- Area of Specialization: Solid State Physics
- Department of Physics
- I am a professor of Solid State Physics in the Department of Physics, Delta State University, Abraka. I am a member of Nigeria Institute of Physics, member, the Nigeria Association of Mathematical Physics, and also a member, Science Association of Nigeria (SAN). I was the Dean, Faculty of Science, Delsu, Abraka, from 2018 to 2020, Head, Department of Physics, 2013 to 2018, Chairman Student Disciplinary Committee from 2018 to 2020, member, postgraduate business committee of senate from 2017 to 2020. I am external examiner to the Department of Physics, College of Education, Warri, 2013 to 2015, external examiner to the Department of Industrial Physics, Ebonyl State University, 2015 to 2016, external examiner to Department of Physics, Ambrose Alli University,Ekpoma, 2018 to Date, Also external examiner to postgraduate students in MSc and PhD to date.
Am a member of the Ad-Hoc Accreditation Panel to evaluate Physics programmes in University of Nigeria, Nsukka March, 2018, Ritman University, Ikot Ikpene 29th to 6th November, 2018, Ebonyl State University, Abakalike, and Arthur Javis University, Akpabuyo from 3rd to 8th November, 2019.
I have supervised 18 M.Sc Solid State Physics Students and currently supervising two PhD
students in Solid State Physics.
My Publications- OGO, B.O. and Ekpekpo, A. (2019) Optimization of the conductivity of Spray Deposited Fluorine Daped Tin Oxide Transparent Conductive Material., Nigerian Journal of Science and Environment.
Vol.17(1) Pages: 149-155
- Aminu, M. and Ekpekpo, A. (2019) Characterization of Cadmium Daped Zinc in Copper-Zinc-Tin-Sulphide Cu2ZnSns-4 (CZTS) Absorber Material for Solar Energy Application. , The International Journal of Science and Technology
Vol.7(6) Pages: 2019
- A. Ekpekpo and Ikasa, R.U. (2019) Characterization of Copper Sulphide (CUS) thin fils synthesized by electrotes Plating , International Research Journal of Pure and Applied Physics (IRJPAP)
Vol.6(1) Pages: 2019
- A. Ekekpo and Yalaju Alexander, T. 6(2) 2019 (2019) Synthesis and Characterization of Silver Nanoparticles deposited in Titanium (IV) oxide as a visible light photocatalyst, International Research Journal of Pure and Applied Physics
Vol. 6(2) Pages: 2019
- A. Ekpekpo and Likereti, G.D. (2019) Enhancing the Performance of Dye Sensitized solar cell by incorporating Nanoparticles , European Journal of Material Sciences (EJMS)
Vol. 6(1) Pages: 2019
- Ekpekpo A. and Chukwuka Doris. (2014) Synthesis and Characterization of Silver Sulphide Quantum Dots by UV – AVA Spectroscopy., International journal of applied Physics and Mathematics.
Vol.4(4) Pages: 263 – 266
- Ekpekpo A. and Ojegu O. E. (2014) Effect Of Deposition Temperature of Titanium Dioxide Thin Films Prepared By Electrostatic Spray Pyrolysis, Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics
Vol.26(3) Pages: 490 – 500
- Ekpekpo A. and Shaka O. S. (2014) Design and Construction Of Dye Sensitized Solar Cells (DSSCs) Incorporating Electrostatic Spray Deposited Titanium Dioxide (TiO2) Blocking Layers, Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics
Vol. 26(3) Pages: 500 – 527
- Ekpekpo A. and Ugbeh R. N. (2014) SIlver (Ag) Metalization of Polyaniline Thin Films., Nigerian Journal of Physics.
Vol. 25(1) Pages: 40 – 53
- Ekpkepo A. and Oghenerhoro O. (2014) Optical and electrical properties of SnO2 thin films deposited by Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD)., Nigerian Journal of Physics
Vol. 25(2) Pages: 19 – 26
- Ekpekpo A. and Ohworho E. A. (2014) Polyaniline and PVA Gel Electrolyte Based Electrochromic Display device. , Nigerian Journal of Physics.
Vol. 25(2) Pages: 1 – 10
- Oghenerhoro O., Onyekannankea J. C. and Ekpekpo .A. (2014) Design And Construction of An Instrument For Measurement of compressing Force/ Pressure Of A Compacting Material., Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, LAUTECH, Science Focus.
Vol. 19(2) Pages: 150 – 156
- Ekpekpo A. And Akpojivi Lucky (2013) Synthesis and Characterization of Cds and Cdse Quantum Dots by UV – VIS Spectroscopy, Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Science (JETAS)
Vol.4(2) Pages: 273 – 280
- Ekpekpo A. (2012) Quantum Behaviour and Phonon Emission by Solitons in Crystals at Low Temperature., Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences.
Vol.6(2) Pages: 106 – 111.
- Ekpekpo A. (2012) Ultrasonic Attenuation Due to Domain Walls of Superconductors , Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences.
Vol.6(2) Pages: 112 – 114
- Ekpekpo A. (2012) Magnetization at the Surface of unconventional Superconductors, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences.
Vol.6(3) Pages: 76 – 80
- Ekpekpo A. (2012) Symmetry Properties of Superconductors , Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences.
Vol.6(3) Pages: 81 – 86
- Ekpekpo A. (2011) Non-linear Magnetoacoustic Effects, International Journal of Research and Reviews in Applied Sciences.
