3).2020.30 Vol.17(3) Pages: 397-407

  4. Tarurhor M. E and Emudainohwo O. B (2020) LEAN Manufacturing and firm performance in the Palm-Oil industries in Delta State, Nigeria, International Journal of Economics and Business Administration/International Strategic Management Association, EU
    DOI: 10.35808/ijeba/590 Vol.8(4) Pages: 319-331

  5. Emudainohwo B. Ochuko & Ejuvbekpokpo Stephen (2019) Institutional Quality Impact on Firms’ Performance and Economic Growth in Africa, Nasarawa Journal of Administration/Faculty of Administration, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Nigeria.
      Vol.11 Pages: 88-108

  6. Emudainohwo O. B. (2018) Short-run and Long-run Analysis of Macroeconomic Factors on Government Capital Expenditure: Evidence from Developing Country, Faculty of Business Studies, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Port-Harcourt, River State, Nigeria
    Vol.5(2) Pages: 256-265

  7. Emudainohwo O. B. (2018) Determinants of Dividend Policy in Non-Financial Firms Listed in Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE), Journal of Management Sciences /Sahel Analyst Journal. Faculty of Management Sciences (FMS) University of Maiduguri
    https://saheljournalsonline.org.ng/jmsyear_2018_3.htm Vol.16(3) Pages: 106-127

  8. Emudainohwo O. B., Boateng A., Braham S., & Ngwu F (2018) Analysis of Government Policies, Institutions and Inward Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from sub-Saharan Africa, Thunderbird International Business Review/Thunderbird School of Global Management, a Unit of the Arizona State University Knowledge Enterprise
    https://doi.org/10.1002/tie.21942 Vol.60(4) Pages: 523-534

  9. Emudainohwo O. B. (2018) (2018) Impact of Macroeconomic Indicators on Inward Foreign Direct Investment in Nigeria: 1981–2016, Journal of Management Sciences /Sahel Analyst Journal. Faculty of Management Sciences (FMS) University of Maiduguri.
    https://saheljournalsonline.org.ng/jmsyear_2018_5.htm Vol.16(5) Pages: 45-64

  10. Egbunike F. C. & Emudainohwo O. B., Gunardi A., Kurniasari F & Prihanto J. J. N. (2018) Sustainability Accounting Practices and Disclosure by Multinational Corporations in Nigeria, Journal of Applied Economic Sciences
    https://www.ceeol.com/search/journal-detail?id=1011 Vol.XIII(3(57)) Pages: 751-759

  11. Egbunike, F.C., Emudainohwo, O.B., & Gunardi, A. (2018) Tax Revenue and Economic Growth: A Study of Nigeria and Ghana, Signifikan: Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi
    Vol.7(2) Pages: 213-220

  12. Tarurhor M. E and Emudainohwo O. B (2018) Non-Performing Loans and Profitability in the Nigerian Banking Sector, West African Journal of Business and Management Science/ Faculty of Business Administration, Imo State University
    Vol.7(2) Pages: 49-58

  13. Emudainohwo O. B. (2018) Empirical Analysis of Macroeconomic variables: Long-run and short-run impact on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) inward flows in Nigeria, Journal of Multidisciplinary Research/ Faculty of Management Sciences, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rivers State, Nigeria
    Vol.4(1) Pages: 194-211

  14. Emudainohwo, O. B. and Uzoka Patrick (2018) Dynamic relationship between recession and employment rate of youth (ages 15-24) in Nigeria, Faculty of Management Sciences, Ambrose Ali University, Ekpoma, Nigeria
    Vol.9(1&2) Pages: 106-118

  15. Egbunike F. C. & Emudainohwo O. B. (2017) The Role of Carbon Accountant in Corporate carbon management system: A holistic approach, Indonesian Journal of Sustainability Accounting and Management/ Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia.
    http://unpas.id/index.php/ijsam/issue/view/7 Vol.1(2) Pages: 90-104

  16. Emudainohwo O. B. (2017) Determinants of price-earnings ratio: Nigerian experience (Quantile regression), International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Research/ Alicon Publications, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
    https://ijebmr.com/link/90 Vol.1(5) Pages: 46-76

  17. Emudainohwo O. B. (2016) Firm size and firm's performance: evidence from non-financial service industries in Nigeria, Ilorin Journal of Management Sciences; Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Ilorin
    Vol.3(1) Pages: 1-17

  18. Emudainohwo B Ochuko & Tarurhor M. E (2016) Impact of accounting information on market value of equity in Nigeria, AAU Journal of Management Sciences/ Faculty of Management Sciences, Ambrose Ali University (AAU)
    Vol.7(2) Pages: 70-82

  19. Efayena, O & Emudainohwo, O. B. (2011) The influence of earnings volatility on the financial leverage of business firms in Nigeria, AAU Journal of Management Sciences/ Faculty of Management Sciences, Ambrose Ali University (AAU)
    Vol.2(1) Pages: 153-168

  20. Efayena, O & Emudainohwo, O. B. (2009) The impact of financial flexibility on the capital structure choice of business firms in Nigeria, Nigerian Journal of Research in Contemporary Issues/ National Association for the promotion of research in contemporary issues, Imo State University, Owerri
    Vol.5(3) Pages: 79-93

  21. Emudainohwo O. B & Osazevbaru H. O. (2008) The economic basis and consequences of conflict in Africa: An expository analysis, Reading in conflict management and peace building in Africa/ Faculty of Social Sciences, Delta state University, Abraka
    Vol.2 Pages: 294-314