
Email: uoghoje@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: Environmental Chemistry
  • Department of Chemistry

  • Lecturer, Researcher and Environmental Consultant with a PhD in Environmental Chemistry and with special research interests in environmental pollution monitoring and control, Soil remediation and Soil fertility boosters, Organic wastes and spent petroleum oils recycling (From Wastes to Wealth and From Bin to Bank Advocates)
    My Publications
  1. S. U. Oghoje, J. E. Ukpebor, E. E. Ukpebor (2021) The Effects of Chicken Manure Digestates on the Removal of Diesel Range Organics from Petroleum Products Polluted Soils, Bulgarian Journal of Soil Science
    https://www.bsss.bg/issues/Issue1_2021/BJSS_2021_1_8.pdf Vol.6(1) Pages: 78 - 95

  2. Onoriode O. Emoyan, Godswill O. Tesi, Efe Ohwo, Chijioke Olisah & Stephen U. Oghoje (2021) Polybrominated diphenyl ethers concentrations in metals and plastics scrap impacted soils: Pollution load, sources, ecological, and onsite human health implications, Environmental Forensics/Taylor and Francis Groups
    https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15275922.2021.2006367 Vol. Pages: 1 - 16

  3. S U Oghoje, J E Ukpebor, P O Agbaire, C Ejeomo, P O Oviasogie (2020) Effects of Ramp Rate and Starting Temperature on Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometric Analyses of Petroleum Hydrocarbon, Journal of Chemical Society of Nigeria
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=ZIBGjeEAAAAJ&citation_for_view=ZIBGjeEAAAAJ:2osOgNQ5qMEC Vol.45 (6) Pages: 1188 - 1202

  4. Oghoje, U. S and Ukpebor, J. E (2020) The Effects and Efficacy of Chicken Manure Digestates on Bioremediation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons Polluted Soils , Nigerian Research Journal of Chemical Sciences (ISSN: 2682-6054)
    https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ufuomaefe-Oghoje/publication/341626371_The_Effects_and_Efficacy_of_Chicken_Manure_Digestates_on_Bioremediation_of_Petroleum_Hydrocarbons_Polluted_Soils/links/5f4f52ab458515e96d22b637/The-Effects-and-Efficacy-of-Chicken-Manure-Digestates-on-Bioremediation-of-Petroleum-Hydrocarbons-Polluted-Soils.pdf Vol.8(1) Pages: 311 - 328

  5. S. U Oghoje, J. E Ukpebor, E. E Ukpebor, C. Ejeomo (2020) Comparison of the effects of two forms of organic stimulation on the bioremediation of monocyclic-aromatic hydrocarbon in soils, Journal of Chemical Society of Nigeria
    file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/480-Article%20Text-564-1-10-20200523.pdf Vol.45(3) Pages: 555 - 566

  6. S. U Oghoje, J. E Ukpebor, P. P Oviasogie (2020) Prediction of Manure Maturity using pH Dynamics, Journal of Chemical Society of Nigeria
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=ZIBGjeEAAAAJ&citation_for_view=ZIBGjeEAAAAJ:qjMakFHDy7sC Vol.45(3) Pages: 555 - 566

  7. Oghoje, S. U, Ukpebor, E. E, Edema, M. A (2008) Physico-Chemical Properties and Selected Heavy Metals Concentration in Herbal (Medicinal) Preparations in Nigeria, Chemtech Journal, Chemical Society of Nigeria, Edo State Chapter.
    https://schhttps://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=ZIBGjeEAAAAJ&citation_for_view=ZIBGjeEAAAAJ:IjCSPb-OGe4Colar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=ZIBGjeEAAAAJ&citation_for_view=ZIBGjeEAAAAJ:Y0pCki6q_DkC Vol.4 Pages: 66 - 70

  8. Oghoje, S. U.; Ukpebor, E. E and Edema, M. A. (2008) The Level and Forms of Lead and Cadmium in Industrial Areas of Warri and Environ. , Book of Proceedings, Chemical Society of Nigerian (31st Annual International Conference) Deltachem,
    https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=en&user=ZIBGjeEAAAAJ&citation_for_view=ZIBGjeEAAAAJ:Y0pCki6q_DkC Vol. Pages: 177-180.