
Email: ojarikreify@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: Operations Research, numerical Optimization, Differentials and mathematical Analysis
  • Department of Mathematics

  • Dr(Mrs.) Henrietta Ify Ojarikre is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics. She had her first degree in Industrial Mathematics from Delta State University, Abraka in 1997. As the best graduating student in her department, she was employed as a graduate assistant in year 2000 after her NYSC. She obtained her MSC. Mathematics in 2004 and Ph.D in Industrial Mathematics in 2012 from the prestigious Universities of Ibadan and Benin respectively. She has a simple persona, hardworking and straightforward. Currently, she is interested in Operations Research, Optimization theory, numerical analysis and stochastic Processes.
    My Publications
  1. Mamadu, E.J;,H. I. Ojarikre ,; S.A. Ogumeyo , D. C Iweobodo , E-O .A Mamadu , J. Tsetimi a , I.N Njoseh (June 2024) Super Convergernce and Stability Analysis of Finite Element Orthogonal Collocation Method for Time-fractional Telegraph Equation, Scientific African/ELSEVIER
    https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2468227624001157#:~:text=The%20method%20implemented%20the%20Vieta,the%20aid%20of%20MAPLE%2018. Vol.Volume 24, Pages: e02170

  2. EJ Mamadu ;, HI Ojarikre; D.C.Iweobodo, E.O.A. Mamadu, J. Tsetimi and I.N.Njoseh (2024) The Coercive Property and a Priori Error Estimation of the Finite Element Method for Linearly Distributed Time Order Fractional Telegraph Equation with Restricted Initial Conditions, American Journal of Computational Mathematics/Scientific Research
    https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation?paperid=136590 Vol.Vol. 14, No. 4 Pages: 381-390

  3. Mamadu, E.J;, Ojarikre, H.I; Iweobodo, D.COnyeoghane, N.J, Nwankwo J.C., EOA Mamadu, Tsetimi, J and Njoseh, I.N (2024) Super Convergernce and Stability Analysis of Finite Element Orthogonal Collocation Method for Time-fractional Telegraph Equation, Mathematic and Statistics/Horizon Research Publisher
    https://www.hrpub.org/journals/article_info.php?aid=14590 Vol. Vol. 12(6), Pages: 523 - 528

  4. EJ Mamadu, HI Ojarikre, Iweobodo, D.COnyeoghane, N.J, Nwankwo J.C., EOA Mamadu, Tsetimi, J and Njoseh, I.N (2024) An Approximate Solution of Multi-term fractional Telegraph equation with quadratic B-spline Basis functions, Scientific African/ELSEVIER
    https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2468227624004289 Vol. Volume 26, December 2024 Pages: e02486

  5. ojarikre, Henrietta Ify, Ideh Rand Ebimene James Mamadu (2024) Application of Elzaki Transform Method to Market Vollatility using black-Scholes Model, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics/Science Publishing
    https://www.scirp.org/pdf/jamp_2024032514570160.pdf Vol. Volume 12 Pages: 819-828

  6. EJ Mamadu and HI Ojarikre (2023) Gauss-Mamadu-Njoseh Quadrature Formula for Numerical Integral Interpolation, Journal of Advances in Mathematics and Computer Science/Journal of Advances
    https://journaljamcs.com/index.php/JAMCS/article/view/1810 Vol.Volume 38, No. 9 Pages: 128-134

  7. Mamadu, E.J, Ojarikre, H.I. and Njoseh, I.N (2023) An Error Analysis of Implicit Finite Difference Method with Mamdu-Njoseh Basis Function, Asian Research Journal of Mathematics
    https://journalarjom.com/index.php/ARJOM/article/view/675 Vol.Volume 19, No. 7 Pages: 20-30

