
Email: poiyeke@delsu.edu.ng

  • Area of Specialization: Guidance and Counselling
  • Department of Institute of Education

  • Dr. Iyeke, Patrick Okoh is a lecturer with specialization in guidance and counseling. His research interest is essentially on counseling needs of higher institution students to which he renders individual counseling. He has also served in many faculty and university committees such as Faculty Teaching practice committee and currently a member of the University TETFUND committee on manuscript and book development. He is married with children.
    My Publications
  1. Iyeke, P.O. & Fakrogha, I.E. (2019) The place of guidance and counseling in enhancing quality assurance in higher education in Delta State, Benue State University Journal of Education
    Vol.19 Pages: 145-152

  2. Iyeke, P.O. (2018) Challenges utilization of information and communication technology (ICT) in counseling in Nigeria: implication for capacity building., ATBU Journal of Science and Education (JOSTE)
    https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Challenges-on-Utilizing-Information-and-Technology-Okoh/87437294e0309d42d38ae69ff1c2fdcfdc2075b2 Vol.6 Pages: 184-191

  3. Iyeke, P O., Onyema, L.C. & Nwose, E. U (2018) Perceptions and unmet expectations of undergraduate students on the role of Counseling in academic achievement :Implications for academic program review, World Journal of Education/Sciedu Press
    https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1193784.pdf Vol.8 Pages: 88-96

  4. Iyeke, P.O. & Onorharigho, F.O. (2016) Knowledge and Hazards of Self-medication among Secondary Schools Students in Ethiope East Local Government Area of Delta State., Journal of Education and Practice/International Institute for Science, Technology & Education. USA
    https://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/JEP/article/view/28770/29533 Vol.7 Pages: 105-115

  5. Iyeke, P.O. (2014) Inculcating reading culture in secondary school students for academic excellence and national development,, Research in Education, Institute of Education, Delsu, Abraka
    Vol.20 Pages: 90-94

  6. Iyeke, P.O. (2013) Motivation as a correlate of the universal basic education (UBE) Teachers productivity in Edo and Delta states of Nigeria., Journal of Sociology, Psychology and Anthropology in Practice
    https://www.icidr.org/Jspap_Vol5_No1_April2013/Motivation%20as%20a%20Correlate%20of%20the%20Universal%20Basic%20Education%20(UBE)%20Teachers%20Productivity%20in%20Edo%20and%20Delta%20States%20of%20Nigeria.pdf Vol.5 Pages: 28-35

  7. Iyeke, P.O. (2013) Stemming the tide of insecurity in our tertiary institutions for a safer Nigeria: Guidance and Counselling implications., Research in Education, Institute of Education, Delsu, Abraka
    Vol.19 Pages: 17-22

  8. Iyeke, P.O. & Fakrogha, I.E. (2012) The place of guidance and counseling in enhancing quality assurance in higher education in Nigeria., Research in Education: a Research Journal
    Vol.18 Pages: 53-58

  9. Iyeke, P.O. & Fakrogha, I.E. (2012) Vocational counseling as a strategic tools for promoting entrepreneurship among Nigeria youths., Journal of Research in Education and Society: International Perspective
    https://www.icidr.org/jres-vol5no2-august2014/Vocational%20Counselling-A%20Strategic%20Tool%20for%20Promoting%20Entrepreneurship%20Training%20among%20Nigerian%20Youths.pdf Vol.5 Pages: 26-31

  10. Iyeke, P.O. (2011) Information and communication technology (ICT) needs of secondary school teachers in Delta state: a case for human capital development, Journal of Research in Education and Society, International Perspective
    Vol.13 Pages: 23-35

  11. Iyeke, P.O (2010) Cultivating and channeling students’ self-efficiency towards attaining academic excellence: the counselor’s role., Journal of Research in Education
    Vol.2 Pages: 15-35

  12. Iyeke, P.O. & Okoro, J. (2007) Towards the realization of the philosophical tenets of business education in colleges of education, Educational trends. A Journal of the National Federation of Education Trends Promoters.
    Vol.25 Pages: 33-40

  13. Oghuvbu, E.P and Iyeke, P.O. (2004) An analysis of community-school relation as a peaceable tool for school administration, Nigeria Journal of Education and Development Studies (AJEDS)
    Vol.41 Pages: 18-23

  14. Okoro, J & Iyeke, P.O. (2004) An appraisal of adequacy of instructional facilities available for teaching business studies in secondary schools in Delta state., Africa Journal of Education and Development Studies (AJEDS)
    Vol.1 Pages: 34-39

  15. Iyeke, P.O & Oghuvbu, E.P. (2003) Teacher preparation program and the teaching profession in the new millennium, Multidisciplinary Journal of Research Development
    Vol.1 Pages:

  16. Iyeke, P.O. (2002) Reforms and renovations in primary education: Issues and challenges, Nigerian Journal of Research and Production (NIJOREF)
    Vol.15 Pages: 71-78

  17. Oduh, W.A. & Iyeke, P.O. (2002) Towards Nationality Unity: counseling for conflict resolution, The Counselor, Counselling Association of Nigeria (CASSON)
      Vol.19 Pages: 188-195

  18. Iyeke, P.O. & Dada, B.O. (2000) Toward improved teaching practice experience in the next millennium” in teacher education, Association of Teacher Educators of Nigeria
    Vol.2 Pages:

  19. Iyeke, P.O. (1999) Development process of children: Implication for Primary school guidance” in knowledge, Review
    Vol.1 Pages: 26-28

  20. Iyeke, P.O. & Ogbuvbu, E.P. (1996) A Comparative study of the attitude of nursery education (Diploma) students towards the programs and their academic achievements. Implication for educational management and counseling”, Institute of Education, Delsu, Abraka
    Vol.2 Pages: 105-112