Vol.6(4) Pages: 449 – 454
- Ekpekpo A. (2011) Bulk Properties of Unconventional Superconductors , International Journal of Research and Reviews in Applied Sciences
Vol.6(4) Pages: 455 – 461
- Ekpekpo A. (2011) Phase Conjugation and Phonon Echoes in Optics and Acoustics , International Journal of Research and Reviews in Applied Sciences.
Vol.7(3) Pages: 326 - 333
- Ekpekpo A. (2011) Proximity effect of the superconducting states between two superconductors of different parity, Advances in Applied Science Research
Vol.2(2) Pages: 461 – 465
- Ekpekpo A. (2011) Bistability, instability and chaos in nonlinear optical systems, Archives of Applied Science Research.
Vol.3(3) Pages: 12 – 19.
- Ekpekpo A. (2011) Filtration of images in acoustic and optics , Archives of Applied Science Research.
Vol.3(3) Pages: 20 - 28
- Aiyohuyin E. O., Iyorzor E. B., Amen A. Oni-Ojo, Eusibius Aghemenloh, Ekpekpo A. (2011) Thermodynamics properties of the one dimensional Hubbard model at finite temperature , Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences.
Vol.5(9) Pages: 353 – 357
- Ekpekpo, A., Iyayi, S. E. and Aiyohihum. E. (2010) Linear and Nonlinear Local Resonances in Thin Rough Films, Advances in Applied Science Research.
Vol.1(3) Pages: 67 – 77
- Ekpekpo A. J. (2010) Spectroscopy of Nonlinear Optical Activity in Crystals in the Niger-Delta region , ournal of Applied Sciences Research
Vol.6(11) Pages: 1848 - 1854
- Ekpekpo A. (2010) (2010) Optical Nonlinearity and Bistability in Semiconductors , Journal of Applied Sciences Research
Vol.6(12) Pages: 2230 - 2234
- 17. Ekpekpo A., Iyayi, S. E., E. Aiyohuyim (2010) Phase Transitions for Unconventional Superconductivity, International Journal of Research and Reviews in Applied Science.
Vol.5(3) Pages: 305 -369
- Ekpekpo A., S. E. Iyayi, G. K. Oyanna (2010) Kink Solitons in an antiferromagnetic chain with orthorhombic symmetry , Advances in Applied Science Research.
Vol.1(3) Pages: 86 – 97
- Ekpekpo A. (2010) Some Static and Dynamic Properties of Non-Linear Lattices in solids , Journal of Applied Sciences Research
Vol.6(12)( Pages: 2235 - 2240
- Aiyohuyim, E and Ekpekpo, A. (2009) Exact Ground State Energy of the Hubbard Model in one Dimension , Journal of Applied Sciences Research
Vol.5(6) Pages: 645 – 647
- 13. Ekpekpo A. (2009) Nonlinear Electron Phonon Interactions in Solid, Nigeria Journal of science and Environment. Faculty of Science, Delta State University, Abraka
Vol.8 Pages: 43 – 45
- Ekpekpo, A., Iyayi S. E., Oyanna, G. K. (2006) Crystal Lattice Deformation of Unconventional Superconductors, Nigerian Journal of Science and Environment, Faculty of Science, Delta State University, Abraka
Vol.5 Pages: 20 – 26.
- Ekpekpo A., G. K. Oyanna and S. E. Iyayi (2006) (2006) Josephson Effect in Unconventional Superconductors , Nigerian Journal of Applied Basic Sciences. 4(6); Faculty of Medical Sciences, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma
Vol.4(6) Pages: 115 – 119.
- Ekpekpo A., G. K. Oyanna and S. E. Iyayi (2005) Bistable States of Nonlinear Surface and Guided Waves in Three Layers Dielectric Structures , Journal of the Nigerian Annals of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Natural Science, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma
Vol.6(1) Pages: 84 - 93
- Ekpekpo, A. and Oyanna, G.K. (2004) Heavy-Fermion Superconductivity, Nigerian Journal of Physics
Vol.16(7) Pages: 40-48
- Ekpekpo A., Oseji, J. O. and Egbai J. C. (2004) Coexistence of Antiferromagnetism and Superconductivity, Zuma Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Abuja
Vol.6(2) Pages: 30-32
- 5. Ekpekpo A., Egbai, J. C. and Oseji, J. O. (2004) The Magnetic Effect of Impurities or Lattice Defects of Superconductors, Zuma Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 6(2); 33 – 36. Faculty of Science, University of Abuja
Vol.6(2) Pages: 33-36
- S. E. Iyayi and Ekpekpo A. (2004) Barrier heights of Au contacts to n-type and p-type silicon determined from Norde’s plot function, Journal of the Nigerian Annals of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Natural Science, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma
Vol.5(2) Pages: 100 – 102
- 7. Ekpekpo A., G. K. Oyanna and S. E. Iyayi (2004) The Boundary Conditions of Unconventional Superconductors, Journal of the Nigerian Annals of Natural Sciences, ; 81 – 86. Faculty of Natural Science, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma
Vol.5(2) Pages: 81-86
- 8. Ekpekpo A., G. K. Oyanna and S. E. Iyayi . (2004) Vortices for Unconventional Superconductors , Journal of the Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences Research
Vol.2(1) Pages: 48 – 52
- Egbai, J. C. and Ekpekpo, A. (2003) Migration Velocity Analysis by Fourier Transform in Seismic Data Processing , Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics
Vol.7(1) Pages: 147 - 154
- Egbai, J. C. and Ekpekpo, A. (2003) Resistivity Inversion – A Computer Iteration Technique for the Interpretation of Vertical Electrical Sounding., Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics
Vol.7(1) Pages: 155 -168.