  8. EJ Mamadu ;, HI Ojarikre; and I.N.Njoseh (2023) Convergence Analysis of Space Discretization of Time-Telegraph Equation, Mathematic and Statistics/Horizon Research Publisher
    https://www.hrpub.org/journals/article_info.php?aid=12943 Vol.Volume 11, No. 2 Pages: 245-251

  9. EJ Mamadu ;, HI Ojarikre and E.O. Maduku (2023) Finite Element Orthogonal Collocation Approach for Time Fractional Telegraph Equation with Mamadu-Njoseh Polynomials, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics/Scientific Research
    https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation?paperid=127721 Vol.Vol. 11,No. 9 Pages: 2023

  10. EJ Mamadu , I.N.Njoseh and HI Ojarikre; (2022) Space Discretization of Time-Fractional Telegraph Equation with Mamadu-Njoseh Basis Functions, Applied Mathematics/Scientific Research
    https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation?paperid=120168 Vol.Vol. 13, No. 9 Pages: 2022

  11. Ojarikre, H.I and Mamadu E.B (2022) Time Discretized Variational Iteration Method for the Stochastic Volatility Process with Jumps, Advances in Pure Mathematics /Scientific Research
    https://www.scirp.org/journal/paperinformation?paperid=121391 Vol.Vol. 12, No. 11 Pages: 693-700

  12. Augustine Omoghaghare. Atonuje, Henrietta Ify Ojarikre and Newton I. Okposo (2022) Stochastic Stabilization of Time-Lag Optimal Control System with Volterra Function using Brownian Motion, Ciencia e Tecnica Vitivinicola /Estacao Vitivinicola, Portugal
    https://www.researchgate.net/publication/378374906_STOCHASTIC_STABILIZATION_OF_TIME_LAG_OPTIMAL_CONTROL_SYSTEMS_WITH_VOLTERRA_FUNCTIONAL_USING_BROWNIAN_NOISE Vol.Vol. 37, No. 4 Pages: L6moR/163819014

  13. ojarikre, Henrietta Ify, John Nwabueze Igabari and Ebimene James Mamadu (2022) Simulation of Infectious Disease Model and its effects to Nigerian Economy, Sciencia e Tecnica Vitinicola Portugal
    Vol.37(1) Pages: 1634214205Rp7bO

  14. Charles O. Todo, Henrietta. I. Ojarikre and Jihn. N. Igabari (2022) Pearson Correlation Coefficient Assisted Estimation of the case-fatality rate of covid-19for 16 countries, International Journal of Science Academic Research
    Vol.373) Pages: 3531-3535

  15. C.O.Todo and H.I.Ojarikre and J.N Igabari (2022) Optimal EDC bill-mix Through Parameters tuning in an optimization, International Journal Of Mathematics and Statistics studies
    https://tudr.org/id/eprint/337/ Vol.10(1) Pages: 20-30

  16. N. Okposo,M.O.Adewale, E.N.Okposo, H.I Ojarikre and F.A.Abdullah (2021) A mathematical Study on a fractional COVID-19 transmission model within the framework of nonsingular and nonlocal kernel, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
    https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chaos.2021.111427 Vol.152 Pages: 111427

  17. Ojarikre, H.I (2020) Outer Approximation Technique and Interior point Method for Convex Sets, Nigerian Journal of Science and Environment
    Vol.Vol. 18(1) Pages: 41-45

  18. R. Ideh and H.I.Ojarikre (2020) Elzaki Transform Method for Fokker-Planck Equation, Nigerian Research Journal of Engineering and Environmental Sciences
    https://scholar.google.com/scholar?q=Elzaki+transform+Method+For+Fokker-Planck+Equation&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart Vol.5(1) Pages: 513-519

  19. Henrietta Ify I Ojarikre (2020) PETROLEUM PRODUCTS MODEL FOR DETERMINATION OF OPTIMAL STREAM BLEND, Ciencia e Tecnica Vitivinicola, Portugal
    https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Henrietta-Ojarikre/publication/381313244_Petroleum_product_model_for_Determination_of_Optimal_stream_Blend/links/66685971a54c5f0b945e2437/Petroleum-product-model-for-Determination-of-Optimal-stream-Blend.pdf Vol.Vol. 35, No. 8 Pages: 15-26

  20. E.J.Mamadu and H.I.Ojarikre (2019) Reconstructed Elzaki Transform Method for Delay differential Equations with Mamadu-Njoseh polynomials.” Journal of Mathematics and Systems Science, Vol.9: 41-45, 2019., Journal of Mathematics and Systems Science, Vol.9: 41-45, 2019.
    https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mamadu-Ebimene/publication/333976690_Reconstructed_Elzaki_Transform_Method_for_Delay_Differential_Equations_with_Mamadu-Njoseh_Polynomials/links/5ee33d5292851ce9e7dccc9c/Reconstructed-Elzaki-Transform-Method-for-Delay-Differential-Equations-with-Mamadu-Njoseh-Polynomials.pdf Vol.9 Pages: 41-45

  21. H.I. Ojarikre (2018) Production Scheduling and Distribution in Downstream Sector Using Block-Structured Linear Programming Solution Technique : A Comparative Analysis, Journal of Mathematics and Systems Science
    https://www.davidpublisher.com/Public/uploads/Contribute/5b9773b802887.pdf Vol.8 Pages: 67-75

  22. Ojarikre Henrietta I. (2018) Production Scheduling and Distribution in Downstream Sector Using Block-Structured Linear Programming Solution Technique : A Comparative Analysis., Journal of Mathematics and Systems Science
    Vol. Vol.8: 67-75 Pages:

  23. Ojarikre, H.I (2017) Back Order Inventory Model For Deteriorating Items., Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics
    Vol. Vol. 41: Pages:

  24. Ojarikre, H.I (2017) “A two-Stage Transportation Model Approach For Systems Maintennce and Recycling Problem”., Technical Transactions; Journal of Nigerian Institute of Production Engineers
    Vol. Vol.20, pp156-167, Pages:

  25. Ojarikre, H.I. and Njoseh, I.N (2017) Foreign Exchange Pricing as a Markov Process”. , Technical Transactions; Journal of Nigerian Institute of Production Engineers,
    Vol. Vol.21, pp 70-82 Pages:

  26. H.I.Ojarikre and P.O.Ekoko (2013) Block-Structured Petroleum Tanker-Routing Model for the Distribution of Petroleum Products, Nigerian Journal of Mathematics and Applications
    http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi= Vol.22 Pages: 34-45

  27. Ojarikre, H.I& Ighedo, O (2010) Dynamic Programming for Production Planning: an Application of Dijkstra's Model, Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/jonamp/article/view/91156 Vol.Vol 17 Pages: 383- 386.

  28. Ojarikre,H.I. (2009) On the efficiency of the Subgradient Projection, Nigerian Journal of Science and Environment/Faculty of Science, Delta State University
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=5KetjM8AAAAJ&pagesize=80&citation_for_view=5KetjM8AAAAJ:_Qo2XoVZTnwC Vol.9 Pages: 44-53

  29. Ojarikre, H.I (2007) On the constraint dropping strategy for polyhedral sets. , Nigerian Journal of Mathematics and Applications
    Vol. vol. 18, pp44-53 Pages:

  30. OjarikreH.I. ( 2009) Simulated Queues in Dynamic situations, Journal of Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics./Association of Mathematical Physics
    https://www.ajol.info/index.php/jonamp/article/view/83367 Vol.15 Pages: 425-430,

  31. Ojarikre, H.I. ( 2009) Markov Chain Model for refuse Disposal, International Journal of Numerical Mathematics/Mathematics Department
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=5KetjM8AAAAJ&pagesize=80&citation_for_view=5KetjM8AAAAJ:e5wmG9Sq2KIC Vol.4 Pages: 212-223